Jte.outio.u o eboIne craofrettbiku, obitu- arie, »osesor . etertabunents or other affai wber. an admittanoe charge la publised. vili b. euiarged at regular aulvertlmlng rates. Sehool conce rts1 s e r v e two valuùable ends.. To the pupils incéluded in the musi-, cal organizations- concerts indicate enter-, Scolprises that rouse interest a n dà painstaking efforts, Concerts and t h at provide oppor- tunity for public appear- anc es. To the school public, concerts give evidence of what the, music departnient is, doing and hou, well it is doing it. They also advertise.the scbool itself., North shore residents: are offered sev- eral tinles each school year concerts of. much more than ordinary value. Our township high scht'ool gives, public exhi- bitions of the abilit'y'gained in. gice clubs. chorus, orchestra and'band.' The skill spirit, of the yountig people on these notable, occasions seem s marvelous tp inost people, in the audiences. Likcwise oir* priniary .sehool musical grouips presenit concerts that not onlv pro- vide enjoynient but also iuch profitab)le experience. Conmpsitions that in vears gone by. only skilled aduit imsicians mwould have tackled are ini these dav,ýs attemipted and donc well by grade pulpils. Our admiration goes ont to the heads. and menihers of-nmu sic inii n-C)r t lhshore school s. The iiiolth o<f orange blossomsis 1,on the threshold. [une..is about to annouince ber'arrivai, and Nvho is sorrv that she is with ils again? Orange Blossoms WVith bier coine and Yuck 1brides and swNeet. girl graduiates. Thinking of june's pleasant offerings mwe can afford to forget june buigs and earIv m e r e passing acquaint- ance ? Should we ne ver sec him again on the stfeets of Winnetka pr on the faniiliar train? Hard to believe. but aIl too true. We were flot so fortunate as, to have Abundant evidence is at hand to prove that price-buying is coming to an end. It seeis yerv likely that people who have Pr.ceBt4'glg, >bought goods mere- Pric.Buyng IV or îargeîy,.because Ends they w:%,,erc c h e a p h a v e learned that ontecau, very ra relv ,get somnthing for nothing. and -that, cheap things are ýcheap not onily in. price but aiso in value. l3argains are sometimes W'orth mnor e than tbey cost. But -%îe think that not of our readers- will agree that they are usalv wjth, much less ýthan.:thcy cost and that in the long run thev produce not satisfaction -but regret. What'.man, bas not, bought at a bargain price an appar- ently good suit 'and lived to he, ashanied. of the suit? What wmian bha s not bought stockings for a song-and soon wished that she had not parted with the song? L4et us, practice-truc econo.my. Let. us bu:%4 vahore and not. price. Let us be hotlh penný%-.%vise and pound-w,%ise. MýTe have good grounids :for increasing our, respect in north shore baniks. They. have weathered successfully the storm Show Your that has smashed hun- dreds of baniks else- Confidence where. Our batiks have shown thle ir strength, their tr.ustworthiness. Our con- fidence is wvell placed. Show faith in the integrity and strcngth of the local, batiks: by increasing,ypur deposits nowr in, the. batiks. The A mericant public, has shown its trust in the national governmnen t by depositing in Uncele Sam's postal savings banik over 700 million dollars. Consider this fact. Behind our local banks stands the Recon- struction Finance Corporation. sponsored de- Swimming days. are' here, at least for those w,-,ho react wbplesomely tû cold plunges. What with drinking, bathing, washing,' ire extinguishing, cooking, we human beings owe mnuch to water. Tbe League of Nations may or may not be in- terested in thme fact that the more o~r less recently acquired Office Mouse and our veteran tnascot, Gin, the Type-eating Terrier, repose peacefùlly side by side. We hesitate, however, to add the neighbor's cat to the, menagerie. -MIQUE, For the poet eviciently ineant that it seldom if ever happens That any day in any other month is 80 nearly an ideal day As some individual day in June Well,,tbese lines, of mine have degenerated into a dikcUssion 1- meant thern to be a celebration of' June bride- grooms and Manly imen gralduates. But it isn't too late to play a lifttie tuneý In.praise of June Itmust be admittedl that some June days are, bot That bugs, of various sizes and reputations. Appear ini the early days.of this. wonderful sixth month But:a f ter al. since this is the first really: open' month ,f the -year And since Nature is at her prettiest about now, We mnust agree with J.. R. L. that. the years_ perfect days Are Iikelyto corne in June -Fil Ossifer. COLONIAL HOME .-fIl have forg.(otten fthose who oisce kneu', Ill heretht ile. frfbloomied. and the hiî1vhocks Il 'here the tailiclis drooprid. and the siope o!tihe. * loai-l Cou qhilt the ,-aVs, of thicSsij, ai the earliest dawn. No Iosiger flic culrtainis of ruffled white,' The s/ifltrs are closed now to. keep out. the lipht. .111 :av for.qoueni thegrandeur you knePW,ý *The Ioi-cd oncs voiî sheitered, the hearts fliat brat truc. Oh. statoic/v o/d Cohnîiiai Home., Whjo daiiced bcincath yot-r crys fol dorne, Ladies So char.ningly grace fui, so rare, Wit/a rjfled skirts, anîd powdcred /hair. tf 'it/îùî. o- ha/fs, iuslîed jînusic steals, :Thte rc/îoiiîg soiunds of Virgti&ia reels, Phan:tojiiste/'s a/I .aroiid. the place, The s'is/î of satiii, of ptcfiat lace. The roses stif célimib np -ou.r trellises h igh,. 1fit thc'y are, flot sei. bv tihe Passerby. If evr e cstops, 'fis ouî(y. to Say: .4 finle aid /sone of a' bygone day. -Hele. Zùnî.wzinkel, 14ih,îicttc. The \\ilrnette Optinist club, which was signally