tnroW of the United States govern- mnent by force and violence Mrs. A- *bert \V. Dilling. of Kenilworth em- pliasized as the climax of lier talk Friday afternoon of tast week at. the \Vomiani's Society of the Con-gÉre- tional church in, Wilmette. She appealed 'to loyal. -\mnricaiis to, support, tbrough petition 'and tele- grami to \Wa shington, the foltowing legisiation inow penlding ilu Conigress: '11. R. 1967, The Bachimanni Bill, .%rengthening the immigration las to prevent admission of, Communis int the United States and providing for iiimiediate deportation, of alienl Conuîxiiunists. ,,H. R., 8594, the Jeffers Bill., mak-, ing it a crime to advocate or pro- mote the overthrow or the destruc- tion of the United States Governient by force and'violence." lu addition she urged the enforce-> ment of what she said was the "now-: igniored" ,A-nti-Dumping act, the pro-, vision of 'the Tariff act 1930, section * 307 , january 1, 1932, pro- hihiting the importation of goods pro- *duiced or inaniufactured, ni part or in wvhole by forced labor.".' Thle talk by _Mrs. Dilling..,whiich, fol- Iowed thie luncheon and .business meeting of the Woman's Soçi.ety, was open to al] womnen of. the village, luI tlhe audlience were wvom.en-i act.ively identified ivith many village organi- * zatînns. Nrs, I)illing div'ided lier talk in brief, iinto two parts: Shie first told of lier actual experience while travel- ing i n Russia last summer, and of *what she saw there and the conditions existing under the soviet regime. The picture shie painted wvas of a drab, dîrty, suffer'ing, oppressed Russia, wliich she saw "from the inside" and, away f rom official soviet guides. * The second part of her talk was on, iwat'.she said'was 'Russia's plan- for the- world, destruction of: the church proclaimed, "the opiate for the peo- ple," destruction-of the famil.y for* na - tionalisim, the destruction of nation- alism, i .nternationalism,. the fostering! ofcvlwarf are to make ripe theý seed of world revolution, which, she, *said a soviet guide ini Moscow de-1P Adair, Ralph Starr,- George Simon, Di-ck O'Connor, John Seerley, Don Stiliman, Nelson- McClary, John Dabm, Nathan Brenner, Bill Bay, John Dix, Norman Beis, Charles Stillman,. James Olin, Andy Kuby, Frank-Winands, David Sanders, Lar- ry Dowd,. Bob Moss, Bredin' Burns, Seeley Lodwick, David' Date, Robert Montanaro., Homer Hackett, tbick. Vanhalanger, John O'Connor, Robert Ostermgnn, Kenneth Crocker, Ed- ward Claff ey, James Robertson, 'Mel- vin. Hawley, Kirkpatrick Dilling and Conger Reynolds, Jr. Day hike-Cari 'Batter, \Vendel Clark, George Rothermel, Jackson MacLýow, jr., Bennie Richards, AI- bert F 'leischmann, Buddy Brenner, Bobbie Herman, Paul Kelly.. Wilcox Hodgkins, Ralph Starrett, Dan Sul- livan. James Bay, Louis Bouchard, Ralph Hawxhurst, and E dward. Cassin. PLAN JUNVE. PROMENADE The entit'e Womafi's club building in Evanston -%il] be utiIized for the june Promnenade of Evanston Town- ship High school scheduiled for Fni- day night. June 3. Herb) Buteau and lis orchestra will play. Buteau bas been featured at both the Palmer *Iouse and Miralago. There will be. dancing from 9 until 2. Tickets are being sold at Chandler's in Evanston. Not by buying a cheap gas-but by gettig more' .mileage out of whatever gas you do. buy by having your car. testeci with the, wonderful ew: CITIES SERVICE POWER PRO VER W. ~ y cmitl mYDh minutes whether or not you are gettung the Most out, Of your gas, No charge for ti informtion, if YOD ar-4ie fnt n9cr of là we caui mprove thumleage lev at least for adla or two. Wili you invest $1.00 to save 10%Y on your gas bill this summeC? MOT@1LS SERVICE, lae. Complète Gara ge Service 7 21 Main St., -Wilitte,11ii J. C. Slown Phàonos: WIL. 2ffO-2OE61 A. B. V.uD.uni e. Quailty A Who.I. NewI MonticeI1o, the nome of Jefferson. -o- Mr. and Mrs. Witlis H. Huison 1112 Elntwood avenue, bave returt froni a ten days' trip to Martinsvi Ind. Main St. at Luinen Av. Phonê Wih.ette 3334 Member I Wilmetto .Chamber of Commerce 740 Twelfth Wilm.tte 691-M9 Member flmette O1amber of Commerçe ir 'ý