Made .wth Puff Sleeves and a train, and was completed with an ivory tulle veil trimmed with. orange blos- somis. Gardenias fashioned the bride's bouquet. The two sisters of the bride, her 9 ni> attendants, were -also in white, in garden-party frocks -of .organdy, with which 'they carried old,-fashioned bouquets of sprin ilwr. Mrs. Wal- lace W. Weld (Helen Mearns) wore llue slippers .and mâtts, and ber froek was trimmed with bine taffeta. Miss B3arba ra Mearns' frock 'had pink trimmiring,, and she wore pink. mitis and .stîppers. Nfrs., Mearns ivas dressed ini black lace and :wore gardenias, and tbe bridegroom's miother, Mrs. williani F. Sweazea of Evanston, wore a white ýcrepe gown, with a scarlet jacket and carried gardenias. Wýallace WeId of Glencoei formeriy of Evanston, ivas l)est man, and Rich-* ard McDerniott of -Evanston and Titeodore Brickel of Oak Pr ushered. Thie Kenilivorth Un'iioni clurch. dec- orated with spring flovers. wvas ,crowded for the service, which Dr. Herbert L. Willett read at 8 o'clock in the eivening. 1 Spring 'flowvers- aiso decorated the Mèens. bouse at 51 fi %Vïrwick avenue, *vhere aiot,0 guests gathered for the reception iol- lowiIlg the service. The last of the nlany parties %vhicli preceded the wedding was a supper Mr. and Mrs. Sweazea gave 'at their hone . Fridav evening, after, the re- liearsal. Following the reçeption MNr. 5wea- » zea and his .bride left for a liomev- 1liOOfl l)y niotor. They will be hoile af ter June 15, in the house tliey lîav-, taen in 'Zogers avenue ini Kenilwort.. Fia wer Show ýJulg 9 Aiter the. Lake' Forest sp)rili flower and,-garden show cornes -tile %Viinetka summer flower and gardeit show. sponsored by the \V'inntçtka Garden club and scheduled for Satur- day. July 9. The exhibit will be air- ranged in Matz hall, ConiinurnLvY House. .Mrs. Robert Gardner of Indian Hill is general chiairinan. Mrs. Langdon Pearse -of Golf lane is pres- ident of the club. Particulars of the *show will be, annouced latei-. tertain forty-five friends. Socoritg Has Formai The Gamma Phi Beta sorority heldI its annual foDrmail at Skokié Country club Saturday evening, May 21. L ORIlD'S TuA@ Ue JFaIfuhlu ont on Use Porcis . . e Attractive ltte tables in green. Or in a combination of r.d and blick. Ex<remely usefull Deauville Chairs with arms COMPLUTE WITH MAPLE SLAT LEG lEST. Beach UMBRELLAS Meol umbrella tablis $6.95 BUY ON OUR BUDGET PLAN.: LORD'S Third Floor of Fine Fooruign. Loungy- Porci, Olîlders $1 0.50 The, mout comfortabl. sort of porch seat. They gilde *aiy- the, metai - frame hilstuordy. the. Two-pauen~ger gliers at $6.95 Convenient Coffee. Tables. $2-95