Ai urlislîinsOf BONITA VISTA THE HOME 0F MR. &. MRS. ED. V. PRICE 1201. SHERIDAN ROAD,. HIGHLAND PARK wilil Le placed on private sale, Leginn ,ins iFridaye May 207 andc dni ac ay from 2p.m until G p.m unil Saturday, May 28- These furnisliings include - maùy beutfu Ryl Kasihan. Kirmansliak Frenchi and ustrian. rugsi, marbie statuary, ýone.plece 8 h. in Ixeiglit weëighine 4000 ILS.; wonderful assortment of liand-made furniture; complete library set of Circassian -walnut;DlUnlngâ-room set of Circassian wal nut consîsting s. lvr0. sicinaàlost, serving table., dînngtabe ervngtwetypeople., cars to matc, aini perectcoditon oiinl ot $3700. Several pairs of long lleavy velvet and French brocaced door drapes, also coinplete furishngsof seven servants quarters, b.reakfast roo.m, serant' in- -roQm a J kitchen.