for cash. West of Ridge, north of Lake avenue.' Must hé cheap. Win- ne tka 3687. 75LTN2-1ltp Ye sunna*RagSok"T MICHIGAN, Furnished cottage situated on, Dixie Hlghway between Traverse City and Charlevoix, Mich. Twelve acres and thousand feet frontage *on EIk La«ke.. Running water, electrielty.; five ,bed- rÔoonS, slee ping porch; Will accommo- date- 14 persons. Fine property. Will seli at declded sacrifice or rent for season at 1600 wttlrreTntal to be ap- plled on purchase price should tenant decide to buy. Addreiss Dr. Verris Smith, 639 Plymouth Road, Grand Rapids, Mich. ,76TN2-ltp DUDE RANCHES' At DEPRESSION rates. L. X. bar ranches. in Northwest Colorado. THE SAME GOOD TIMES AT. LOWERR RATES, Phone. University '0438 or write 616 Noyes St., Evanston, 111. 76LTN2-ltc .71A suMum CAMPS THE BEYE AND BEYE CAMP Bo~ys and Girls, 5 to 15 U. S. Nutrition schedtile. Ail out-door sports. $500 week, i. transp. Address, Marcellus, Mich,, R. R. 2. Phone 14-F-4 Volinia, or tel. Win- netka 428. 76A-LTN2-ltp S5 EXCHANGE-REAL tSTATE WILL EXCHANGE NEW BRICK gasoline service station and nearb "ýmail modem- home in Nules foi- small modern home on North Shore. 'Dee Stoker, W'innetka 2869 or Central* 637Q. 85LTN2-ltc * FOR SALE-HOUSEM9LO GOODU UNUSUAL OPPORTUNITY TO BUY t he conipiete furnsblngs of a 7 rooni house. at a 'very low cost. Only 11/, years old - heavy Gothie styles, *beauty in ev-ery pece-black modern-, istie:bediroom set, orig. cost *,0- * dihescrystals, linens '- must see everything to appreciate value. Bar- -:gain* to buyer. Will also sublease house if desired. Winnetka 2533. 86LTN2-ltc FOn. SALE >IAY 24TH AT 866 BUUFF. St., Glencoe, 10 A,., M. to 5 P. M.- China, glaasware,, silver, brasses,'- pot- tery. household lifiens, weaing apý- pare!.' Some cos-ýtumes 6over m40:years, agoé. Low prices. 86LTNÇ2-ltp GA.S RANGE, ICE BOX, KITÇHEN table and 2 chairs, sbnitary cot,' 6x:) rug, baby carriage.* Ph. Kenilworth VILLA«E 0F KENILWORTM IN THE SUPEII0 COURT OF COOK COUIÇTY, ILLINOIS GENERAL NUMJJEIR i410@7 SPEIALASSSSIENTNOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVICN TO ALL PER SONS, IXTEPtEStED that the Vil- lage, of Kenilworth,. Cook: County, 1111- nois, -having ordered that a. local improvemnent be made consisti ng of 'the construction. ofa. connected systemn of concrete sidewalks in certain parts »of Ashland. Avenue, Giendining Road, Kenilworth Avenue, Park Drive, Green Bay Road, Wayland Avenue, Sterling Road, Roger Avenue and Meirose Ave- nue, as in the ordinance therefér specifically p3rovided, aIl withain the Vil- lage of Kenilworth, County of Cook and State.0f Illinois, the ordinan.ce for the sarne belng- on file in the, office of thé Village Cle.rk of said Village, -and the said Village having applled 'to ithe: Superior Court 0of Cook County,.Illinois, for an assessment of the,'cost of snid improvemnent. according to the benefits, and a -special asseesment therefor'hav-' igbeen' made and returned to said Court, General N~unbër 546107, the fina hearlng thereon wlll be heid on the sixth day of, June, A. D. 1932, or asi soon themeafter as the business. of the said Court will permit. Ail personr djesiring nmay file objections in said Court before said day, and may appear on the hearing and make their defense. Sidf ordinance provides for the collec- tion of said as-sessrnent in five (5) an- nual installimenits with interest thereon 1t tl'cý rate of six per centim (6%>c, per Dated, Neniiworth,' Cook County, liii- nOis, May 16, A. D. 1932. F~RANK Rl. YOUNGI, Person appointed by the President of. the Board of' Locail Iniprove- ments of the Village. of Kenil- worth, C~ok County, Iliinois (and snob appoiftment approved and *confirmed by the Superlor Court of Cook County., Illinois), to miake1 said speeial assessments. Vllage Attorney.. L2-2te IN, JOINT. SESSION On Sunday, May' 22, the Sunday school of the Chutch of the- Holy Comforter in Kenilworth will have m~ its guests, the niembers of the Union Church Sunday school. Everv year the two schools f ollow the friendlv custom of exchanging Visits. 11:10 A. NI.-Serviee and. the Con- firmation of this year's class o! cate- chumens. 5 .M.-.Servjice and sermonu. Meettneg Sunday, 4 P. M. Junior rally of the 1North Shore Zone of the Walther league. Monday, 7:45,Choir* rehearsal, Tuesday at 81 P.. M.-A4dtults Confirma- tion class. Saturday at 9 A. NI. Classes, for Chul- dren. The Northý Shore Zone of the Walther league wili have a Junior rally at this church Sunday, May 22. St. Jqhn's JuùnoÔr society will act as hostse.. This rally ls pimarii 'y for Juniors but their' parents and seniors are also cordially, invited to attend. A short but interest- ing semi-business session wiil begin at 4 O'clock; a light Sunday, supper semved.. Gamnes w ,ilI be played. afterl suppeî' tili -8.:30. The vamious Junior societies o! our Zone wili gise brief reports of their activities. This allyV must. be a ,;ueêess for it is the firs-t of its kind in our zone, Do~ you want to make it. a success? Al riglît, -we ',hall see you Sunday at .4 P." M. The Rev. 7%m. Suhr: wil ouuuv bb pulpit ini the afternoon Srie The church o! Jesus Christ is the most wonder!ul thing in all the Nvorid. It is the only thing in aI'l thiý, universù thit ivili neyer decay. Next, Sunday. at the il :10 service, ten young peo'ple will renw teirbaptismaàl vow. Board 1Hears 'Attorney for Garage Interests The attorney for interests whi1ch, have requested a permit to build a garage and filling station at the northwest corner of Lake avene amd Main street' addressed the Village board at its regular meeting Tuesda'v night, explaining the type 'of' building which it is proposed to erlect at tliis corner and asking the board to gv .ealy consideration to, the niatter. Recently the old Village board whIch completed its work this , pring adopted an amendment to the Village zoning ordinance restricting gar ,ages to "C" industrial areas. The grotund on Nhich i t is proposed to biid the new garage is zoned. "B" 'commercial. Property owners in the neighborh'ood have presunted a petition to the, Vil- lage board objecting to the' granting of a permit for such, a building. 0the elrY iseid theni only onle hë wasi Lord; foiýg4,_-hat they owed -hini gratitude. Where are WUie You wiil find theÏn on~s~zM~ o! our confirmed àhlr',~~,~ter s%arcely renewing their bi19Jmai -V"'w and pledging fldeiity to their Savior, ,shamnefully' forget their. Lord. St. John's. Chumch in aill sincerity. asks you, the parents and relatives'. ie ,thé confirmnants to attend this service, and pmay that not ouly one but ail ten imay always be found among those who gratefully own hlm as their Lord and pay: their, vows of faithful lovee bhiii., On the follow ing Sundayth ot- ation cla'ss will eceive their first <"ni- nmunion.' Let us commune with them. Mission',Church Comnmunity House John Bengtsoni, pastipr Sunday, ohurvli Sc.hoI . JurY. P. ...... Evening service Wednesday, Swedî st selvice al : 1 ) . 7 4 . . i 'hui-sday, AMay 26, La dies' Aid nt Ms ..Lundstromi's residence, 555 >'ih<n Gant Continuance 011 Automatic Gates Issue V'illage Attorney Wîllis 1). aw reported at the regular meectIiLg bf the Village board Tuesday nighttat the Chicago, North Shore andl- watikee. railroad bias asked for, a cou- tinuance in the unatter of the 'pro- posed. installation of automnatic 'gatcs' to replace 'the' :nanually opiura-ted gates at the Wilmiette, Central, ;tnd Lake avenue cossngs :n \N>I W :lett.e. A hearing on the application of ii î,, aiload to .itstali the automatiic Lat,:s had been Set for Mày,26 b1efore the. Illinois Commerce commission. 'l'le Village board authorized Village .At.- tomney 'Nance to concur in ýthe rail- road's request for a continuance. 1hie board several weeks ago instritctel Mr. Nance to oppose the 'railroad conlpany's application for 'autoinatic gates.. ON VARSITY GOLF TEAM H-arold C. T4irtt. 708RParkaviiiv A son, J. 'born to Mr. of 720 Lake 29, at the Weiiler was Salinger of c ~'I t e' loyrer netka. Mr. and Mms. Oie P. Oison, 736 Jr., wW; Roger avenue,' Kenilworth, and '-\I. XVeiller and 'Mrs. Hferbert, T. 'Snell, 1304 te, April Isabella street, are nlotoring to il. Mms. Saginaw, Micb. this week-end to visit ss Carvi friends to see the "Biossom ek festivities. MO