.Liu tuin.~uIuero, Hr iH.bvti jrs. j. j. rorstail. George Olmsted, Mrs. Anna -M. Heb- 'Mrs. George P. O'Brien, president, bletlîwaite, _Mrs. Jamnes A. Patten, will cail for reports of ail commnittees EdAward M. Skinner, Mr. and MIrs. at the business meeting and officers Johin Shaff er, James Scott Kemper, %viIl be eiected from a slate i)repared Addison L. Gardner, jr., Frederick Ihv the nominating comiitte, head- Stock. William B. Johnson,- Mr. and, ed by Miss Helen Nlopchow. 2rs. Robert H. Gault,- Mrs. C.. C. Among the most . eret: eot Liiitlicum,, MNrs. Louis B. Kuppeni- iIl be that of the. scholaIrship çon1u- hieinier, Mrs. Charles O. Barres, mnittee. Cha irman ot vhch ÎS N iýss Lviman F. Drake, OSc ar H. Haugan, l ,ore 1nce Huth., andi the lia:so,î coin- F. J. Scheidenlîelmi Chancellor Jenks, 'Ilittee whose work lias beeti devel-. M r' and Mrs. John -E. Wiler, Mr. o pedby Mrs. George Spauldit;g. 'flie and M-\rs, George W.. Kibby, Mr. and purose of the latter, commnittee is Mrs. Harris C. Lutkin, Mr. and Mrs. to f-r alnk etee teclee Chester Tripp, Mr. andi Mrs. Irwini andi the comfmunity of whiclî the Rew,; Mrs. William Sherman Hay, cubisa 7rt Paul 1. Aldrich, W. W, Buchanan, Mrs. Spaulding's accomiplis])Ile its WVilliami A. Dychie, Mr. andi Mrs. have. been so outstanding tla the Edwar Ki Hry, ila G ut oilegze las- formeti sirnilair commit- Mrs.. Hen ry, H. Brigham, Dr. and tees in. alumnae clubs of several Mrs. Dwight C. Orcutt, Mr. andi Mrs. othier cities. H. F. Spurgeon, Mr.and Mrs. Walter _________ Diii Scott,,Mt. andi Mrs. Lansing B. Wilm ette Golf Club Warrier, Mr. and Mrs. James F. Oates, Robert C. McNamara andi Mr. Opens Summer Season andi Ifrs.: John WýV. Wigmore. Nieywmnmmes of the Wil- Officers for the Festival association mette Golf club opened their summerâ are Chiarles N. Steve.ns, president; social and golf season last Tuesday. Irwini Rew, vice-president; William Owing to the inclement weather there H. Dunhamai, vice-president; Walter \vas no golf in the mroning, but there B. Smnith,'secetary; Paul 1. Aldrich, wvas, howevem, luncheon and bridge in treasurer; Charles H. Reynolds,, his - the afternoon, and an informiai recep torian; Frederick Stock, musicil di- tion for the new.v menibers. rector; Henry E.,Vo.egeii, business The.ý following chairmen have been manager. l'lie executive committee consists of apitt o h u~e:Ms th ofcesand 'William H. Birneés W%ý. Shipp oôf Wilmette, golf; Mrs. A. Carl M. Beecher, Horace M. Capronii'F- Long of',Evanston. bridge, and Mrs. Frederick W. Chamberlain, Percy B. Carlton A. Slocumn of Evanston, social. Eckhart, John Hale -Hilton, Francis The next luncheon andi bridge. party N1M. Knight, Robert L. Scott, Edwarti wiil be on Saturday. June 4. M.- Skinner, Chester Tipp, Frederi': The women will start playing, blinti P. \Vose. b ogey next Tuesday., and on the first *Honoramy niembers of thé associa- Tuesdav iii Julie thev will begin their t ion. who are former presidents, are conipetitive- golf events. Frederick W. Chamberlain, \XVII iami 'F. Ffypes, .Chancellor L., Jenks, Heirv*- Mrs. Ru fus Dawes Will W. Price, Frank S. Shiaw, andi Charles AdesPrns lse \V. Spofford. A desPrn 'Clss Ravnmond H. Carî sca'a~u Education.and Mere Mothers" wili pubiiciiY. be the subject.'of an address b> Mrs. Rufus Dawes. befome the. Parents' Smih Cub o M etclasses, of the. National Coliege, of Smit Clu to eetEducation on'Tuestiay morning, May Theliaso-ot Shôre, Smith 24 at 1,0 o'clock. The lectures ini this club is having its closing .meeting for crse have dealt with the develop- Sthis :season next W\,edniesday afternoon cur-t of, the responsibilit>' of the chilti at 2:30 o'clock, at the home of Mrs. twadhis environment-home, com- to ;ee her m utrday last. Indian Hill BaIl, served, ses RIVIERA PLAID ORGANDY, -Marvelcus style and value, and the- newest thing out. Pink, greeni,maize, blue. SJL95 washable GINGHAM' JACKET BLOUSE-Surpiice style <with bias ruffle collai'. The s>wagger c heck cornes in blue, red.: or brown ................. $2OS- SPECIAL vild fiower 'garclen on bat- imvrs. il. n<. jrsci, à1u Vnîltn steet. Mrs. Herbert Pope of 41 Thiere will be a displa>' of aIl the net,.- roati, a neighbor of Mrs. dlework done since Iast Christnmas.1 the guests tea lu 'ber gar- Anyone who is interesteti ma>' vislt. the dispia.