Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 19 May 1932, p. 43

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reai ',id-season group of golfers. 'l'lie ew lowv rates have I)eell ii etïect for the Iast nionth at Gleiicoe. alid ý,lo1g vth this a course that i,, Ili bttter conditiontI tan anv'tinie 1lu it: h.itory is responsible for the large crowds that corne toGlco and. plà v Not o01113- ver the %veek'- c , là. but cverv (lay (luriillg the week v(m.uli fini id the est cro,%v(lof golfer-.4 uîi anv , of the fe courses. Tuesday of each weck offers frec golf. to the ladlies, and more and nmore of, thern are playing each wveek. T1he%- find the dining rooi righ t at the CI lu) a inuyst convenienit place ior tiacir nlouiî-day lunch. T1he menu carries il gc). gI varietv of foods. Nvith prices thât a re exceptionallvy nioderate. 1I.arl)e IuC(l hicken being a favorite.' ELMGATE Thl owvest Daily Fee golf prices iiii tîhe listorv of ElImgate Country club: theyil be found in their advertisenîent f -on this page. Eveni before these iiew rates weut iiitu effect, Eligate had becueiiejoving àni uinusualinmber of players, this be-' ing dule to the wonderf nI condition of the course. Elngate-. %va s o rmrerly a àprivate club.] and since operating as.a dail.y f ee c ourse lias done everything. possible ito main- talin the sanie good conditioni of the coure. andf( the golf ers have been, quick td, realize this iact. éh lubhiouse. locker rooms, show- ers aîul the di'îîug roorn are ail open.ý -the P)ublic, and jack Croak. manager, of the. club says: -Comie out and enjoyl vusl amid the high grade surround- ing's thiat are offered you at Elntgate;" Eluiigate club is located on Shiermier, avenue.. one-eighith of a mile south of (;îemîview~ road, jiust one mile vest uf Gi.enview.. WESTWeLME1TE Opien for the, first timne this season1, last ,Neek-end1 found a goodly number of goîrers playing this course. Th'le total. yardage- of, this course is 1.0o5. Par is 2î for the nine holes.1 Each, hiole is- an ion shot. The, fifihi ole. heing the shôrtest, is 75 yards; j the niinth, of 165 yards. is the longest. The greens 'and the fairways, to),ý are aIl of creeping bent grass. The lights wilI be turned on 'for eve- nin- .play, bcginjiitg' June 1, or before if the weatber is favorable for evening. - -'. PLAY ALL DAY AT THESE. RATES i Mon. to Sat. Noon, 75c-Sat. P.M., $1-50--Wekday Twilight, 50co Sun.' A.M., ,$l.5-P..M., $I25-Sat., Sun, Twilight, 75c Ladies! Play Free Golf at Glencoe on Tuesdays PHONE GLENCOE 981 ... No Charge for Reserations i ROB ROY COUNTRY CLUB Former! y a Private Club .1.iles. çonif of Dnndéee Bd. on Elmhburt Rd, then J/4 ll east où MclJonald Rd. to Clubý, or River Rd. to Meflonald Rd. A, fine test of golf . beautif ul Astoria Seeded Greens. The only club in Chicqohav'ing.18 greens.of this grss. Coine Out and Enjoy >'ours'e!f ai Rob Roy, . Popet MI PHONES ARLINGTONi HEIGHTS 1493-1564 REASONIABLE'RATES PICKWICK GOLF. The $85O,0OOPlayground 36 HOLES 0 F CHAMPIONSHIP GOLF REDUCED RATES WEEKDAYS-AII Day, $1, 18 Holes, 7Sc. After 5 P. M., SOc SATURDAY A. M, 75c-Afteruoons, $125. After 5 P. M., 75c SUN. & MON.-Mo,.nings, $1.50. Afternoons, $125. Af ter 5 P. M., 7Sc PHONE GLENVIEW 292 or 173 FOR RESERVATIONS fi ieJ n SUNDAY MOR NIN G GOLF TWILIGHT GOLF EVERY DAY AT REDUCED RATES. Golf inii 14<.!surroundings eJcny, ieiJs Tecltny Fields offers every possilble accommodation contrlbutlug to your pleagure a.nd comfort... the perfect golf course 'deslgned expressly fur youand your frlends. Spcciti i accommiodation s for women Waukegan & Willow,,Roads Telephone Northbrook 190 INORTHDROOKL GOLF CLUB ,Formerfy UNI VERSITY CLUB'. $Olt% NMavos- Boyd, local- greenskeeper. President johinson of Medinah coun'- try club conducted a business nieet- nig after lunch. after which an inspec- tion tour of the course was made by the greenskeepers of Chicago's pri- vat.e courses. and some mighty fine licomplimenits were passed. on *the Northbrook course. Especiàll-y those large wonderful greens. that are the' talk, of the area. The next meeting will be, held at Sunset Ridge wbere .Mr. J. B. Boyd will be host. Northbrook was formerly. calîed. the University, golf club of. Chicago, and tItis season for the first time . is open to thec public, and at the low- est, rates in 'the area.- Each week bas b rought, increasinig play and the num-, ber of repeaters shows that golfers reallv apprecîate the advanitages of dia-viing on a privatecourse thatoffers a real test of the gamne., Corne out and play Northbrook, ai d trythe food in the dining r oom. You'll be surprised at the, tasty, meals 4d and mderate rcs. TECHNYFIELDS Highways are happy ways when they flead to, Techny Fields."That's what two .r.groups of business mien, exclaimed when, thcy h leld their tàurnamçnts here last 1weck.: They wvere justified in their hap- piness asý the greens at Techny Fields are large andas near perfection as is possible to niake thern. The f ood does; satisfv the golfer's appetite. Sorne dayý memnbers of a number of golf, courses around New York will erect a tablet to Robert Lockart, though inany of these clubs neyer heard of titis gentlemian. He introduced the gaine ini New York in 1888 at Central Park.' WVith a plaid bag and a set of sticks M r. Lockart dropped a bal on the grass and drove it whizzing jacross, the meadow. A group of small1 boys was llesed but somne old' ladies,,were terri- fied. They, thouglit somethirig must be ui rong and called -a. policeman. The, greatpioneer wvas put in jail. Therebe- ing 11o. regulations against it, he., wasI releascd. This turned out to be a blessing for tle incident attracted sufficient attention and caused haîf a dozen, other golfers to seek out Mr, ILockart.-Jock Ander- aId road. east of Elmhurst roaci, ai three miles south of the Dundee i Entrance' may also be gained fi River road. it is jiîst west of Dam 2 M ithe Forest Preserve. Just enoughl outt to be overruli. .. . ..;. ie Mi .und Ai ESERVATIONS SUNIIAYS SATTTRDAYS .u ..... * .$.,; 3ornings........ .75c rnoon ... 5Afternoons 8.5 ,r 5 P.11 ..U. 7 -Alter à P. M.... lic PHONE GLENVIBW 250 whou tureci asi Hagen, Franci! Dobsoni of Milw man of. Pickwic 'eters ot Philacit twinter 'with M is Gaîlett and at kee. and Joe'1 'c- - i MOI

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