Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 26 May 1932, p. 1

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HONOR WAR DEAD HoId Memorùial Services Sun.. day Afternoon; Observances Start With. Procession Kenilwonth Will hold its annual M1ýemorial services Sunday, May 21, .îh h parade stanting at 2 :45 o'clock ini the afternoonI followed by commemorative services at the monu- nient in the Village Meinorial park and a 1'prgam starting at 3 :15 'clfock in the Kenilwo rth assembly hall.. The parade wilIl formi on: Kenil- wonth avenue, just east of.Warwick road, -under the direction of -Robert W. Tolmiley at 2:30 o'clock. The or- der of manch will be: speakers of the day. Great Lakes *Drum and Bugple corps, Great Lakes. firing sqùad. United States naval band from the Great Lakes Naval Tfaining statioa, %vreathi bearers, the colons, Boy Scouts. Sea Scouts, Cubs, Junior Hikers. Girl Scouts, Camp Fine Girls, pupils of the josephi Seans school, students: of, New Trier Highi school, mnembens of thé, Sunday schools of the Chiurch of the Holy Comfonter and the Kenilworth Union church and other patriotic residents of the village. Give Unei of Marci Following is the fine of mnardi for the parade: east on Keiiilworth ave- nue to Leicester road, south on Lei- cester road to Woodstock avenue, east on Woodstock avenue to Raleighi road, north on Raleighi road to Kenil- won th. avenue, and .West on Keniil-, Worth avenue to the Village M.\em-o- rial. park. The- Rev. g-ebert. L. Willett, mni- ister. of the, Kenilvorth Uniion.chiurcli,, ivili give the invocation at the com- memonative services at the monu- ment., This will be folloWed by the placing of a wneath for the children of Kenîlworth. ý Lucy Dix, Girl Scout, will be the wreath hearers. The zuiard noflmnar. P. 0. CLOSED MONDAY The Wilmette Post Office will be closed aIl day on Memorial Day (Monday, May 30). There will be no deliveries, of mail and the regular Suniday dispatch schedule will be in vogue. zens Las Wilmette's Perpetual Harmiony Con-7 vention plan for, the. selection 'of candidates for, Village offices, as- dut-1 lined in the May 5 issue of WIJ.mtTTe taPE, ivas unanimously adopted iii pnin- cçiple at a meeting, of representative citizens held in the Vill age hall Friday evening, May 20. Hloyt King ýwâs lected as chairnian of the meeting and Albert A. Mc- Keighan..appointed, secretàry. Approval of the plan followed a general discus- sion. Fred, M. Clarke, 931 OakWood avenue, made the motion which brought a vote on the -proposition. The mnakeuip of the convention was changed so that it will consist of iiiree menmbers from each of the twelve pre- cincts, thus eliminating the six meni- bers-at-large as ..provided in the plan, as publishied. The niatter of rides under which the convention is to operate wvas discussed. This, and the change mentioned above, were referred to a committee consist- intg of Albert A. M.\cKeigban, William ndmonds and Fnederick M. Clarke, which comniittee is to report at a pub- lic mneeting. to *he held in the near fu- ture, it wvas explained. New Trier P.T.A. to Ponder New Problems Thene is to be a general mneeting of the New Trier Parent-Teacher association Wednesday evening, june 1, at 8 ocltock ini the, highi school auditorium.. The subject of the meet- ing. is to -be "Pnoblemns-Facin!g Ne wv Tirfor 1932-33.7 Otto R. Bannett. president of' the New Trier school board, will present the point of view of the boar.d of education. anid another speaker will ........... FIag-Raàising, Services at Graves, Street Procession and -Observ- ances in Washington- Park Comprise MemrlDa Program; Gen. John V.. Clinnin- Speaker, \Vilnette's. citizenry will Monday. morning, Mý-ay 30,1 tribute to the soldier dead of1 pause1 to p ay the nla- tion and community. The annual - Memorial Day obser- výances, ar ranged. under, direction of joseph H. Heinzen, chairman of the Patriotic Celebrations Committee for Wilmette Post No. 46, of the Amùen- can Legion, will begin with flag-rais- ing ceremonies 'at thle- Village hall Green at 6;:30 o'clock. Legionnaires, PARADEMLNE 0F MARCH Assembly at Village, hall Green. The lune of miardi will proceed as follows: Wilmette ;ý',enue west to Park avenue, Park avenue nonth to Lake ave- nue, Lake avenue east t Eighth street, Eighth,,street south to Central avenue, Central aven ue. east to Sixth Street, Sixti Street south to 1 avenue, Linden avenue east toI Street, Fourth Street nonth to, C avenue, SCentral avenue east to ington Park at Lake fron-t. Linden Fourtii Central Wash- a Spanish-Anîerican v.,aË veterans' IiriIgý squad. andte Legion Dnum aüd Bugle coîrps. ivili participate in the cerexuonv. At 7- o'clock the Legion will con- duct memorial services at the grave. iii Memnonial Park of Lieut. Ralph E. Wessel, past commander of Wilmette Post, wvho passed away Iast Novem- May 29, for deconation of graves at Memiorial Park cemetery. The flowers will be placed on the graves of wan- veterasltrta day.rasatrtt -Patriotie Celebrations.Comnmittee. patriotie and civic groups and indivi- dual 'citizens. Memorial Day observances in Washington Park will begin at Il. o'clock, with Brig. Gen. John V. Clinnin of Glencoe,. veteran of the Spaniish-American and Wérld wars and an outstanding.civic leader as th e speaker of the day. The- conmittee in charge of the day's acti'vities plans to have ampli- fiers at the park so, that ail who. at- tend may.clearly hear the program. The program has been announéed as follows: Se1ectibn..I?.,rum and Bugle Corps- WiImettë Post No. 46 Invocatto!È . . E ev. fliubert Carleton~ America .New Trier Band anld Assembly Address.g. Gen. John, V. Clinnin Beniediction.,Rev. James T. Venokiasen Tribute to the Dead-placlng of Me- morial Wreath by Mrs. F. J. Dowd, President Women's AuxillIary of WiI- mette Post No. 46, American Leglon. Rifle Salute... ................... . ...United States Na.val Reserve Taps ............ Stanley Peterson Raising of Colors ..... Wllmette Post Selection .......... To the Color"-ý Drum and Bugle Corps Huerter Légion~ Post Conducts Memoral Rites The Peter J. Huerter post of the Amierican Legion will hold a Memno- rial day parade in the Ridge avenue section, of the. Village and commemô. native service at St. Joôseph's cerne- tery next Monday morning (Memo- rial day). The Parade will start about 9:30 o'clock, assembling at theold Stand- ard school on Wilmette avenue just west of Ridge road, and marching east on Wilmette avenue to Sixteenth merce, representing the Provident Mutual Life Insurance Company of Philadeiphia" in connection with thefr. rnértgage lbans. Sodety 32,33

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