flnntst 1 IWith the clos&e of Mav coes tu he At a meeting of the Lens club 'held Iast Thursday afternoon, plans were discussed for a picnic. A picnic comn- mittee consisting of. Jean Haskings, Margeret Meleniey, Harmona Clark.,and >*rtha Gilîofer- was' elected. The picuîic WilI probably be held, at, a -near-, by beachsome, afternoou after school. Because there are more girls than boys in the. club, each niember is entitled. to briug one, guest to insure enough boys togo around. The fact that many difficulties were. encountered and that school will close soon, made it, impossible to complete a movie this yçair. Plans for a picture contest wvere also discussed. This is an annual feature of the club'1s program. There will be monetary awards. The -club officr-s will be the judges. More details ivill appear later. Be sure to corne to the nex t meet- ing, it is urged. There will be an inu- teresting speak<er! Margaret Loomis Heads Music Club' The last meeting of Senior Music club was beld at the home of Roger Delauder, Mav 19. The new oficers for the year 1932-33 were elected. They are: president, Margaret Loomis; vice- president, Nornman Modine; secretary, Charlotte Wacks; treasurer, John; Pbilips. chairman of Social comnittee, Jane Oison; assistants of Social coin- mittee, l3eatrjce' Levinson and Florence Sellery. The following prograni was presented after the election- The. Little Sandmant....... Brahms The. SwaIlow ... ........... . Cowen Volce solos-Margaret Kahler Lotus Land............... Cyril Scott Piano seleetion-Doro. Crawrford Coin. Sweet Morfiing .-.. .. ..Elkin .oLovely Rose . ..... Quilter Volce solos--Charlotte Wacks Polichenelle..... .......Rachmaninoff Piano selection-Jane Spinney f annual.election of officers for the Girls' Athletic association for the* coniing year. This week the petitions have been going out; the girls *who have' been' already nominated are Virginia Smnith and Jane Waidner for president, Fran- ces Ellis and jean Haskins.for treas- urer, Betty Barr, and Cynthia Walsh flor' secretary,. and Elizabeth. Barden and Priscilla Wheclock for After- School Sports chairman. There are no:petitions for vice-presi- dent, because the girl receiving the next highest nmber of votes for pres ideut automaticallv beconies vice-president. Petitiôns had to, be signed by fteen G. A.A members and turned- in to Mi B Botons office ble Wednesdav afternoon. May 25; INQUIRING REPORTER, Question: How will the Motk Political Convention aid us as future voters.? Johni Struggles, '32-"ýI think that the election canniot help but bean aid, to those who will be in- volvcd lu public life. It is essential to good citizenship that a knowl- edge of how, to elect our officiais bc liad. 'I'hiis knowledge cannot be gained too early." I)aphne Bjo rklund, '32-"Wýhethi- er or, noct the moclç convention will. help us to become better citizens, is yet to be seen.- How- ever, it ought to give us an ex- cellent insight into political affiairs. It shouldbring to our minds what the parties stand for and what Weý oursel-ves believe to 'be a worthy platform.' Then -it W ill inforni us as to the method by which Presi- deutial candidates are nominated, and that lu itself is educational."' Although the 11f e-saving classes art. a week behind schedule beause, of Missî Fôggs9 absence, the enthusias m of the girls is just as great as, it ever ivwas. Four classes were, held this week, on1 Tuesday'and Friday iii the pool, and on Wednesday and Thqrsday in the îorth gymn. In the pool, _the' girls, divided -into two groups accordmng to classes, worked4 on approaches and carries., The other daysin' the gym Miss Fogg, explained the various breaks which Wil be put, to use. dur- ing the next ' period in I1ake New Trier,' In this. way, we hioe to miake up for lost time, and pass our- exam- inations in June with flying colors. Meanwhile, the archery classes were ~also tryiug. to make up for the tinie tbey lost because of the ramn a few 'weeks ago. Classes on Tuesday and IWednesday, working in two shifts, shoot a certain nuînber of arrows each week. thus dectermining the class teanis by meçans of the s cores of the differ- çnt girls. Teamns for the match *with North Shore Country Day school, in the near future,, are to be selected f rom these scores, as well as f rom the scores of shooting doue outside class on Thursday and Fridav. About sixtyr fve girls have'enitered this sport, neW to New Trier. * Adyi.;or R..,. Basehali jNow that, the' basebali season i over. ciass teams, being choseri and class games being plaved. we corne to the conclusion that it was an unusuat.. lv successful one, thanks to the efforts of Margaret Ebeling and Mrs. Ab- I)ott. The scores of- gaines played dur-' ing the last week, resulting in the championsbips were: M6. Hamilton 23. Breidenbach 22: Thorne 25, Waltz 20: Sentney 17, Burchard 9: Pav ton 34, Cook 32'; Donham defeated Wilson by forfeit; Paul defeated, Mundell by forfeit; ol j in May Program jEacli year the four senior girls hav- ing the miost points in G. A. A. repre- i sent New Trier on Mayday at Rock- ford college. This year Eleanor Cul-ý ver. Mary Lauer, Margaret Theil and eogia Vosburgh wee the. represen- Thie fete proved to be especially ini- teresting this year, as a New Trie r graduate, Jane Burrill1,. was chiosen May queen.; Virginia Werden, the herald, and Alice Hillinger and Evelyn We i- necke, ladies in waiting, w*ere, alISO graduates of New Trier. The morning was spent as Play day, iu wbich the New Trier delegates ccOm- peted against ,girls ýof other high scbools of Illinois 'and Wisconsin in simmniing, -volleyball, ping pong and 1aseball. In -the afternooni an adaptation (of Voltaire's "Princess of Babylon" was given. It wvas performed entirely în the ope n and represented the* diffèrent countries of the world. ,AUl the girls came back delighted with the dramna-. Play Series Ended by Sopizmère Girls The third and final play in the series given by the sophomore girls was pre- senteçi Thursday morning, May' 19., These plays were under the auspices of the Dramatic club. 1The directors for the last play were Alison Burge and Bob Marriman. *'Bc- tween the Soup and the Savoury" vas the titie of the work. The gossip of the three 'servants lu an English kitch- em fornis the plot. -The, characters were: cook-, Katherine Roufids-; wait- ress,ý Mary Jane Stevenson, and slavey Lois Lechner. Thesýe plays were given to afford soph"oores. a ch ance in dramatics. The secries. wil bhe cont.inued next year. Spring Football Practice ig-suf- -1 our 111:I '32- couven- voters. we, by ,n octve 'Il 'I CUAU113tail.i li is uite a banUeIJ ague imatch tis weeic against record and one to be proud of. Some DerfieldIat Indian Hill. A victory in of the well-knowu athletes who have this encounter will clinch the match helped wln these tities are: Elizabeth title for .New Trier. The medal play Barden. Aune Ellis, Helen Sethness, championsbip will be decided this Sat-.. Rosemary Karnopp and Elsa -von- urday when the schools meet at Sun- Reiusperg. set Valley. T ý 1