Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 19 May 1932, p. 48

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Rates-5 cents a lincelu one paper. 25 cents a lune ln any two papers. 3cents a Une in ail thr.. papers. MINIMUM! CMÂReU ONE DOLLÂIL Average of live words to the line. No black face type used.p 16% discount on ail cash wlth ord.r £Gvertlseuients whea brought te our oMeie at JUSD Central Ave, Willnette, or 641 Lincoln Ave, Wlunetka. -Deadline for. Insertions- Odadetls:3ns lI b WIJLMETTE LIVE .or &il three papers; Wednesday 9 P. M. for WINNETKA TALTC and Thursday 5 P. M. for GLENCOE NEWS. Telephones: Wllmette 4300, Winnetka 2000, Greenleaf 4300 or Sheidrake 5687. 3LOST AND FOUND FOUND-BRINDLE BULL DOG. PH.Ï Wfnnetka 2030. 2LT2N2-ltc S BUILDINQ ANP CONTRACTINO CARL B ENGSTON CAiLPENTER, AND BUILDER REMODELING AND REPAIRING PH. WINNETICÂ 24W, 8LTrN47-ttc 9. BUSINESS SERVICE FOR YOUR NEXT BRIDGE CLUB serve- Angel Food,. deliclous creaxny double ling, large aime 11.00, Sueshine cake, L70C.' Ph. WlIlette 3407. -OLTN4-tfe, *FUaNITURE REFIIHED, POLISH1- ed and touched up. Ph. Winnetka ýi504. 9LTN2-1tc- Il DRESSMAKING WILL MAKE NEW DRESSES IN order to keep my work -rom nbuey durlng depression. Claire Modiste. Wtnnetka 147. IîLTN4I -tfîe COLLETTE SOEURtS-DRESSMAKERIS Remodellng. altering. Also cuttlng, fit- tlng and basting service. Winn. 1011. 11LTN2-ttp 14A PLANTS AND SULBS HolIander's Nursery BLACK DIRT AND PERENNIALS GIANr PANSIES AND ENGLISU DAISIES Wlllow Road, Northbrook, Ill. Glenvlew 449-J 14-ALTN53-3tp FOR SÀLE-'%ATER ILY PLANTSç, Sooc. each. Winnetka 803, NORTHWESTERN GRADUATE, M AS - teres degree, teacher, excperlenced ln grade sehool and high schéol, will care for and tutor children ln destir- able home. Hlgh school senior boy wishes employment ln :same famly- chauffu or nther wnrk. Roth free thi spaul4lniz 1205. ýes. 24LTN2-2-tp: 38 LOANS LOANS TO: PROPERTY OWNERS. Make and b4uy lot and 2nd mortgages. EVANSTrON BOND & MTG; 0CO 618 Grove St. Greenleaf Ï600 38LTN435-tfc 41 S'ITUATION wAnTrED>-FiMALm DOMESTIC HELP No charge to, employer. Efficient service for the N. S. homnes.. We investigate references. SPECIAL NURSE DEPARTMENT Pauline'sEmp.. Agencies 5 Suburban Offices 52.2 Center St. Winnetka 2662-3 017 41LTN53-tfe EXPý. KINDERHGARTEN AND EARL11Y eleni. teacher, well-versed in nature lore and vocal training, seeks posi- tion asý chldrens companion and tutor. for, summner. Anne Bauid, 5436 Ferdinand St., Chicago. Mainstield 4188. 4lLTN2-ltpý 2EXPER. GERMAN GIRLS WANT work by day. or hour, washing, iron- ing, cleaning, serving, sewing, taking care of chil dren. Winnetka 1921. 41LTN2-ltp) YOUNG WOMAN WITH SECRE'.- tarial experience wishes position. Prefei4s to tra'vel. A-i ref. Ph. *Greenfleaf 9200 'between 7, and 9 P. M. Sunday. 41LTN2-1tc EXPERIENCED W O M AN WANTS laundry or clearning by the day. Cati Wilmiette 4288 after 5 :30 P. M. 41LTN2-ltp COMPETENT YOUNG GIRLZ WISHES moth ers helper position. Fond of rhildreni. Edgewater 7215.' 41LTrN2-] tp EX-PER. iGIRL WisHiES, PART TIME wvork, by the wéek,ý morning or after- noon. Ref. Ph. University.8353. 41LTN2-ltp RECLIABLE -WRITE WOMAN WITH A-i ref. wishes washlng, Ironing, cleaning, cookIng, catering. Ph. Wii- mette 4552. 41LI1N2-ltp RESPECTABLE, GER'MAN, ýP E R M. COOK AND GENERAL Hi (bood reference. WhIte. 6667. HIGH SCHOOL GIRL D' sition as mnother's helpei Ph. Greenleaf 4094. 1 .L NURSE FOR en. N. S. ref.Ph ~TN2 4a: SITUATION WANTED-MALE ltL1,ABLE MAN WILL WASH AND simoniz car ln your garage, $5. Wife wili take. care of chlldren, 36é hour. Ref. Wllmette 4203. 42LTN2-ltc S P R I N G HOUSECLEIANING AND general housework, byý the hour. N. S. refs. Cali Drexel 7931, P. E. Norman. 42LTN2-ltp FILIPINO COL. STUDENT DESIRES pas. -as cook, butier, or. houseman. Cloed references. MayWood 6433.. 42LTN24ltp WILL CLEAN WALLPAPER, ANY rooni $1.25. Calcimine ceilings. $2.00. Winnetka 672. «,42Lr.N2-îtp 43 , IT* WTD.-MALE _A FEMALE NHAT APPEAItING COL. COUPLE, capable of taking entire c harge of household, Wis1i position in private famlly. Rief. Cali evenings, Ureefl- le-af 4901. 43LTN2-1tlp COVPLE SEÊKS, POSITION WiITHI free re-t; nian as chauffeur. care- taker, houseman; wife-cook, miald. Wellington 8161.- 43LTN2-Itc à4 H LP WANTED-FEMALE GIRLS GIRLS GIRLS Positions open for expcrienced domnes- tlc help . References required. NO REGISTRATION FEE Pauline's Ernp. Agencies 522 Center St. Winnetka 3017-2662 44LTN2-l-tc GIRL, HOUSEWORK, AFTERNOONS throuigh dinner (no Sat.-Sun. work). -6 days $5. Ref. Winnetka 511. 44LTN2-lti) WHITE MNAID FOR GEN. HSEWK. and ironing, afternoons throligh dln.- ner. Sml. fainily, $5. Willnette 2546. ___________44LTN2-ltc EXPER. WHITE GIRL, GEN. HOUSEC- work. Good cook. Good refs. P'h. wilmiette 1129. 44LTN2-ltp W171TE MAID I FOR CEN. HOUSE-I work .and ironlngi. Staiy nights. Phi. Wiimette 2871.i'44LTN2-ltp. GIRL TO ASSIST ,WITH HOUSE-ý work and chiid 5 years old., Must have ref. Winnetka 623. 44L2-ltp WHITE GIRL FOR GENERAL housework,' must have experience. $8 to Ctr.111t Wiirnétte 2258. 44L20-Itp A-1 .ýC vate Pa t. Winnletka il 1735 Benson, cor. Clark 1%~ blocks North of Davis -L- station 48LTN2-ltc 3UICR 30-61 BIG SEDAN, DEMOUNT- able wood wheels, perfect le appear- ance and mechanically. Attractive lnay for cash. Ph. Glencoe 205. 48L2-ltp Do AUTOSRVC Why Take Chances HAVE YOUR -CAR UNDER CON- trol,.new, good-,brakes cost less to- day than one accident. 'The lowest prices on the North Shore. Only the* highest <Iuality, linIng used. "'Rusco," 'Gadke," "American Brake Block," etc. Fordand Chevrolet, $8.65,; Buiick, Hudson, Reo, Chyrtsler, Auburn, etc.. $15.75; Cadillac, iPackaird,,$19.25.' Work guaranýteed. -Ail ivheels 'perfectly equal1z ,ed. Have It donc now befoire it is too late. Call Mr. KraUt,'day-. timie wilmette 5346,, evenings Win- netka 3622. Shop located in -the Spanish Court, Bldg. 50LTN-ltc 51 FOR RENT-ROOMU FURNISHED ROOM SUITABLE.'FO1R 1 or~ 2 or couple with daughter. Prot. preferred. Home, privileges., Oi ht. Gar. available. Ph. Glencoe 976. 5ILTN2-Ite FRONT ROOM, SINGLJE OR DOUBLE. Also sleeping porch, furnished. Cook- ing privileges. Wlnnhetka 2669. 51LtN2-ltp) ATTRACTIVE RM. IN PRIVATE home for 1 or 2. >Twin beds, meals optionaI, excellent 'transp. Ph. Wil- mette 1508. .1 . 51LTN2-ltce centrally located. Business woman pre- ferred.. Ph, Wilmette 965-M. 5lL2-litp CHECERFUL ýIGHT ROOM, CON- venient to al 'transportat ion. Ph. Wil- miette 3925., 51L2-ltp PLEASANT ROOM IN PRIVATE FAM- ily, close to transportation. Ileferencès. Reasonable. Glencoe 1589. ,51L2-ltp ROOMN WITFI LAVATORY; GARAGE available, 969 Elm. St., Wlnnetka, Ph. Winnetka 110. 51L2-ltp FURN1SHED) ROOM, PRIVATE FAM- ily. Gentleman' preferred. Phone Win- netka .1686. 51LTN1-ttc(- LARGE, SUNNYBER , SUITABLE for 2; also small. bedrmr.. and ýgarage. Ph. Wiimette 1026. ' . 51LTrN2-1tp PLECASANT ROOM. IN PRIVATE residence. .3 blocks to trans. Winnetka 415,, , 1LTN-ltc LARGE, FRONT. ROOM. SINGLE OR double. AIso smnaller roomn. Ph. Wil- mentte 3206.. 51LTN2-ltp PLEASANT F'URNISHED ROOM IN private home. $4.50.. Ph. Wit. 729. 5ILJJN2-ltp) 7A-LTN1-tfe- 5 RMS., BATH, GLAZED POFý ~ lnclnding ht. and gar, Adult De ~Thornwood, Wllmette. Glenvie 8-26S. 30,000* 56L' >ortlite, etc. PLEASANT tTNFURN. 4 *R hauled. PrI-ý heated, fireplace le living rn 7, WaInut Avp. Ph. Wllmette 14 48LTN2ltp *56L 24 Pi FORMg ut4e r North i

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