Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 19 May 1932, p. 25

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Trypists: 'Virginia White, Betty Kir- wan. EDITQRIAL As the. second semfester draws to a close, YVe think of, the accomplishi- iients oithel past monthis. and inake resolutions for the ensuing- year. Few (Ji ls are really satisfied with the *NFvs N«TEs, because wve feel that ai school oft he size and, standing of Ncwx Trier shiould*hav-e a paper of its ewNv, anid sucli a publication %vould bc-the best and rnost eff ective way *to acquaint thc students thoroughly with their own activities. It is New Trier's greatest need, and, bccause the ,class of '32 xvas the las.t to xv-itiess the failure of a Newv Trier *weekly, the classes of '33, '34, '35 and '3() w~ill have a.grand opportuinty next vear to begin Nvith a deean siate.- It is to theni that we are appealing, in this article. Whlat we need is plentv i entitusîasmi and a lot of boosting! WVouldn't it be aniother star in New Trier's sky if its students were able to puhlish their'oxvn paper?ý The ad- ditional' space Nmo uld enable us.to prin't more columiins:and. even sonie îdctur.e5. \ouldn't you feel proud if vou :could..led that it was partly ilrotugh your efforts that a publica-, tion Nvas made possible?ý Surely withl > uch a conipetent corps of Englishi *teachiers, we should beý able to reflect the resuilts of tlîeir labor i a profit- able an.d construcive way. Mamy xhanks are due to our pub- liblier, Ll1oyd Hollister, and to lus edi- tor, Mr. WVeber, who have so graci- o9usly. printcd our Pages ini their mnaga- zinies. Mr. Carpen.ter .and they baye, ïloie a gréat deal. to further th.e journalistic trend ini ou r school, and we who 'are initerested cetinlyap preciate it. \Ve iwant your opinion 'on the sub- jeect. Aiter ail, a high school paper As supposed to be an expression 01f its student body, and ail of you New, Trierites ean cdaim 'a memibership ini that. Put yoiur ideas in the News box mx the front office, and we will con- ider thèmi all. and took his bow very modestly. The meeting was then turned over to John Ballenger, the incoming presi- dent who told of the club's aims for the next year. Then as part proof of the big things promised, Ballenger introduced a' surprise speaker, Stan- ley Hack. .Mr. Hack tolti of lià start in the' basebaîl world and low fie gradually rose to the position which he now holds, that cof third baseman for the Cubs' team. In. addition, he g ave sonie good general rules tol ol- low, for,. a happy, healthy, and, suc- cessful lufe. The new. officers forthe year .of 1932-33 are John Ballenger, president; Charles Dostal, vice-president; Bob Seiler, secretar-y; Bill. Nordburg, treasurer; Jack Sinding, chairman of the Dinner committee; *Stanton Schu- manni, chairman of the Interscholastic Relations committee;, Dick, Steen, chairman of the Cbarity committee; Al ,len, Rossman, chairman of the Club Rooniý committee'and Bud Thackeray chairman of the Publicîty committee. Large Audience Likes N. T. Spring Concert The spring concert on Saturday, May'14, was attended by approxi- maýtely tWo-thousand persons. AIl the musical. organizations in the schiool, with the exception of the band which gave a concert the week before, took part. l'lie prograni opened with an. over- ture by the orchestra. The overture ýývas followed by the singing of the "'Cloud" by tIe girls' Madrigal club. Then . the Boys' Gice club sang "Old Black. Joe" and tw*o othier numbers. The boys' octet made a great hit witî their negro spirituals. Then Virginia Lang ànd the orchestra played. an orchestral number with Arthur Gran- quist asthe guest conductor. The Iast ialf 'of. the. prograni was the sînging of,."Hiawatha," by Ceolderidge-Tayler- The.decorations. of the gynasium %vere. the work of the, Girls' club and the art ,department. outd.or Relaya. A 75-yard shuttle relay for four men will be held in conjunction with the fourth annual Suburban League meet. Preliminary heats wiIl be mun May 25 and 26, with the finals on May 27. AIl, eitcepting ninth-semes- ter students, varsity.track, basebail,. golf and tennis candidates, and post- graduates are eligible; any track man making one or more points in either indoor or outdoor meets, is eligible. Spiig Sports Four class championships have been decided: Eisendrath, and Miller, in, the junior tennis doubles; Davis and :Kraft,, in the junior handball doubles; Cooke and Bellamy in, the sophomore handball doubles; and Robertson ,and .Wright. in. theï-freshman handball doubles. The other toùrnaments are in the fourth rounds. Girls Plan Bake Sale Sfor Winnetka, GClencoe On Saturdav, May 28, the Girls club will hold a bake sale for M'in- netka andi Glencoe. The Girls' club has held one previously in Wilmette. The girls who did not participate in the last sale will cooperate - to make this one a great success. Graduation time is drawing near, and it is feared that there will flot be as many schol- arships this year, as previously. The, club is relying on its friends to sÉup-ý port it. COME ONE, COME ALL! BAKE SALE IN WINNETICA! MAY 28 1$ THE DATE OF THE- BAKE SALE! N E andi Janet McNuIty. For vice-presi- dent there are Alison Burge, Saliy Rornig, Judith Fox, Eleanor Chiches- ter, and Deborah Brenneman; for secretary: Jane Sundlof, Margaret, Loomis, Frances Ellis, Amen .Edinger; for treasurer4 Florence Sellery, Nancy Fisher, Marian B«4rber, Beth M c- Chinese Consul, Explins SinoJapanese Struggle. The second in the series of talks on the present-day world situations, given ý by proïiinent people of 'the Chicagoland, area, sponsored by the 1Gavel and Scniblerus clubs., took place 1on Friday, May 13. Dr.» Yih, the, Chinese consul gave a very înterest- ing explanation, of the Sino-Japanese war. A distussion followed the talk, in which the'audience asked que stions pertaining to that subject. Evanston and Prov-iso Victims of Golf Team The golf team added more laurels to its collection by winning two more mleets this week against Evanston and Proviso. In the Evanston meet at the Indian Hill club, New Trier w~on ll12 to 3ý2, with Belmont and.fredsbo ]OôW-with a 78 and a 79 respectively. -PARENTS AND SONS-- Camp 'Ontaro, a fin~e Northlasd boys' . camp. WilI sacrifice for one-half. Write or cail Educa- I "r'al id Society, 168 N.,Michi- _- n Av e., Chicago. Dearborn 0198 GRADUATES. 0f T R HIGH,,SCHOO'Lý Join your olasamates at traini for-assured ,succesi 1ER int & Stratton Collège- bis co-educational school, inonstrotis creature. j~ crom UII&C it took the judges almost twe.nty -sketched thje plot of a long . short minutes 'to make' their final choice. story which he has promised to read The other speakers were Virginia at somje future meeting. Koomjohn, jack J3road and Ross After. the program, Mr. Pifer and Blaylock. Fred's oratioin was "The ,Miss Hailton treat >ed theý club to Failure of Success," and he made a Dixieà and* cookies. real success.

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