'Beauty ýýS/tp. ADD THEM TO ,ILL-REPUTED. "QUACK!' QUESTIONABLE, HOTEL S You wouldn'f pafronize "quack'" doctors. You a void the use o6f doubtfulpublic wash- rooms. Only, hotels -o f undsputed character get your business SO Ii thereis another evit, Madam, which you mnay be helping from week to week. If is an nefarious evil . . . spreading disease discomforf and probable personal iniury.. If. beiongs in the class of these other public hazards. If is the unsanitary beauty shopi You are fortunate to have escaped if un- scathedi Unclean beaufy shopsi They are the so- caIIed "beaufy parlors" catering to an uncertain clientelle.1 They adverfise "cheap prices" and-"eut rates." Btwhaf do t heircstm-ers gef for the, money fihey spend? To begin witth only the cheapesft material and methods are used. The management of such shops realize the risk you run of burns, Like moths about a flame . .. the glint of .cheap prices", draws womnen and gfrls in an ever'in.creasing number'to suchshops- wher. it'8 ruh, +hemi 4lwougtaisato comfort. . good will to the patron.. mean nothing in these unscrupulous shopsi Madam, common sense tells you thaf if takes time, good materiais, experienced operafors and sanifary conditions to pro- tecf and please you. Just a littie thought will prove if. many shops thaf consider their customners first .. . lat. .. alwaysl They seek quality . .. not quontify, by using the beif -mate-. riais, and, equipment under the most sanitory cditions AIlU accessories sch as'toes, combs, brushes, etc.,, must aîways be. steril ized, fresh, sw.et and dlean. Tbey serve the ýhighesf clientelle. Each customer is, pro- tecfed by liabilify insurance . . . in most CAYR-I-LEEN BEAUTY SALON Il126 Central Ave. (Suite 208) Phone WiImtte 4582 DOCTORSI, ANDý PUBLIC WASHRQOMS;