Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 26 May 1932, p. 10

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Reg ularly $ 1.00 5O0e -Paul Sand eight. years tmat the vhiflcats., flaIr been successful. Pupils ini the sçboo are divided into two groups knowr as Wildcats and Tigers for purposeý of competition.. Tbe- meet was unuisually close, and seyeral scbooi, records -were brokent Pupils. competed iii tbree classes ac- cording to their weigbit, as, follows. class C, under ninety pounds; class j. B, under 110 pounds, and class A, over 110 pou nds.,ý Breaks Twv. Recrds In ciass CBunny Dabm broke twvo records, one in :tbe 60-yard iow burdies anid the othe.r in t he running h1op-step-jump. The. prev ious.record int theélatter event was establishied in 1924., Paul Corneli- also, broke two records in. class C, in tbe fifty n seve >nty-tive yard dashes. Other' pupils who broke records ini class Ç were.: Claude Pbillips, mun- ning. high jump; Anthony Tortoreilo, running broad junip, and Jean Sinall, running broad. junxp. Records were, br.oken in class B as follows: Russell Baker, 75-yard dashi; Donald Stiliman, 60-yard low hiurdies;ý Bob MlcCloud, runniing broiadt jumip; john Sprenger, runnîng, hop-step.- jump, and Bumny Dabux, 60-yard, low lburdies., Bunnlty Dahm, altbough 1be- loîv the weigbt in fthis classification, was ailowed to participate ýan<1wo the event., Class A record breakers îvere: )D- Witt Joues, 100-yard 'dash, ami 1)e- Witt Jonies, running liop-step)-jinpil. Cet Ribbon Awards l'The first. second and tlîird place, *wunners ini the meet received ribboiis. 'which vvere awarded this week. The junior fieldl dav for pupils iii the low'er ,grades ivas held the day before the senior uneet. The .lower grade * JuIils conuletc 1w- grades, ld;tlx.er: thaü *as Wilcats or Tigers. Following. is the, complete list of- îvinners in the senior .field .day. the * 'T" or -W t afte r.tbe naine indicat- img that the pupil is a Tiger or a Wildcat : and first, second and third *place beîng listed iii tbe order iaune(l: Class C, Tnder De pounlds Piftv-vn rdai uIbh h-Pa i,*Ccurma.ieý 'MainSt. nt L Phone Wilmi iAve. 3334 ..4t . ""Uily % V P.()a»heirson, rorrest, troni Sewanee0 Running broad jumpj: boys-Anthonyacen Tortorello ) (W), Hahmer Johnson . caey. 'Sewanlee, Temn. Forrest is Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Roberts of and Fielding Mercer (W):-,girls-.jean taking part ini the principal debate of Indianapolis were the week-end house Small (T), MIartha 'Raberts (W) and the 'schooi beld during the graduation 'guests of Miss Mary Farmer, 91' Catherine O'Reilly (W). eecs. eeIetst ot mhrtEmod vne r.1oet n IIop)-step-jump: boy--Aiithony Tor- xe ; He xecstgotAmrtElw danu'Ms Rbtad torello (W). Ftuve Granstroni (W) an,, college ini the faîl,,anidenters without Miss Farmer were roonfilates aï MikeConley. (W); girIs-t-unny 1Dahn examtnations.; Purdue university. -'s , Driver (T)uertrude urvis. (T)> ana1 dwhich presented several'plays'Ilast wi n- ;t Louise Burkhard '(T). e.Eight-pound shot put: boys-John ter. eSprenger (T), Charles Thorsen (T) and Lawreiice [.angdon was elected presi- n Bail throw: girls-Jane HolJnby. (T) dent for the 1932-33 season, Miss ý'and Shirley Herman (T>. Caroline Baker wvas re-elected vice- Pole vault: boys-Russell Baker (W), president: Miss Audrey Aiberga was *Jack Fyfe (W) and David Skillin (T).eitdtosreathrtr asec- j Saningbradjumnp: girls-Lucyr Hluck .(T>, M arjorie Sinding (T)1 and tary, and Victor McKeigliatn .vas *Betty Beeker (T). choseti treasurer. *150-yard run.: boys-Cbarles ThorSen (T) -and Frank O'ReiiIy (W>: girls-- Keuîethi Treacy was president duritig s-Gertrude Orvi> (T) and Doris Wolfe- the'year. juSt closed, and Miss Gene (W). Paddock wvas treasurer. Running hilh jump: boys"-flussell Baker* (W), Jack Mervis (W) and Jactç Reports, were received at last Tliurs- Fyfe (W): girîs-Charlene Driver (T), day's etingof arcn isuso y ue ahrt(W)adRthMri the board of advisors of plans for the 1 Running broad junip: boys- Bol> Mý%c- newv year. The society it 'was. an- r Cloud (W), and Bob Buekin and Hugh nouliced. is planni ng ait extensive pro- Petersen, botb Tigers,, tied for second ; grain tlat %vi1l enahie tlhe group to pro- gil-Gertrude Orvis (T> and Normal Jane Kruger (T>. ma>-te several înteresting entertaitiflients. Hop-step-Junip: loys-John Spr.engeriThe newv season begins iii September. (T), Jack. Mervis (W> *and J,41n Deaconl1Th 1e bhuard of advi sors is comprised (T>: girls-Shirley Wagner (T), Vir-ý ginia Brock (T> --and Lucy FHuck (T).1 of Lawr.elce L.anIgdon, chairmani; Miss Class _A. »ver 110 Pounds Audrey Aiherga. secretary; Miss Gente Fit-addash: boys-,--DeWitt Jr)née Paddock, Miss~ Caroline Baker, Ed- (W), Arthur Carlson (W) and John %vard Rverso i, Albert McKeighan,. ('uninigharii (W), girls- Jeannette .Robertson (W)>. Caroline Scliaet4fgei (T) M'1rs. G'ertrude Aiherga. Fred, Borg- andic fane Peycke (W). fe]ldt. and Ms Florence Nelson. 100--yard da<t: oys_~~DeWItt Jn ~ __________ (Wa), John ( umninghani an)flId WIi! 60-ya>'d low hurdies: hy-G hafs Jee CubiU ÂVeIILbIer Ar Reis (W), Val Smith (T) and l3ilia Wolf <T) ; grs.ennte Guests at House Party (7> C;tr'oline Schaefgen (T) îand sue Members of. the Glee club) of the iihr(W).0evr Eigh-î>ondshot )ut: boy'-t>u National CIllege of Educationwr C'uniiingharn <W>, .jJunlior Sinith (T> and entertained at a bouse party given hy Frankgarînta'-(T>. Miss Margaret Jensen, a senior at Bal how: ilsRth Firest.er Ill', Virginia Riolhard (W> and A.dîtiî' the.coilege, at Twin Lakes, 'XVis.. last Miare (W> week-end. Among those present were Pnl. Vlui bos-al nxih ~>,th e director, Mrs. Arthur Rurnry, .Jon lee>e (> '»d aurn Pii,*.and the Misses Marjorie Post, Julia Standliing'hroad jumip: grsvrii Elvin,- Eleanor Rockafellow, andl fiars(W>), Mar yLouu Igr{ Vera Johnson,' ail of Wilmnette. and Miria#n Holiles (r.________________ 150-yard run r sRihIl-:ne (T), Ft*;ink C(arî7enter (T> Indj ;Iul n MALLINCKRODT NEWS Wee-se (%V).;ir-.anet bhtai (T), Luoie Dix (W) and Btty Xed fr allinckrodt invites, its m la n v din. 'Tp.friends to be present Friday, May 27.ý RI111ning high juium: >.3-iCl;rdat t te spêciai Card party,, the fli, 114 'Mes (T)r>t'id Bill'Wif ,(T> tied first, o hssao.Ti erteactait CalsBeils ,(W) lsecond : :girl s- fti eÉn Ti erteatvt 1Luoie Dix. (NV) and Aurica Simn (T).îl'tk place in theschooi auditor- tied for, first, Anunette Williams w )V iunii,ý and theirefore -it is* hoped« that second.th .r)ratedg vlbeagr Tiunnilng broad jutp: hoy8-RichlIa d teiiibiatnii ilelre Holmnes (T) and Arthur Carlson (%V) hnevr hepry will: begina girs-Vrgn %V owe %V) Mry Jane 2 o'clock., After .play refreshmtrents ,Imitth (W) aiid Mar-tha' O'Connor<W wiil be served. H-op-stelp-jumnp: boy>s-DeXVitt Jcce ___________ (WV), Arthur Carlson' (W> and intlej Bemilis (W); giri.s-LUcio Dix (W)'! HAS PUPILS IN RECITA ,L Jane Krause (T) and -NayJn mt.i Ppl fAtiette Birong ,of Wilmette took part ini the joint r ec ïï- Mrs. ~tal iv by the Melodyl Way teacli- Mr.Geo rge Seanion, lio as oc- gve If ks unwise and unnecessary to take a chance on a cheap permanentF when you Can gel an AIbright. wave,as low as- As the demand for our waves ii increaing we advike an .arly appoint ment. Phono Your Appointm.ent Today. WILMEYTE 4517 fleauty Shop 1 167 Wilmette Avenue Member WUlmette Chamber of (JOsMMel Ce for 'a

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