Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 19 May 1932, p. 39

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xouoWeàa y a reception andi Wedlng supper. * The bride wore ber niother's wed- *ding gown of heavy ivory satin, fash- ioned with a higb, 'tigbt bodice, mous- quetaire-sleeives andfan sbaped train. Arounidthe neckline was ber grand- inother's delicate old rose.-point lace. * The rose-point lace also edged the bride's cap, - which was lield at the sides by orange blossonis wornby ber *sister, Marjorie, .at ber* wedding,, to Eric- Foote.' Across: the bottomn of the long tulle .Veil was spread. the veil Worn by ber maternai grand- inoth£r at ber own! wedding. ,Tbis was band embroidered for ber by three of ber* friends, and' bad been worn by the brides' mo >tber and also bv bier sister at:their respective wed- dings. The bride carrîed, a shower bouquet, wbich reached the finor, of iiies-of-the-valley and wbite. orchids. Tbe deep, ricb fucbsia color. in the beart of the orchids 1formed .the kt.y- note of color iii the gowns of the at- tendants. The bride's sister, Mrs. Eric Foote, of New York, was' ber niatron of> hionor and ber maid of bonor was ber cousin, Miss Marguerite Bruere, of St. Charles, Mo.' *lbeir dresses were (if palest green chiffon with flowing back- panels and deep cowl of fuchsia colored chiffon. '[bey carried pale lavendar sbower bouquets, wbicb forined muf like effects and fell to tbe lower edge 'of tbeir gowns. These were studded at the top witb deep fucbsia and yellow roses. The bridesmnaids were Mrs. Herbert Paschen, Mrs. John Snialley and Mrs. William Cummings. Their gowns ,were of palest pink chiffon witb tbe cowl and short flowing train of tbe fuchsia chiffon. Their long sbower bouquets were of pale lavendar sweet peas studded witb. deep' fuscbia l anemones. Mrs. Charles Wagner, mother of tbe bride wore peacbi colored crepe, trini- med with rosy-rust satin and Mrs. Guy Osborn, mother of the groom %vorn- old-gold colored lace witb chou-lIer hlucuets of, nrehids. G(1 BENJAMI N BISBEE DIES Benjamin H. Bidlbee died early Tuesday morning at bis borne. 323 Cunmor road, *Kenilwortb. after, aý I on ngillness. The funeral services were. beld, Wednes day afternoon, at the residence, and burial took pflace, at Oakwoéod cenmetery in Cbicago. MjIiss MarOIS Thayer, 121 Rob- sart rýoad, Kcitl'orth, ispresidnt of A/w 14'csle vast Service guild, wvhich is sponsoring a Stfint shote to hi' jiveiiFridajy (tomoirrow) cemn ,i g,2Ifny 20, at 8 o'clock,: in the auîditorium,, of the i-Wiliiette *M. fE. Paris/i housc. MIIiss Adelaide C. Jones, 1020 Cen- tral avenue, program chai rman, and Mrs. Lucile Banka of Park Ridge, co- chairman, have given much tixne and tbougbt to the evenîng's entertainment. Tbe stunts to be given by the various organizations of the churcb are as f oi- lows: tbe Young People's group wilI give a one-act play; the Woman's Foreign Missionary society, an His- torical Sketch: the Frjendly circle. a Scare Uirow 'dance - the Boy Scouts,, "The Telephone Repairman"; the Men's class. a debate; the Choir, a sketch called "Rural Love." Tbe Woman's Home Missionary society wifl hexepre- sented 'by janice Coîgrove who wilI, play a group of. pianPo selections. The, unique orchestra, ýdirected, by, PAUL' KRUPPA' Painting .Decoratiol 1412 E-hmwod Avmis% ,WIlmft. WIInmett. RU? Wivomaka loi., ROSES firom your Qade SUREBLOOM ROSES ... f rom yu own rose garden ... Will be un endless source of pleasure and, satisfaction.: Neyer: before have prices been so Iow. When you demi with Us you pay for plants ... flot for f ancy stores or deliv-, ery. FOr» more than 12 years Sttweb1on Roses have eni- hanced the estates of many of the leading North Shore families., Assortmnent No..1 Consists of ; Tes Rose plants. Tel. Iows, plnk8, reds. Pernet Rose plant FRE~E! and egrry..75 C.O.I. ad f25e Assoetunt No. 2 Consists of là Tes Rose plants. Tel. lows, reds, plaks. 2 Permet Rose plants FIEUE! Ail li, cusia$1.50 and curry Ass.vtau*mt No. 3 SPECIALI' The Aristocrat of R0%- es. The Sounvenft Claullas dec 1ernet A eanary yello.p 8ensatSon! WALTER G. POEHLMANN 2 Blocks West ofLincoin Tavern-Morton Grove, 111. Date .................... Please supply me with Rose Assortment as' checked b.Iow for. which 1 enclose ............. ....Assortm.nt No. 1 Assortmenit No. 2 Mr. and Mrs. George Keebn, 100 Cburch- road, Winnetka, entertained their bridge club at dinner and for the evening, Tuesday, May 17. AmBRRICAN LANDSCAPB AsSSOoeTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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