Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 19 May 1932, p. 51

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o1n Conùniunism. No intelligent per- son in this, country wants what is generally understood to be Commun- îsu.u as, it exsists5 ln Russia, but the sort of attack mnade on it *by Mrs. l)illing is almiost, tragic in its futility,. Shie apparently waves the banner, e rects-a straw nman, and then uses the stiposed -danger (À ConiLniuiiisnîi to attack a lot of. tliings she cither (tocls.tiot like or does not utndcrstanid, orAboth. For exauuile, shec endorses thîe ac- cuSationi that' ini the entire faculty of lNortliwvesteýri university, "Not one rel)resents an clenient (le(icatcd to the. upliolding and preservation l of Aineri ,can i mstitutiolîs and, hieritages." W\hat arrant nonsense! ,Notie but a ve-. ignorant.or extrenîely prejudiced 'tnd dangerously illogical person could inake a statemient like that. Her ar- ticle. is full. of illogical, infierences iid inisliand(led facts. It approaches the h vst erical. r It is too l)ad that one bias to speak. in uncli ternis . of an tundoubtcdly earniest %vomnan. B3ut whiat Mrs. b)ilI- in', is douig 10 free. institutions and ur(liiary cominon seuise is too serions to -stand aside 1,.ecauise a wotnan is,-the otlender. WVith .a sounevvhat miore restrainied mnetliod and .someé careful tiking, NIrs. D[illing could render a. service lii lier baàttle.,againist Corn- nun111ni, but lier attack is likely to nuike niore friends than, eneuinies for tbc thui.gs ,,le is attacking, to the extenuit tliat sluc is laken -seriously.-J \Vc bavýe far: more serions prohlemns tian -Red Propaganda" on our bands. *If tlhere is a real tbireat of Cýomminun- i>iin it lies uuot lin thîe efforts Mrs. Dili- îîg raves against. but 'in econmi con)1(lition iin otîr coiitrv. Caitls 1 i,, un(oultedly on trial and is being (JIlStiOfleCd by nialîu peopile'today- de-7 sIpite ,its, .treiine-indouis service to Our peoffle. tThe aytijustify capitalisun us to, inake àt work. ai, it does, uot * work Wl-ciî pueople starve ini the inidst, 'îlîw~ay to protcct the institution of private proI)erty is to se toj it that, evcrybody lias sonie. Miove- Anclents like Conîmuisuîî tlîrive on des- pair and fear and lhopelessness. 1.1 xvas tie intoleraice. so like lu its ve- in tnîs Gay for imaterial nmonthly pensions. Let hier attack the selfisliness and stupidity that stand in the way of concerted sanity in Washington. Let bier attack the alinîost universal desire to get soniething-for notbing Whîclî lias a lot more to' do Nvith con- ditions than the frotbing of. com- niuinists. If half .the lenerbey that is spent ini denouincing 'soncl)o(y lyise". for being at' faunit, Nverc s1)Cnt in) personalýly 'and initelligently, helping rest ore normal cond(itions,. Conmmun- îsmn could srtfcly iée laughed out of ccurt. Thleie isý an interesting4 place called "Bug-I lotise Square" clown il]' Chicago, wbcre.radicals of ail sorts shout their lungs, boarse, .and. having donc so are. far less dangerous. I bave takenl personal issue witb sonie of the radicals (mi' theiron "soap boxes.." have fouind the audience.s willing to reasoni and. listen. An open forum nisfar safer than repircssed and. inarticulate indignation.-'I1recoin- neitd,,to Mrs. Dilling that shie try ou~t her talents in1"tgHoucSur. Sie, iili be treatcd coiurteously and undoubtiltedlv have. an »interesting l)eneflcial exp)erienýce. *God lias not forsakei'nd . will fmot forsake us. l'le danger lies ini our possibly forsaking Hlmi. ,DO 'you know, jesuis of Nazareth would hiave a, bard tinie ith Tuis teaciîings if the .ki nd of tbiiinkîng donc 1 Mrs. Qillîng were to l)revail, We would tiot w~ait tlirce vears. to cruicifv HI-ini. A. P. Haake. 738 Eillcv2,itli street, Wilnette. Ill. 1 a s 13, 1932» Editor. WIL.~TTC 1IJFE: 1 bave been readliing \ s.1lln articles. 1)l>islucd vceklv Miii XII mnctte Announcements. \WbiIe not 1 syml)atbv withî thein, niv. reactionli 'as. been that of.amnuseinint uiingle(I withu irritation.. I (Io' hot ieel titat thiose whom she criicizes are luii).e of, nîy defense. HoiNever>,, Mrs. Diling todla3 ad- (tress1ýd a meeting of the \\ouîani's GuiId ln the Coiîgregationail chutrcli shotild only be undertaken by more conil)etent people. As 1 listeiied to MIrs. l)illing today, 1 remembered .hoN, uiot long ago, a, splendid course of lecture-, on world affairs was given in that sauîuechurcli by Mrs. WVright, wb%-o ivas sponsored by the League of. WVonen Voters. I -wished for ber clear, intelligent fair-minded înfor- niation on the subject ini question, untinge( with personhal anîimosity. 1 believe what Ms iln tells is 'À bier nnbappy imipressions of Russia. 1 ýrca( the sanie st .ory in lbooks and unagazinè' arti'cles writtcn by People wlio have studied Russia verv thor- ('ugll. Some of these Writers wbo are not superficial or prejudjced sec into tlhe past for causes, see more tban onîe. side of the present, and look into. the. future hoping, that sonîething better miay corne ofit. I l)clicvc with ýMrs.. Dilling that lead!ers in Soviet Russia would like tri sec Commiunism slread *over, the entire world. M aurice Ulnuhi. tells uis so, aid l le further states tbat the Comntnist party, of Russia wouldl tvelconîe anotlier World war b)ecause àit ould prel)are the soil, for their scd( as nothing else could. He tells us that the Communiisîs deplore al* ail*truistic miovemnents, realizing that they cannot make headivay wlîere there is a marked effort I)v upper classes of society to give a fair deal in every wav to tlîe less privileged. Inu tlier wordls, where a unildly level- ing p)rpccss starts volunîtarily from the toi) dotvn, goo(l will and better tunes resuilt and an explosion froin the bottomn cannot be successful. Oui- Ibest h.listoriauis, economnists, social workers and iiisters realize that. The3y are not -Reds" because they liave tliat philosoI)bv; they. are not unpatriotic because they have an. in- terniational outlook, or because thev nma%, rot helieve ini spending more hliisto' prepare for auîother - %ar. It secuns, ratber a paradox that -Mrs. Dilling sliould tel] us the sbock- ig story of the anti-religious camn- paign ini Russia*and. tlen talk against our Christian idleals andl the men who inost intelligentlY and earnestIv Dac Editor, WiLmFTT1£ LIIEz: The world will flot go to bell if we spend even a part of our timue in keeping it f romn going there. Enough people are spending all. of their time discouraging everyone tbey contact. Why does tuot somebody try to make someone, feel good? 0f course it is mhuch easier to. push. over than to. build up, but look what you have when it us over. Now, instead of talking the Communistic side of this question, why don't we find some way. to keep peopleý fromu létting, tbem- selves get1 that low., You know as well as I' that We canl't accept such, things as doingý away with Christian- ity, so let's appreciate what we have. Why can't we go to church and get a few good tboughts to ride on for " few days? Besides t bat, why. isn't ît worth whie to have a helpful word or thought for. a fellow who needs' it? What these men need - u st a lot, of help,' and don't think a good word does any harmu. In place of submitting al our friends to the horrible ideas of star- vation and the fear of it, why not promote helping to get some. food *0 the ones who need it? Witb 50 littie effort we could make the infernal picture. into one of supreme happi- ness. Most people we talk to are so hungry for a good cheerful word, we must be able to find sonjeone who Acan be of help. 1AIl in aIl, I do believe that if we express a littie cp urage some one will get help' and certainly enough plain courage will overcome any obstacle.' The banker wants the courage of the fellow who swings the pick or hammrer, and that fellow could do a lot with a little encouragement f rom the banker. We have painted enough of this1 sour stuif. Let's start a few good things going. '-Let's go ont of our way 'to hieip the- fellow who thinks lie doesn't care. And the fel- low:who has been in this unemployed condition for a year or two and ;still stands on both feet bahs a helpiul story to tell some of the boys who still draw a sal aey. Their faith and courage is what the man with the money needs one srnall part of. We who have apparently nothing can cheer up one person and keep him going. If we met a break.le lt's tell the reci propaganda. Let lier attack thue. x-service men woarc (igging itto tte 'national treastury and jiling 'Up thuir share of a linge national delicit. It takes real courage to (Io that. Let lier exalinie the records in, Washinigton ,of nen -- . --..*.J.~.. ~1-lu*.. ior ine. .>izun places i-attircoalUd. idries îot question thie iutegrity or include *Orphlans of the Stormn at 1the intelligenîce of stucl nien. You Deerfield, the Evanston . Humane -Mr. and Mrs.- C. A. Berghoff and 11aviot be lit syvmpathy ' \itlî tlîeir society (lu theý city yard), and the family of Chicago, are n.ow making idçais. %,'ou nia', sinerely believe that North Side Animal Shelter, 5352 their home in Wilmette, and are re-. aniotiier wav Ot tlîou-ht and if e is Broadway, Chicagko. siding in the former 'William M. facer 'ald .Ietter for you or for your I have been told that no one in Burns. home, 727 Laurel* avenue.

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