*' ,1Bj 1 L 1 v a t cL 1 - A u A i c " WV i I u rI An organization known as the Cock-j Work wasu 114rtb l"mt weeke ai 'tht at l ý\or- wa strted lat ontheairport niear Glenview. 'The club' is n-ew dirigible dock at Pal-W\aukce air- composed of 'private owners' who keep port which will huýc one cf the Good- their ships at the Curtiss hangar, their vear Tire- and Rubber comlpanys friends and others vitally interested. in bý)limps.' It is ho'ped te have th. build.- aviation. ,At the north. end of' the 1119 conipleted by' july 1. ýThe Austin hangar on the .lowier deck a lounige company of Clevelanud. whch, -las, buitt 1 roo bs en rvided for the use> a large numbter cf airport hangars of :the club niembers. 'The room is throtughout thie ,countrv, lias the gen-i equipped with tables, unibrellas, lounge eral coâtract. for the, job. chairs. brightly colored, awning and The dock. will 1.be 165 ieet long, other' attractive features. The club, be- seventy-five. f eet Nvide and about g its -activities for the summier last seventy-five feet high.ý It is heing buiît iSunda. on the. north side of Pal-W\ýaukee field 1____________ iclearý (.)f ail the runiwa%-v;s 5 that it' will not interfere inany Way with the pres- E taE tran et o ent facilities of the airi>ort. Aip t Curtiss A p rt isitors Pal-W~aukee %viIl he the permianenti Chicag6' base for onte cf the Goodvear Special entertainmnent will be~ pro- Llimps when the dock is ,coniipleted. jvided for visitors to Curiss 'airport The G;oody'ear conlpany bas si gned a' this wveek-end., With Memorial day teii-ycar lease with the airport. comiig, next .Monday a large numbher Thei dock wilI bc, the Iargest build- of visitors is expected. The airport mg oi itsç kind ini this viciniity. and the i s .located at Lake and Shernier av%,e- presenc .e of the llimp at Pal- aukee' ues northwest of Glenview. Othier this suimiler i: eýxpecteul. te attract a!narby airpots, including Sky ilarbr. large mirmher of visitors. T'he blimp on Dundee road west of Glencoe, and \,vill hùt used for passeniger-carr%-iig, as Pal-Waukee. o.n Milwaukee avenue we'll as for advtrtisig purposes. is(.Ith (f Wheeling, aIse. are, expecting, large crowds' over the week-end. Chinese Emissary Cornes.-t From West by AirpianelEpc a-Wue io Colonel Yte. Chinese emnissary repre- Back Prom Western Tour üfltiiig Central Chang, the, Chiniese Cliff Condit. Pal-Waukee airportý \Val' minister. arriVtd at Curtiss air- pilot, who has been flyinig a Bellanca port near Glenview last Thursday chartered bv the MNunsing Wear com- iiight f romi tht %vest coast on is' va.y pany for à 'tour 'of the country, is due' te Self ridge field, Michigaun. Ht was baçk. at Pal-Waukee this week-end,J accomipaniied b is 'w-Ife' and, Pilots 'when the western hall of' the tour wvill1 Br~nand Bartlett. They made tht t ht cùmpleted. Ti-. b)ig ship w'ill con-, trip f ront Saun Francisco in a six-place~ *iu tjunyt ttese, eto Tlravelair. Colonel Yec planr.ed 'to oi tht cotintry in a fewv days, wvith spenid a few~ days lit Chicago. While .ifath corls litrelie V'i5ite(l the Chinese sttuderuts _______________ whare learning te fi3' at %Curtis,,s air- port and those who. are taki ng ground Flyer Attends Parents' Nvork 'instruction at thé Ctii.ss-WNýight 5~t eding Anniversary Atrona .ttcal university in tht c.ity. ' tl Bailey A. Wright, WTorld wvar flyer. MusiiariG-et Pilt'sand vice-president cf tht Sky Harborj Musican G ts Piot'sFlying club, wvent to Kalamazoo, Mich., License atSky Harbor on Wednesday, May 18, te help his par- -Red- 'Ingle. mnember cf Ted Weems' eiîts, Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Wright orchestra playing at the Aragon bail- celebrate their golden wedding arnni- x'com ini Chicago, is 'now a full-fledged aesry. A daughter of Mr. and Mrs. -hig-h, wild anàd:majestic In ALASKA Mt. McKinley NationalPakle $et in teho ein butof Meua.. M. McKimley htsolf Oses highet froànits base than goy Other Peuh on~~~~ o-r'.wSren" k mamlo erips ovor the Most imspiramg wildethes u i l < he wor Yôutr rpteoàmd from Mt McKinley bristdes with intereut VWhoa itCs swekerimg la the cides, you cm ocmonboii lua YOWJl view coumtloss lovely laités, friaiged with brilliamdy huod flowers. You'il meet wild game- hut fel. And riglie in your pacli tbore wail ho picturesque eowms, love y foreurtrasmd scores and scores of mouneaia ranges. See Mt. McKinley <his suoiper-p><l eember 1< eve« ufpwsz4 as the Moset thriflmg trip of your hie'. Soud for bookiet coneaimimg complote information regarding NMt. McKinley National Park "@,tho seveual Ineerior Aie"k tours. Thse u. £ Deparmeeutof t& laurior ALSKA lIAI LROAD -(Mt. McKinley Parke Route)>8 - 833 G. C Dickens, Genewal Pammenaer Agent, 33North Michigan Ave, Phone Sate 5798, Chicagou, DL -1- Here's superlative cleaning that eliminates every trac. ýof moths, vitalizes peits, feeds fur and restores lif. and lustre. Our f u r storage. service fully insure s your furs. &ains+ fire, theft or any Gel Your furs In Stordge POwne WIL 3400 the larger Stinsori. The planes carried purcnasea a warnet powereci mono- sonne of the boys te an altitude of coupe,' which he keeps at Sky Harbor five thousand f tet. Mai. R.~ W. airport. The ship bas one' of the finesi Schroeder of Sky Harbor gave a gen- paint jobs cf any plane' in tht Sky eral talk te the group on planes and Harbor hangar. The colors are red, flying. The aviation mechanics class blue and silver. Mr. Lear is in- the is taught by ýR. ýL. r.ý Biesemeier.. radio business. MebrWilmette Chanber of Commerce t -