COUusuDeIS>v li nwih ucn an assort- ment of beautifiil bareback riders, clowns, chariot racers, animiais, and the. frivolitv that acconîpanies a cir- cils., Mr. and M,\rs. 1. A. Archamibault were hosts to a group of friends, .Mr*. and Mrs. Lyle Jones, .Mr. and Mrs; A. L. Cunîimings, Mr. and Mrs. C.' J. Golee, Mr. and M.\rs Roy Cooley. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer G.alitZ of Evanston, M r. and Mrs. A.. C., Sauter. MNr. and Mrs. Dougflas .Mc-Reyniold., Mr. -and Mrs. Don Dixon, Mr. and M1\rs. Otto Baer. Mr. and M rs. Fred Worknîan, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kutten, Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Frederick aid. Mr-. and Mrs. Carroll Shaff er entertained large and' gay parties. '.\r. and Mrs. E. A. HoNY- ardà's party of twenti- consisted of-1 bIareblack ,riders, barkers, clowns and gaý' co'stulned guests. At Mr. andi Mrs. Thomas Coyne's table-Mr. and Xl\-rs. \\alter Knoop. M r. and MNrs. \VeIler Kimball, werc included amnong the guests. Mr. and Mýrs. Raililh Zinilinerni and their gulests, Mr. and .Mrs. 'f. J. Octigai oi .\Vinnetka,. jo-)inid the revelers late ini tlhe evenînllg. Trîe graduatjng clas.s of St., George Iiigh s§chool ini Evanston. heid its senior banquiiet at Xista. del Lago M.ay 18. 'f'lit program i as 'trduction,. Edward Gleason, president;, josep)h Casey., toastniaster; - Our Champion liebateils, R. Setz; (hem There- ~~rohe~~ Vincent; A message, ~'Boter'J.Elzear; and exteniper- a»ostaIks. Music ý\as b-,N. Tl-. aricos, S. G. Crî,oners. Officers oi the senlior class oi 1932 are: Jdward K. Gleason, president; jloseph M. Casey,ý vice-presidet; Roger .1. Hayes. secre-! tary; ýThomas C. MurÉay,-trtasurer;ý Willliam H-. Kelly, sergeint-at-arms. * nugthe nienibers and théirfanmi- iics, 1 saw Mm. and Mrs. Ira J. Wilson, Mmr. and Mms. T'. E. Murchison, \Ir. and Mrs. Clarence: Burpee, M. n M rs. E. L. Hicks, Jr., Mr. and.Mrs. S William L.1_Taylor, Mr. and.-Mrs. Frank Kegley, Mr. and Mts. M. J.-P. Barmett, NIr. and Mrs. E. A. Howard havinig dinner> at the club Thursday evening. always Famnilv dinner night to operate as a coinplete food market, it is explained, offering a fulll une o; meat and delicatessen, as weIl as a large variety of bakery products be- ifig handled in, addition to staple groceries and vegetables. The self-service* systemf of mer- chandising wiIl prevail except ini the meat, produce and bakery depart- m ents where customers will be served by attendants. Officiais of the company state thiat four leases have been closed and- that newv stores will be'rapidly as suitable locations can be obtain cd. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE7 SERVICES "Anci ent and Modern Necromnancy, alias- Mesmerism and Hypnotism, De- n.ouniced," wilL be the subject at- the services in First Chuirch of Christ, Scientisti in Wilmette, Sunday morn- ing. May 29, at Il o'clock. Sunday school convenes at 9:45 o'clock. Buy Early Ainerican FURNITURE This week-end offrs additionaI opoihnities for snapshots beuse of Memorial fDay. De prepared w*iIh plenty of film to record the fun . . thoen, bring youar *xposed film to us for qu.elity deveIoéing and prying. SPecial Facilities tor Enlargoïments, AierCo tCmpany PfEtISfiapTION PRtCisiow MADE OPTIIANSGLASSES5 164« ORRINSTON AVE., EVANSTrON CHICAGO: 105 N. WABASH AVE. 18. S. LA SALLE ST. 78 E. JACKON BLVD., NOW ture. Early American, re- productions in. maple can bpurcbased in small uitls and additional. pieles. ordered to* match in the: future as f unds permit.. You will be surprised how much can' be done witb this type of furniture at turcloy are guest of honor %%îll be Dr. Giuseppe Castruccio, Italian Consul General in Chicago, and Beniamino Gigli, noted Italian tenor, who is to sing Satur- day evening at the Chicago North Short Music festival. F. 1. CHICHESTER, Pro>. Ontario Streets. 626 Church. St., Evanston Greenleaf 9719