Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 19 May 1932, p. 34

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Judge Edniund K. jareckî will speak on "The Legal Status of Women Voters" at the meeting of the Wil- mette League. of Wonhen Voters Mon- day , May 23, ýat 2 -o'clock, at Weeks 1129 Central avenue. JudgeJarecki is an outstanding speaker. Reservations for the luncheon at .1:15, wbich pre- cedes the program are to be* made 'by Saturday with Mrs.. Murdo Ross. social chairman. Judge jarecki received his, educa- tional training in the city of Chicago. He is a graduate of the -Chicago Manual Training 'school and -for. a while worked as a draftsmnan here in Chicago. He, attended. the* North- western luniversitY; rmwihb graduated with a.degree in law. 1He began the practice oflaw and while engaged in this practice, he was electe 1d alderman of the Thirty-third ward. He- was later appointed by ýGovernor Dunne to fil1 a vacancy on, the Muni- cipal Court bencb. He.was reelected to the office of Munlicipal Court judge by the people of Chicago. In 1922 he was elected by the peo- ple of Cook County to the ýoffice of County Judge, which office he now holds. H1e has saved the city of Chicago more than a million dollars in operating the Election Commis- sioners' office upon an exceptionally honest and efficient basis. He bias fearlessly stood for dlean ,anid liest elections and fair and correct cott of ballots to aIl, it is aiiiunonced. In the Psychopathic hospital where he ba s heard insanity cases, he bas established himself as one who feels and understands the 'condition of those mentally sick, as well as those related to these patients. H1e basý particularly made aspecial effort for' the veterans of- tbe World war b personally visiting Presîdents Hard- ing and Coolidge, in their behaîf and. petitionted theni to build an insti tu- tion for the mentally sick veterans of the, World .war. He bas made. himself tbe means by.wbicb campaig.n after campaign was launched to build greater and larger and more institu- tions for the feeble-minded cbildren ter speaker. at the league will be Mfrs. Hermani T. Reil- Carlos photo Mrs. Charles Hoïard Bent, 338 MWeirose avenue, wzas elected presi- dent of the Neighbors club of Keniiliworth a! its annual lunicheoiz mleeting zîhicl: brought its season ta a close'. She is suc ceeding Mrs. Vilie K. Spirer of 312 Essext road. JKenlu'orth Garden,Club to Visit Pilcber Pairk Once a year the KeniIlvorth Garden club makes a pilgrimage to one of the beauty spots of-1Illinois. On Friday, . ay 20. the club will visit Pilcher Park, at Joliet. This beautiful park wbich is sometitmes known as "Forest of ýArde>n' comprises 327 acres of na- tural woodlands. It was originally part of the estate of Harlow N. Hig- ginbotham and was laid ont by hirn as enjoy a " ternoon p Ili tbe regular r be held a StopIca, Mrs. Hl. E. Snioot, and Mrs., Frank Tolman, was enjoyed before the business meeting was held. .Mr. Stopka, %who studied at the Coni- servatory of Prague, opened. the pro-, gram, with piano selections wbicb in- 'cluded 'Bohémiain music.. Mrs. Cyril Thoômpson, graduate of. Northwestern. wbo bas recefitly -come to make ber ý home in Wilniette after some time spent in ,tbe west where she taugbt elocution, read selections f rom Brown- ing's "Rabbi Blen :Ezra," and later i .n. Cowboy *costume, gave some >%vestern character readings. Miss Helen Stopka. also ýof Nortb- western, at present playing,-itb the Wurlitzer orchestra, gave, a number of cello numbers -accompanied 'by bert father. * Mrs. Leona Rowan sang "Somnewbee a Voice Is Calling" and "An Irisb Love Song'-' inber first group. Miss Ruth Slovn and Miss Boy,,ing-,, ton were appointed delegates to the State convention, wlaicb met in Cham.ý paign on May 13 and 14. The elec- tion of offilcers resuilted in a return to N office of ailof tbe present incurnbents-s Miss Lillian Leaf. president: MNiss Rultb i Slw.vice-president: MNiss Anne C Phillips. recording secretary: MissS Anne Welch. corresponding secretarv; l NMiss Enirna Sc'ireiner, trea>tlrer. Soap Wrap pers Donated B ring Arden Shore Gifts il The Wrilmette Arden Shore board closed its meeting for this season at the home' of Mrs. James B. Orth, 522 Laurel avenue, Thursdav of Iast week. With that meeting tbe sewing for the stimner camp was finished. fl Mrs. Willis H.: Hutson, cbairman of soap ivrapper collection, reported 'at" the timie just wbat bier contributions si for this year have given to the camp ti for use there: 6 ýdoze ,n teaspoonis.- A 2 dàzen tablespoons, 7 lunch cloths, w and 1.50 tea toweis. .ci Mrs. Hutson 'expresses ber appre- M~ ciation for the co6peration given ber pi ini ber Nwork by wonien of Wilmette. in Homnecominz day at Arden Shore t Il o'clock. thé- early sir meeting %vilI able. Th hall. held at1 .The fourth annual meeting of the Cook County League of Wonien Voters will be held Tuesday, May ',4, friom 10:30 'to 3:00, at the Harriet McCoirnick Memnorial building, 1l001 North Deaborn' street. Aill menibers of. the, Leagues of Women -voters, in ,Cook county are invited to attend' wbether tbey are delegates or not. Reservations: may be Made by M1on- day. May 23, w.ith Mrs. C.- L. Ciarke or any other memnber, of . the M'il- mette board In addition to tbe reports froni the varions chairmen, there will bec(one- minute taiks «b' the presidents of the twenty-two. local leagiles -in the counity on tbe outstanding achieve- ments of tbeir leagues duringthe past vear.ý Mrs. Quincy Wright. presideënt of .tbe Cook, C o uln ty League. will g.ive -a review« of the wvork of the Past year and a view cF future plans. Mrs. Savilla Mll Sinions, p un1) I i caffairs secrctary, will report on the interesting ,yor,z sshe bas beeti doing with the Lecgisia-. ture- tbe, Cook County Board ox Commnissioners. and tbe Chicago School board. Mrs. John Hemitt Roenstiel. regional director o~f the, Fk>nrtli r.eg i on of the National. [.eaLmue of Womnen Voters. and~fs Ralph B. Treadivav, president of the Minuois Teagne of - Wonxen N'oters.. 11avc heen iivitecl to be the gucýts oi honor and ELive the niewNs. of the ll*inoi.s and -National leagnes. ()ne of the Important matters of huisiness for the' dav will be the adoption 'of the program of Nvork for tbe --e a r .1932-33:; this inclulde-, uhjects' for study and,ý i.tms* on which thé leagne feels it- bas 'given uýifficient study, so tbat it is in a posi-' ion t vote theith definite support.. . iong the items for support o1n %hich the members willvote wiillbe. Consolidation of Local Governments. ffome Rule, the, Cout1cil-Manag.ýr Iani: Extension of tbe Merit Systemn ii Civil Service. Responsible Statu- rin'v Control, Trajned Personn-1, Members Mrs. A. E. ýeservations- road, ent'ertali s are avail- eon gueste las ,on is to b- frst of a seri rcon. given by the 1 twenty-eignt lunch- week Tuesday in, the of luncheons to be ifant Welfare., I i i

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