* OSolate-PeOnmWaftrs.... .du. 19o *Pure Ahnm Maofs ....li.b. 450 *Wenderid Layer Caks ..... eacl 390 SATURDAYI, MAY> 28 HotD@ Rl..........{ Sanwlh Bta....... *Mlia<w Cooo Cakescdi300 * PreAlou Meaw@us.. b.45e *W"ul"fu Layet Ciakeseac 3 Closed Ail Day Mémorial Day HI29 Central Av*.., W;ht Phone Wil. 2998 $08> Male St., Evnston phone Gme. 6132 Member wilmette Chamber of Co*mmreoc Cenfr.I-Wilm.ft. mnes: WiIm.t 28 and 29 TeIDEAL' SUNMER, LAXATIVE' Corne in and sceeus souni. -Mrs. Henry Cutler, chairmnan. ý;ote: Econoniy Shop is con- ducted by the Wonian's chlb of Wilmette. Proceeds go to cbariîy. Pi ano: Pu pils to Give. Recitals, Early in June Wilmette public school p.kano class es, under the direction of Mrs. Edith Vivian, Will present two con.- certsthe first week.in June, one on .Wednesday'afternoon, june 1, fromn 1.:30 to 3:30 o'clock in the Howard school auditoriumù and the other on Thursday afternoon,'Junie 2, at the, samne hours in the Stolp school gymi- nasium. Eighty-five pupils.will take part in the concerts, accordiig to. an* an- nouncement th is week by' Miss D or- otby lcKay, musc supervisor in the Wilmette schools. Both the concerts at the lloward and Stol.p buildings will be given in two parts. The younger children will * present their prograni during thefirst hour from 1 :30 to 2 :30. The second hour will be for the older group. Par- ents wbo do not care to attend the full prograni may attend either theý -first or second hour, it wa s announced. At a Reduced Pric.e! Beautiful 1Wave Regular. $10.00 ZOTOZ Newest cf permanenti. great advance along. ail frônts,' in- cluding circulation, information serv- ice, use of books for reading and study, work witb the schools and cbildren, and works for business n.n artists and. studentý. The combined children's and aduit circulation in 1931-1932 was 129,520 volumhes, a gain over the previous year of 27,224 volumfes or 26. percent. This doubled. the circulation of 1925 Adult fiction circul ation wvas, 68 per- cent of the total for the adult depart- ment. In- round numnbers 4,200 volumes were in literature, 2,700 in bistorj,, 1,300 in useful *arts,, 3,800 ini travel, and 2,000 in fine arts. Çhldrem's Wuwk Grows Work with children grows apace. In 1931-32 through the Chldrénci* rooni, the -collection ini the Laurel school, in the Highcrest school, and in the classroom collections the library circulated 49,243. books for chikirün. The, attendance.. at the Saturday morning story hours was 1,400.. Figures given below are ail further indication of the magnitude oit t;e work which has been summer up as. foillows: -Children, students, profes.. sional and business men and women, those who seek to while away a leis- tire moment,-and those interested in» cultural> advancemen t of themselves and. others, the rich and the poor. al] find. the, library an educationàl store- hopuse %vhich provides and makes easIly accessible that rich heritage ef knowledge to be found onfly Mi book s. Use of Books 'Boioks loaned................. 12,520 *Increase over p)revious year.. 27,224 *Books 1hian(ed to children......2 6, 2,-i Classrom bans..............1,4 Pictures boa ned .............. V ~Book.s *V'liîmres -incollection ..........1 1. i4 volumes a(bded during, year. ... 1,S00 Voluimes' discardedas wornout. etc.................... Voelumnes added by giftiançl rentais.ý..................1 .Receiedfromtax anticipa- tion warrants, etc....$12j,512.23 1>sbursed salaries4...........7.00.00) Books, biding, iperiodw(als. . : imaintenance ........ *.........1,116.914 S Tlie board of trustees is p)rouid(if tie faict' thutthe 1ibra.ryidi( i I tr cl)ta J Mme. Iluntingford cosmetica *1 used exclusiudgy 1 126 Central Ave.i Phonte Wilmette' 45 82 hoùsegueýst oi was MVi5s the week-end. 1Mrs., O. C. Eastman, 1027 Elrn woo<l avenue, will be hostéss, to members, 0f lier Tuesday luncheon bridge c. .lui> next week. i S*.0O ber WUlmte 4-