Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 19 May 1932, p. 42

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The speiing record of Stolp. ?D risen to a noticeable heigbt. A f ew mntbs ago, about ont five onc-hundreds were received Fridays. Sometimes in a sorroi tone the disappointed teacher w announce, to tbirty studious pupils they had each missed one or , words. At iast came tbe dawil 'of- Fmi May 6,> whcn aftcr the studentsY akeI what, the noise: was ab twefity-two happy and iusty voices plied. "We got one-hunidred." , Wyzman, the amazcd teacher, exct the saying, "That is something talk about." That , was the truth. Twenty-i out of twenty-seven pupils who the test were on the one-hundred on. the blackboard. The other .ý pupils cach misspeihed one word, nm ing a total of five womds, missed. What a difference, a f ew mon make. Not very long ago,. one per missed thirty or more words oni Friday test. Stolp lB, the ,eigth grade ciass t usuaily missed the least words nx spelled five words also but these nr takes were divided among three s dents.-Imogene Kaufman, Stolp 21 irk We had a visitor f rom Stolp scbooij Ihas 01 Friday morning. She was Miss!i A-1 players met A-3 in a game' of Brown, the ,nature teacher. First she basebalilrccentiy at Stolp school. WC began by teiling us about different kindsj playcd but five innings becausç of the etof.bircis, and soon she said she wotild 1time. The lineup was as foilows: b 1 ave to go, so- she had some boys bring A-l-Arthur Mom-f, p, capt. ; Bill Beebe, wfla few tbings up f rom her car., She lb; Carl Gindele, If;. Rollo Guilicksn ouhd brought a rat, somne butterfiies,. Which ss; Bill Warren, 3b; Haidane Wilson, that she. told us about,. and also a coc oon. c; A-3--John Hawley, p; jlmn St 1reet- mlore 1Kv ail enjoyed the talk very much. er, rf ; Roland Davis, If, 'capt.; F'rank and M iss Van Horne sàid that she O)gilivie, c. Clark and Bonnen. were dawouid invite the other: roonis in, vhen umpires.ý were Miss..Brown came again. -Later on, 'beraofrschfwpyrsva sot ourw teae putsome brchnlokat tshe ,a meeting for eigbtb griade boys at re-so f w se a irdwe atiloo attueHoward scho, whicb kept the fcllows uISed chat to fHlyotwhrd inSAt. from getting back in tiine. Altbough tse Bet aeHoad5.Itiere tVas a great deal of arguing, the scor _________________in___nr lIz'ucnr waa 4flïvR*~' .-- - -jtli> ot i Bi iavor or Aý-3-John Hawlcy, Stolp M . 'rhre games of basebail were played, WNýednesdayv afternoon inside tbe gym. Teams I and II playcd. eacb other. We plavcd oniy threc innings because onlv one game could be played at one time. wbile tbe others waited for their turns. Team Il was up to bat fi-st, and made several i-uns. Teatu 1 diçln't score dur- ing the first inning because tbe flics they bit were -caught. The second inning wasn't 50 eventfui, but in the hast inning TeatnIlI ade the most J runs and won witb a score of 13 to 4.[C -Elizabeth Benson, Howard 8B; -two ook list five iak- ntbs son' the bhat ais- nis- tu- FESTIVALS SINGERS PRACTICE Thursday momning, May 12, Mr. Beattie came the second time to direct those people going to the North Shore Music Pestival. We are singing six songs. ýWe have to work in learning wvords and notes but it is great fun to go. Friday we go down to Patte» gymn to practicé.-Elizabeth Leslie, Howard, 8B3. PREPARE CLASS DAY In composition f rom now until class day, we are preparing our class-day actvites.Each pupîl bahs to write a story on our class history or class prophccy or ciass will. . The most fun is writing the chass propbecy. After the s ubjects are read, we shall go on a picnic. 1 hope cvemyone will have a fine time.-Bud Fisher, Stohp 113. ing in f ree periods for 11 plans to make 100) ash J ]Borre, Howard 7A. Monday Program of 7B Is CaII1ed" "Interesting"' The ciass -of 7B at Howard school bas a very intéresting program n Mo- day. The fimst p eriod in the morning we have: remedial work,, ini which we can do what we choose. The second pcriod we bave dramatics. The next periôd wre have socialscience wbich is followed by general science. The fiitb and hast period in the morning we have suentý reading. Thi- first period in the afternoon we bave aritbmet-ic and the last: two periods the girls have domes- tic science while the boys have manuai training.-Betty Green, Howard 7B. Howard Eighth Graders WilI Pen Farewell Song T 'his year the eighth grades of How- ard are going to write their fareweli Song. In the past the cightb grades bave sting the Wilmette Loyalty Song at graduation, but this ycar the pupils. are going to write their own. The best Song wiii be eicked, and Mrs. Clark. will bave belpers to compose some MUSIC to go witb it. We think it will be much more -'fun tw sing -a, song oCur Cin pqpils' wrote, and we know it will prove successfu.-Heien Iindstromn, Howard -8A. IT PAYS TO PLAY SAFE "Do you play. in the street or do nique de s will ;yotl n the art ey 1 in June.- Aota -Wcek 'ago, the boys9-f rom our pýlaeclaned and fiied the holes. with diii iin the field so we could play bail. We madle these miles: If the bal went on the other sie of -a f ence, we wcz-re out; if we bit any bouse, we were out ; and if we hit the bhail over the alley on a fly, it was à home. mn. We play bail aimost every nigbt since we fixed the field.-Harvey Steffens,,How.. ard 7A, C-2 played 1 of Howard reccntlv a l won, Il to 6. Elsie janeEdge, Hlelen Lindstromh, Helen Pear'son,- Vivian Thompson, Lucille Wagner and- Heiena ýMickey piaycd on C-2. If we caughti fly or made a home run, we got ý né- noint. The people who caught foies wvere Elsie Jane Edgc, Helen Pearson and Helena Mickey.-Helena Mickey,; Howar-d 8C. 'l'Tie Reds and Ro Pnhs of i<*,~ i. 1(M-yard dash, hi1 iing brcod jump, t. Thcy' practice Spiegeihauer, How. i wecic.- i &% ,g "C47j .R f ~Young Musician. C The school orchestra with its con- * ductor, "Kitty" Wagner, had a concert in Highland Park at Eh» Place school Monday, May 9. We playcd for their ascmbly of many grades, in t.heir bi+g auditorium. We piayed the foilowing orchestral numbers: "Irish Washerwoman," "Ai- iey Tunes," "Indian Suite," "The joiiy, Coppersmith",aind The Turkey in the Stlraw."- The concert was iikedL by every pupil, we hope. After the concert, Mr. Smith. the superintendent of the schooi, showed us around. One place Ne visited was their observatory which was a very .fine one. The woman, wbo teaches tbat kind of work, bas been .there for twenty-nine years and six months, Mr., Smitb said. We iiked the tour around the school very much ».id also the scbool. but we hoped they liked our concert.- Bill Hart, ýStolp 2C. Pupils Prepare Debate onQuestion of, "Frilis" The girls and boys of Stoip schooi,ý who are on the debate teamns, are try- ing every bardto work up some strong arguments and, are succeding. -Thé. question of *tbe debate is, "Rkesoivcd: That the .so-called 'frinus' shouid be re- tained in the eiementary schoois." The pupils on tbe affirmative side are Helen Shane, Helen Peterson and Rodger Venekiasen. Those on the negative side are Jeanne Cutier, Sue Spinney and Betty Ceiieets.-Jeanne Cutier, Stolp l B. PmLAN -COMMENCEMENT T he graduating. class of,'32 is to de- cide wbethcr or not. it would like a' commen cemnent as in years before. The new system is toô bave a theme ru» througb the evening, such as a personl repesctin edcatonor 'a. person who hiad had no scbooling, and m1any other tbings, or the plain plan as in other y cars. It is a bard job deciding.- Harry Kramem, Howard 8B. HIGH SCHOOL SUBJECTS, "'1" ro.'L41re anotner test, Monclay, cles to compare and find oùt bowl ýe a bave improvcd since hast Sept 6A. Helen Oison, Stoip 2A.,

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