murs da, riay ani awdy May 26, 27 and 28' Scores of ý Values from Ail Over the store YARD GOODS'ý White suitinsg, ydé, 51.25 AiI-wool; Sumnmer weight:. 54 inches wide. miends, >d., S AI*-wool crepes, flannels; light shades;, 54 inches wide.. Eyootbaito y.,68i 3inles wide. Third Floor ACCESSORIESý Chiffon hosiory, wir., 75i Lovely, sheer; new Sprig shades.ý Scarhs, 45C Plaid in green comibinations. MeSb glovosf pr., 65c 4.buî toni; White; *6 to 7V2. First Fluor BREDDING, ETC. Bath, shoots, $1 Large and soft; gay colors: very special. S<spreedsi 51.45 Patterned chintz; double, Size only. Camp blanleets, sa., $1.75 Ttiree-fourths wool; dark green only; 62 x 80 inches. Third Floor SUMMER THINGS-1 1FOR THE HOME: Bird bath, $4 White ceinent; fortela; special value. red, Food a,$ Aluminum; Lgallon size; for, liquids or foods. Lower Floor Perci, glidor, 5$9.75 FOIli ngth; attractive cover, 2 desigons; removable seat and back Fifth Fluor CURTAINS, RUGS#, ETC@ Awnins75c -t. 51.50, For winijows; ready to bianig; 30, 36, 42 and 48-in. Curtains, Pr., $1.95 RKuffled; pastel'colors. Raj rugi, 5$3.95, $6.95, ý, 9.75 Room size; 4 x 7 6 x9 an d 9 x. 12. Pif th Floor GIRLS' APPAREL Slacks, 51.95 Wide legs; Spanish sasb; wliite with red, blueor brown stripes; 8 to 16.. Wash dresses, $1.95 Sheers, pique s, prints; 8 to 16. Wash dresses, 2 for $1 Peter Pan cloth; sizes. 8 bo 14.ý Wasl, blouses, 75c, Prints-and sheer niaterial; for warm weather. Second Fluor TOILET GOODS Forhan's .Tooth paste. 24c Bkae Rose 0"p,6 fer $1 Copeion soap. Toiltwator,aci, #Sc Cheramv. First Floor Gardon. sots, 35c oel, shovel end* rake;. 30 in. long. Second Floor BOYS, APPAREL Jackets, $395 Light weight; single breast- ed, contretiug eather imi; niavv blue, bottle green; 6 to f8. Wash suit. $1 55 Broadclot(i a"nd finette; aleeveless and short sîceves;, new Spring shades; 3 to Io*, Second Floor, BOOK s UnI4enc, 21c New ties frein our Library shielves. Third Fluor Rentai. CANDIES. N uts, lb., soc Summer candies, 1 lb.,, 7 ozî,, 75c Packed in. an attractive box. First lo NOTIONS FANCY GOODS Lunciseon clothi, si Stamped in a choice of -3 patterns; 50 x 50-In. Pu@w.;s, 2ËfMr 51 Silk.repp;-cord trimmed; very special.ý Third Floor LINGERIE Fi necorduroy; attractive' colors; a, s.pecial value. L.aigenei .ach, 60cý Silk rayon bando 'slips, gowns, ptajamas, combina- tions. Nougie., 52.95 Printed silk crepe; attrac- tive floral patterns. Silk lingerie, oach, 19 A wide selection. Pantie slips, $11.95 Bias eut, lace trimmed; alsô many other styles. Titird Fluor MfISSE$', WOMEW'S APPAREL Skirts, $2.95 Flannel and wool c.repe; whCté and pastel shkdes; i several styles. Wa0shblus,5 White and light Summer colors; Inany sye;short. sleeves and sleeveless. White coats, $10 Polo cloth in seveiral styles, t ravs very M