Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 19 May 1932, p. 1

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e9rm GIVE MEMORIAL DAY'S PROGRAM, Patriotie Celebrations Commit- tee Announces, Detaî.ls .of Community O)bservance Conmplete details of Wilmett's ant- iîual comniiiuinjt- Observance of Nfem-' oria1 l)av, Monday, NI ay 30, ivere anhioiced thisý w'eek bY josieph H. 1-eitîzen, .chairnian of the Patriotic Celebrations. cQjinmiittec foir \Vilmette ]'ost No. 46, Amierican L.egion, wvhich bias charge of the prograin. \S anJjounc(l ii i last week's ,issuel 0f NV ILI\1E LIME the speaker of the dav -%vill lie Brig. Gien. Join V. Clini- ninf (4 Gencoe. veteran of the Span- isbl-Ainxri1can and \Vorld wars and jroninntChiicago civic leadler. 'l'ie lavs observances will be ini- augurated by the customarv flagý-rais- ing on the Village hall green at ý6 :30 olock ini the mioringi. Next xil cone legion crnnies at NIemnorial, Ilark:cceiuter\-. Spanishi Ne veterans wîll. assist at the flag raising 'and pro- * vide a firing squad. Bulr.of, the \Vilinctte Drm and Buigle corps wÏ1ii Msit i this prograin. Memlorial sevcsWîl be hiel hv thie legion i at thc grave of Lieut. Ralphi E., Wes- seformer commander of Wilinette Post, \vho 1assed am-ay last Novemi- ber. Captait, Evers Marshal Titîe ýainual street procession .wili startfromi the Village hiall at 9 'clock Wfitli Capt. Edward A. Evers of the -Naval Reserve training shlip, V- mette, anid. a resident of the village as marshal., > who will be assisted by Mai. G Ceorge *R. Harb.augh, .Maj. George Turner, and Lieut. Carl Peter- soit Nvith his Naval Reserve squad. \Vilinette Drumn and Bugle corps vili Fead the parade, ivhich vvill followv the *nsae -encrai -course take-i4 ini other year.s and terminate i Washington park,' the scene of the Nteilorial. Day. observances. Tite New Trier High New. T.rier Township High SechoolSHOW INCOME Budget and EXpe nditur es DISTRIBUTION. GLLILALCQNTROL, Budget Ulilce salaries, olice expenlses,, dec- 7/1/e1 to tuons, secretary, legal -services,. ýUper- 713 Antendent s saiary, etc.................1$:40,982 'Teachers' .salaries................3060193 1Supplies, books, and, commnencement exp ense............ ................ 9,5 OPERA1TJ0N 0F PLANT WVages of'janitors and supervising engiuucer.... .................3,0 Fuel, water, light and power ...... ...... 19,500 janitors' supplies, icare of grounds, MIteNANCo E . ....... ........... 91000 Repairs of building end equipmnent,. upkeep of grounds ... .... .........12,500 AUXILIARY AG.ENCIES i.,brary, health service, lunchiroomi management, nmisc.ellanieous.......17,615 CAPITAL OUTLAY_ Buildings, new....... ........ ........66,589 Improvement s and alterations, buildings. *and grounids............. ....... .... 9000 New, equipment-old. buildings ..... 5,200 New equipmienit-niexvbuildings . 80,000 $614,029 FIXELi CHARGES Insur'ance -$ i Bond retirenicents.......... Interest on b)onds ,................ Interést on anticipation warrants .. .... Miscellane-ous............... ..... Spent 7/1/31 toý 7/1/32* $ 40,982 306,693 19,500 9,000, 10,500 15,940 66,589 9,200 1,9ý00 9,000 $535,454 3,200. $ 3200 30,000 30,000 19,350 18,675 33,000 .30,000 395 , 395, *Yx-xxx 7/l/31 to 7/1/33 $37,3.34 259J745 4,750 33P210 7,700: 10,500 1,000 $38 6,03 9 $ 2,500 55,000 57,262' 38,500 GRAN'ýD TOTAl S .. . . $699,974 $617,72U'. $540,451 **xîmcnclittires MNav' 1 to Jtulv1, 1932, estimiatedt. dxxSns(istribuition ()f inicome wich will enable-the schlool to funictioni, xvthrsticins ithin its estîunated probable incounle. PÀMGE AUEL CHOL ffr mmunization Officer John Voss of the Wilmiette police. force reported Wednesday A gainst Diphtheria nighit .o f last week that considerable In view of the urgent need for im- daiage had been. caused byv some mui1-zâ-tioh of _ children against Figures Issued by High SchooL Board'Indicate Drastic Cut in Expenditures Proposed expenditures at 'New. Trier Township High school for the. year 1932-33 will be approximately $160,000 under the budget of: 1931-32, according to ýfigures released this week by the high -scho'ol board of edu- cation and published i tabillar form in, an adjoining column. This represents a reduction in actual expenditures of approximatelyi $77,000. Controllable expenditures, will be $228,0,00 under the b ' uget of 1931-32, or $150,000 under the actual expendi- tures for the year now closing. Included in thisdrastic curtailment of costs for the next school year.is a reduction of approximately 14 ýper- cent in salary items.- Based eon P robable Inconie The distribution of income, shown ini the: tabulation, represents the amount which. will enable the school to: fin'ction with restrictions within its estirnated probable income, the- school board points out. This distribution of incomne, it will be noted, eliminates alI building oper- ations. and contemplates cuts to the bone in expenditures on grounds and equiprnent. Fixed charges over which the board" lias nô control, includling bond retire- meçnts, interest, on bonds and interest on anticipation warrants are increas- ed by an aggregate,$70,000, the figures show. The highschool board* in a state- metit published twQ weeks -ago an- nouncing plans to continue -operation without interruption n e x t faîl, ernphasized the fact that, in spite of th. , t, ravqt cf onrm~ies. he cihni M~EETING IN WINNETKA Lake Shore group Alpha Alpha of- Alpha Chi Omega are. being enter- taitied at luncheon and bridge<" at the home of Mrs. Harrv Thoun in Winý lnetka oni Tuesday afterumoon, May 17.ý Junior 54fe ..........4 Music Page ........30 New Trier News....24-25 Public Forum ........... 51 Recreation ........ ..... 44 Society Pages....32-33 Iinjections of dipi- toxin and will be to déterminle imui plained. miore quickly. ______ three weeklY IKYM UEC B i toxini-anti- MCKY M SECU wed by tests The Mickey Mouse club meets. 'it is cx- Saturday afternoon, Mday. .21, at 1 o'clock, iin the Wilmette ýtheater. "or -AL e .0p, .* . 1 .. 1

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