as for Camp-O-Rai Thirty-seven patrols f rôm aIniost that number of troops1 gathered at the annual Camp-O-Ral in 'the. forest preserve in North'.Glençoe Iast Sat - rdyto see what they knew about camping and scoutcraft. The Camup- O-RaI, now a tradition, is attracting more contestants each year, tbe lead- ers, declare. The. Camping -committee, acting ;n tbe capacity -of judges, scored the various patrols on their efficiency, or lack of it. During the afternoon, the' patrols competed in ten field event . including -judging, firebuilding. an-d first, aid. After a fine *afternoon of fun, and fellowship, the s couts, di- rected by their patrol leaders, mbade camp,, cooked supper,. played Patrol games, and bad a good iie arouind a blazîing camp ire. Although everybody had> a gooil timei. it didn't take long for tlie camap to get quiet after ."Taps," so that everybody could get bis,.sleep. At 6:30 o'clock on Sunday moring,, the scouts were aIl up, some getting breakfast while, the others were pack ing, ready to gohome. After the final inspection at 8 o'clock, al the. scouts vowed they'd be back ne . N year. Patrol Stand6ads HigLer 'rhouglb the patrol ratings ar-e not as high as those of last year, the patrol standards were really higlier and the camping hetter. it is stated. inicaion' ofthe, camping than prle- vious records. .11All patrols îvho got at least 650 .points out of a Possible - 1,000 ivere rated according to their work. Ail ,patrols above 6$0 and.less ,thanl 750 were awarded a green star; fromîx 751 to 85,ý a red star; and above 850, a bluie star. ýThese stars are for decon- ation of the patrol fiags. Here'sthle list: BIack Arrow Patrol Firat ,"A" rating- (850-IjOOO points.) - of tFrancs KJubicek With great sorrow, Troop 2~4 ail- nounices the death of one of its rnem- bers, Francisg Kubicek, a second-class scout of the Flaming Arrow- patrol, who died Tuesday. May 10, followîing an illneàss of more than 'two, weeks. Francis, or as he was wbetter known, Fraaso, joined Troop 24 about two years ago and. soon becamne wcl iked' bythe menibers of. the troop. Hiis kill at sports. and ýhis jolly, happy- go-lucky .ways s oon brought. hini pronuniient parts ini the activities ot his, troop. His ready witnmade iîu an indispensable figure on hikes., His cheeri voice will alway's be iinisked in the troôp meetings. His troop obeyed his last request, -I want the fellôws to carry me dowvn," and acted as pail bearers and a, guard of honor at bis funeral serv- ices. .',Taps'. was played over ii grave','and it bas been decided that a dùty of the troop on M\,etiorial, day wiil be to decorate bis gra .ve. Goodby, Franso, and witli you we say the Scoutmasters benediction: M*ýlay the Great Scoutinaster, of, ail good scouts, be with von, until we meet 'agaîn." Variety Features Meet of Scouts ini Troop 19 Our regular meeting opened in our Scout rooni at the Commnunity House. Our scoutrnasters read us a. notice about àleinorial day. Alil troops are Then we ail werat dowI tO the park by tbe lake and played basebail. *Then Troop 20 challenged our troop in a game of tails. We played that gaine for a little- while, then went down on the beach and bad a mnarsh- nallow roast. Bob Martin. came dcn'.n and told. us about bis trip to Jaian. He was on the sameboat with.Floyd Gibbons and Will' Rogers. We s at. around the fire and talked for a !ittîe whiîe. Then we aIl went home.- John« M. Iverson, jr., Troop 19, Win- nittka Coimnuniity House. SNew Nwine of P-atrol Th7le OId 1Paning Arrow patrol of rroop -14 is now known as tie Fleet- Foot patrol, neyer to change its namne agaîni. We also biave a secretnanie thati i known only to'tuie nienibers of the patrol.' We'have wri .tte 1il up a fist of Mental and physical require- meats that will be passed btore a scout can become a miember of* this patrol. The requirements are ixotbe- yond the facuities ot the >ordiinary- boy-and are not intended to excluae aiiyone. :TIhey are just, there to niake. entering the patrol a littie miore interesting to the new candidate. This patrol atten.ded .the -Canp-O0-RaI. -JaiesMciulty, Pati-ol reporter, Fleet-Foot patrol. Troop Mem bers Receive A wards The foIowîng awards were niade at the various '1roop courts oi honor during thie past two weeks z Troop I-Menit badges: Uoard Decker, life saving; Troop 1il--mienit badges: Bob kreusch, firenaîîship, basketry, carpentny; Troop 3-mienit badges: Herbert Meyer, Jr., book-r binding; Troop 8-Teniderfoot:Dvd Xendick and Rollo Guillickson;i sec- ond class: Ralph Elson; menit badges;t Bill Harvey, swimminig, first ýaid; Howand Jones, stamip collectitig ;. aii McQuidû, atbletics; Haidane W ilson, iremnaiship, personal health.. The severai boards of review w ere *tees More Scouts. Register in North ShoreArea The North Shore Area council an- nounces the registration o! the fol- lowing as sCoutsý ý and scouters.. Thet councl welcomes them- into scouting and hopes that their experience mnav be happy -and profitable. Wilmette - hip. 43: Richard- Who's "Too Busy", *The following is from êGlimpses iii- to Boyland" by' Walter MaePeek, former -executive of the North Shore .Xrea council, Boy Scouts of'Amcî-i-a.' and-'now educational1 director ,of the, Mount Vernon' council, Waslinigton. D. C. !'Thé shortest route to a boy's beart is throVgh being interested in fhiN interests--through caring enough fo dothings, with hini. "lIt was Mother?! night, atnd the Scout troop was staging its aniual demonstfration for themothers of its members. Carnations had been or- dered, one- for each motheri cocoa and wafers were -to, be servcd. The. boys were :hustling back, and forth from the. church kitchen. e.njoyinig the fact tbat, toniglit thev wer-e 'on pa- rade.' "One younigster stood bv the door shifting his feet. - "'What's the miatter, StanlIev:?' hbis scoutimaster asked bum. "'Nothing.' "'Your miother hiere yet?' the lead-ý er asked.' é'No4' the - bov Iooked ýoüI of the Window, 'She ain't comin' toilight.' "'Not coming on Mothers' ight?' teman queried. "d'No,' and the bov's tone was sar- donical for a boy of 'fourteen. 'Slue had to go to a dance toniglht. ('a!i vou beat that?' 4*1 reallv couldni't!" - Boys'of Troop Il Pick Patrol for CampO0-Ral. On~ Motnday,.MNLay 16, Troop If held its wveekly meeting. The mieeting'k opened. in St.. Francis scbool yard, with drills. We then went into the basemenit andplayed several gamnes. among tbemn being a gameof "bning.- ing home the bacon." We aiso' tied the varioùs Scout knots. We then. picked- the patrol to represent Troop Il in the Camp-O-RaI. The meeting ic-osed with the sounding of "Taps" by the bugler. - Harold Huebner,- Troop reporter. Troop I1., WIinxette. CIJBS ykr ffyi SCOUTS W IfLI.~AT BryGooe tore. OR e8'sStore Wilmet11,1Ave, ,ette Ave. - --*--wvv ucue, was recently awarded. the I then Played again. Then MacLean cup for excellence ii-pub- I took us to the Congrega- lic speaking. "~The Failure of Suc- rch where some of us re- cesa" was Fred's oration, and accord- 3play some more basebali ing to all reports, including an article others went home.-Charles in, this news magazine Iast week, sh, Cub reporter, Pack 03, there was no indication'of failure in bis success.