Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 19 May 1932, p. 19

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*bold stroke tor the roya1ist cause. He niames a date and asserts that he will rescue the Duc de Chateaubriand f rom prison.- The Marquis de Ciamorgan, under the name of Citizen Moulin, finds that the police are aW'are of the darrgcu n.iiedael'tksSes to divert their- attention. He enlists the aid of Comte Armand de Trevieres, a handsome younig noble, Who, is penni- less and appears. to. be ready to. sink to the level of the gutter.. Cla morgan gives. hlm f unds, and -instructs himf to impersonate the Purpie Mask*and *ab- .duct the Prefect of Police at Evrreux. However, Brisquet, the terrible aget ofteParis' police, is warned of bis intentions, and Armand. approaches a Prefecture which is guarded by, more than ighty hussars and guards! It the fate of the young mai sealed? The play will be«git.en .1h the school auditorium. GUIDE-LECTURE .ýTOURS "Birds of Unusual Interest, ",Clii- iicse Archaeologv and J.thiio1ogy," "Aimiial Life of the Chicago Region," and M an, Through the Ages," oil M-\ondav,. Tuesdav, Wedinesday and Fridav, respecti.velvý. of next week, are the su!)'jects of ne,&wveek's guide - lecture tours for the general public at FieldMuseum of Natural History. On Tbrursdaày there .w1il e. a -general, toutr -of anithropological,, hotanical, geological ani zoological exhiis The guide-lecture to.urs ail begin att 3 p. m. andi are openi to ail inuseumn visitors. Parties assemble with staff1 lecturers iflsi(le the north entrance. that we are the children of God"' (Romans .8:16). Among the citations which cor»- prised the lesson-sermon was the following fror» the Bible : "Be ye therefore fol lowers of God, as dear children;- For ye. were sometimes darkness, but now are ye ight in the Lord: walk as children of light" (Ephesians, 5:1, 8). The lesson-sermon also included the, following passages from the Christian Science textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scrip- tures," byMary Baker. Eddy: "u nman birth, growth, maturity. andl decay are. as the. grass Épringing from the sou.i with beaùtiful, green hiades, afterwards te Wither and :re- turn te its native nothingness. This niortal.seeming is temporal: it never merges. into immortal being. . but finally disappears, and immortal mai. spiritual and eternal, is fouind to be the, real man", (pi 190). Entertains Daichroze Society at Sunday Tea, Mrs. J. A. Cutier entertained the' jmembers of the, Daichroze society at: atea at b-er homne, 649 Hinmanl ave- niue, EvanListon,, Sunday afternooiin: After the' usual business session, 1 pla ns w ère discussed, for a tea to be gîiven ini honor of Paul Boepple. who %iwill conduct -classes ini Daîchroze at the Chicago Musical college this sium- mner. The Daichroze society ixîcludes inembers froni the north shore, Chi-,I cai.and the surrounding stuburbs. eWILL The Piggly Wiggly self-service sys- tem of operation will prevail, 'but in addition to groceries, titis store will carry a compjete line of meats and delicatessen, as well as all -sorts of baker products and' a large fruit and ,vegetable department ,will be aý feature, it is stated. SAVE. THE PRICEl 0F PR SORAGE How. many, dollars do - you puy each -summer for storing your furs? Trhe Spradlin Mothi Proof. ing Serývic.e willi reyer sawe this exýpense, because once, a fur. is given this treatuIent, cach season it can be Siored in the ordinary closet witlout the 1lgts danger of moth damnage. For over 15 years a tried, tested and proveni service. For safety's sake, cali NORTH SHORES EXCLUSIVE permanent mothproofer. as2rs WILMETTE 1200 WIEIIOLDT'S DASIENNNT EVAN STO0N---o on Davis Street. Wiîlmelte -1100 0OAK HALF- SOLES BOR -L B.U TITýER 's Done W/ii. You Wait, or ered Free to Your Home! WiboIdts BsmrtFivntu ASLOW AS Pre-arranged.,Pr. pald la full. A thrlfty vacation. Thetrfy Urne for it.. Askfo * fiure. on11a tour aof your own chooslng. 1141CRISLAND 179 W. Jakucha. DId., Chicng., L "lotaI-xpn. tour-. Neme----- ------- -- 1 &ddw..1488 -------------- ---------- 1 qmw,

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