Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 19 May 1932, p. 24

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Meri Qualified for' State Track Meet Table of Points Oak Park . -52/ Libertyville . V) NEW TRIER ...29 LaGrange ...16Y2 ,Evaniston :. .23 MMaine.ý....... l51, Proviso ..... .2 Deerfteld. ýA The- Gray-Green track tean,. under the leadership of Captain Quinlan, emerged f rom the State district meet at LaGrange, in second place. Oak Park won with 521 points with the New Trier boys trailing with 29. -1ewTrier qual.ified seven men, for the State meet to be held at The Uni- 'versity ôf'Illinois next Saturday. The relay team of Newton, Quinlan, Kirby and, Wanger; and. Pavlicek, Schurnan and Kingsley.in the individual events, were the ones qualifying. The chances for a state title were exceedingly brighit until the two hurd- lers, Newton and Holmes,. "doped"y as sure winners,' failed to' corne through, in their events., Newton was leading his heat bhy about five yards, when be started to ease iii. This cut bis stridé and as a resu!t lit fel over the last hurdle. In getting up be became confused and finislied in the wrong lane, being automnatically disqualified.. Holmes, got through his prelirninary heats al ight and was leading by about three yards up to the last hurdle in thc finals. He had kiiocked over two hurdies, but l ad time to spare to take the last one. Then it happene d-bis back leg drag- ged a little too much-the hurdle tot- tered-then feu l He finished first with yards to spare but was dis- qiialified. Captaiii Quinlan kept uip bis good record by taking a first in the 220, a second in tb.e 100-yard d.4sb, and running on. the relay feam ic lead the teamns scoring with 10 points. 1lis second 11.1 the 1100 was only by a foot. apid witb better wcather- conditions on1 the north shore this. week giving Ibim a better chance for practice, he sbould win Saturday. Pavlicek again broke bis ownu rec- ord of two weeks ago, in the haîf- mile, winning in 2 :02.8. His tume vas the best of ail of the districts. so he bas a good chance to take in the state crown. Schuman sboved the About Red Menace James H. Watt of Chicago, wboI miade a recent ýisit of a year apnd a haîf to Russia, spoke to the Nem, Trier students in a general assemibly., .Monday, May le. Ris talk, vividly and effectively pointe& out, the evils of the Soviet Five. Year Plan, and how the fo'undations of niations-are being eéndangered by the Co Mmun.ist->,. or the Reds, as. they' are more coin- monly known.. He iilustfrated -how tounists are, tricked into believing that the Plan is %vorking successfully. There are many lectures givin g out propaganda concerning the Five Year Plan and the Soviet system, but most o fthese, are, by people who spent too short a time there to discover how. the plan is actually working. .v4r. Watt s talk was sponsored by the Glencoe chapter of Daughters of American Revolution, the Wornan's Library Club of Glenc oe, and Wu netka, Post No. 10, Amenican Legion. Tennis Teaml Conquers Evanston Squad, 3 to The New Trier tennis team won its second' league contest' by defeating Evai stonii, 3 to 2. on , the latter's' courts recently. The meet, whichj s, origiî na ll siedluled ýat N\;eWTrier, was plae'ed luil Eastoil.because of weather conditions. lIn the first singlsmacRams senl, Ev,;ýistoîi's ouitstanding star, de- feated 'Siudling, 0-0, 6-1. Choyer, N. T.. beat Nelson of Evatiston., 6-2, 6-2.' *Levinsôn, N. T., lost- to Beachi of Evanstoni, 6-2, 6-2. Both doubles ,were von by New 'Trier,, Miiier a.;ll NXagner wiiiing. * over : Cook anti( Roer0-2, 5-17, 6-3; 'aid Bartliani adKnapp, ove r Madison and Swaine, 6-j,. 6-2. Oak Park. is the ýnext op- ponien t. .mitates Chevalier_' Song at Freneh Club Meeting The Frepch club beld itsreua monthly meeting in the Girls' Club - - %?TA , - - 'rý - I l-- 1 111-- Il . Here and "Free Waltz" Wolf: *I may be poor now, but whènIj was-_v-üng hiad rny wn carniage." S"Against-tbe-wvall" P r o c h n o w "Yep, and yoir maw pushed lit." Congratulations, Fred Robinson, on the MacLean cup contest. If ail the gras 1s was, frosting, And ail the world *as cake, And al the trees were ice-cream cones,. 'Twould make our tummnies. ache. Using Mr. Watt's Russian language,, if the boys in New Trier would stop nationalizing",sandwiches and, "iqui- dating'" fellow students, highi school communism wouid stop. "Eph" Benning: "Haveyou a seat Ticket-ýseller: "Yes, U-21?". "Eph": "I arn, and if it's that kind of a show I'rn glad 1 didn't bring Posie.", 2Mr. Tugaw.: 've tfold you, tirne and again not to see that young maii,l and& now for. the Iast time 1 tell you nott.o bave anything to do with himn." Carol: "Oh,' father. I want Jack,! I ,ý-do ývattjack." Mir. Tugaw: -He-rc* fivc dollars, but renîne hat 1 satil.- Jane Erickson: -Howlàcan I keep rny toes fromn going. to sep "Chuck" Enchelm-ayer: lotlet tlier ttirn ini." Nicknames . jack '"Satchel" Bartlett. Doris "Burley" Tansili. John ",Puss.ock" Struggle,. Bett'y "Mac>Dougal' Jiosta.. Paul "Fax" Foy FRONT PORCH ARITHMETICI Promises Thrills f "The Purpie Mask" is the senior play to be given Friday and ýSatu.rday evenings, May 27 and 28, at,8- o'ëolck, A' double cast is rehearsing under Miss Stanwood and Mr. Van Kirk. Armand, Comte de Trevieres, is eni- ployed by the Marquis de Clamorgail to impersonate tbe Purple Mask, wbich he does to perfec.tion. Armand does not. realize »that the-mari bas 1tried to send him to an almost, certain death until. he Walks into a trap. Lautrette tells. hirn to be ca*reful of li ife wben tbey are alone for. a moment in the secret cellars. of a Paris shop. They gaze into eacli otliers' eyes, and the plot, %yith a background, of mystery, thickens.with the elemeut of love. *: Some of the characters have double players. The 'following, isý a list of the cast: Armand de Treviers. th e bero, Paul Husting; Clamorgan, jack Broad and Bill Sunldloff ; Lauirette. Helen Holton andXiesley Champlin; the Duc. de Chateaubriand, Robert Fletcher; Valentine, Margaret Côbb- and Jane Dement'; tbe Abbé Broch- ard, Jack de I3eers; de MNorleve,, Leo.nard Krupnick; Captain- La-_ vernais, Bill Nordburg; Fouché. Syd- yie Date..PBnîsquet, W.le erii Lieutenant Roché, 'Kenneth S tilling the, Vicomte de Morsaune, Bill.[)otv:. the Baron de Vivonne, J3ud H-oward, a sergeant of police, Bob) Sparks ; Ge r- main, Roger Delander; Bernard, Don- Cardy; Plouarec, George Browvning;, first dandy, Bob) Sparks; second dandy, Eug-ne Harper; Mme. Anais. Frances Ellis and M1ary Elizabeth Collyer, Sabine, Nancy Harris an(] IMary Ellen Graham; a cuistomer, Vir- ginia Ricb; Constance, *Marv jane Rich; Irene, Gértrude'.Van" Trenen: Brigadier Mallard, Fred Clerk; Bri- gadier Caron, Eugene Harper: serg-, geant.of the to.l-gate, George Brown- ing. rHe was tryîng to teacli her *rîth- timetic; He thought it wvas bIis mission. Junior Girls, AreG et He kised er one~ *at University of Chicagso He kissed b er twice, . He said, 'Now, that's addition."* A group of junior-girls, chaperoned T1heu there followed smack by :niack-, by Miss Cole, IMiss Fiéntye an4 Miss In sulent satisfaction; . Iurst, visited the University oi Chie- Timlidly she gave one back,. cago on May 8. This was orle of thet And saicj, "Now, that's subtracti1on.". teas spoivsored by the Alurnnae club But. dad'appeared upon the scene, to interest junior girls of ChicagoJaiid lieu l LV*l flrt . *rifb4!Ln *L.lu A.a - ln.A 880-yard* relay-Won by Oak Park; fi New Trier (Newton, Waiiger, Kirby, Quinlan); Proviso, third; Evanston, (1 fourth; LaGrange, tlfth.- *4-d das'h-Wo n by Miler (M4aine); ye ()second. TmeY- :50).1.( MIle Wn b neberger (Mrton); tD Diseus tlirow-Won by Burnett (L); 'nid (LaG) second; Miller (R) third; )rris (LaG> furth ; Schumian (NT) h DIstance-127 ft. and 3 in. 3road juip.-Won by Dralimeler ,iv); Lydiard (OP) second. Distance 1 ft. and 3 ini. Javellin throw-Wen by Hediger laine>; Ciemenson (LaG), second. stance-102It. and 712 in. and. rorn tnen 01, 250t is urged tlat everyone siibscnibe early. COME ONE, COME ALLI BAKE SALE IN WINNETKA! MAY 28 NS THE DATE 0F THEý BAkE: SALE! lege wMay 20 and 21. : Those chosen- to go were picked for the number of points they lad piled up in the tast four yéars for G. A. A. credit. They are, ini the order of the number of points earned, Mary Lauer, Margaret Thiel, GeorgiaVosburgh and Eleanor Culbver.. Miss Iris Boultoni is. to ac- coinpany them., ami

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