Here are things you ne.d for your MEMORIAL D)AýY HOLIDAY Things for MEN' Ai-wool golf liose in boOî plain colors, patterns, Si White oxford shirts for golf; pre-shrunk; collar attached -.-51.65 AII-Jeather hlaek bet with buckie. 75c On the First Floor- Suede1 jacket , with new Cossack- coliar; natural colors; ail sizes. 5 .4.95 Flannel slack s; pure wool in gray or tan; A sizes at . . . . . $3.95 Things for mWOMEN Angora pullover jerkins be worni over the blouse or dress for sports at. . . . . 51q95 Sports bag . . .made of cowbiide with zipper fast- ener; brown and iIack; 18 inches long ..$ On the First, Flooir Golf bag witli brassie driver,» mashie, midiron and putter. Set. $3.85 Tennis rackets. exeep- tional values: IL. C. Lee .-.$5.75 YOUING PATIOTS. (Left) A play suit for tots ... fin e ginighain and broadcloth, with the. appliqued ducks:- sires 2 to 8 in assortied colors . . On the Childen's Floor ..the Second (Far Right,.) Cotton rotigbies for girls: stri.ped top and plain colored trou- sers; sizes 12, Il4 and 16 $1.95 (Righi) An ensein- ble for boys ... ini sizes 31 Io 10. the, blouse is M'lîite withi jackiet and shorî sof naturai iinen.SL.95 I j, (Not illustrated) lE L L