Attire In, Our' New Beach% Shopý Whether you beach or bathe ... whether you travel or stay ai home ..whether you, are gjrown-up or young in years, you are going to revel in the delightful and. Comprehensive selections now available in our just-opened Beach ýShop. Everything You Ccrn,,Think of for Beaehirig and Bathing! Our Suits.Are "Just Your Type!" Men's, Women's. and -Children's Sw ming Suifs, Ail Prices and Styles You Must,:See li Te Shouldaire. $5. Misses'. $4.50. Tti Celor,, $7. Misses'. $6.50. Sunaire, $6.50, Misses', $6. New Jantzensl Sui% Basque, $7.50. Misses', $7. Format. $6. Misses',0. Zeptiyr NovelIy Knit Sit, $5.95. Ocean Sathh'mg Suifs, $495. 'w. '~'Bathing Caps, Beach Shoes ""NBech Paams. Lnen Stacks, Rubber Beach Toys ... a most complet. group. Beach Shop-JFirsi Ploor HERE'S COOL COMFORT FOR YOU,! A' Cliding Porch Swing Regular $39.75 Value at7 Covered. n heavy wat.rý-pi*of duck, this ga»Ily stripoed porcb s wing boaïts ,a -smart matching canopy. 'Only one b sii at ths price. Y acht C hairs at Comfy on Daviis Stret ILDTS -EVAN STON CHARGE PURCHASES MADE ON OR APTER THURSDAY,,Wlet 0 MAY 20. WILL BE POSTED ON JUNE STATEMENTS Wlet 10, camp Stools1- -Umm