Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 19 May 1932, p. 8

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s ago on the mce begun three re of Lake Corno. SPECIALS for Fyiday and Saturday Strawberry ~Season la Here-Watch Our DadilySei fresi, red box .......... ASPARAGUS buntches.2C SWEICHERRIEN GREEN or AX BEANS 33c freah, calbao., 33 2 quarts,..I 9c. STRAWBERRIY extra &à .y, 9pc box ý......... Beig ýsaleonGinger Aie PINEAPPLES (fresli), extra lartep j each .... Ail kIdad at lowest prices 1143 Wlmette Ave. 5 Fre Phne,'5 Free Deliveries Daity Wilmette 2693-2694 Dlvre at IF IT IS A FRUIT OR VEGETABLE, WE HAVE IT! Mfem'ber WVilmette Chambçr of Commerce Central-Wiflm.f.e Avenues Phonos: WiIm.tt. 28 and 29 7bLa&id~e~tboat On Friday afternoon, May' 20, att Io'clock Dr. Martin H.' Seifert, the new health commissioner. of WiI- Imette, will conduct immunization and . vaccination at the Healtli Cei er. This immunization, .is-. being. carried out as a community project, and al school childreh. and pre-school clii- drer,.of Wilmette who are'unable to go, to their family physicians May take' this opportun.itjy of being cared for. But it is urged that al .parents, if possible, take their children to their respective fatnîly physicianis. How- ever, if they are not; able tô do so. those in charge at the HFealth Center wiIl b e glad to takýe- care of the chul- dren, Mrk .Inez J3iss, commuxnity nurse, declares. Recently Dr. Orvis, healtli commis- sioner of Winnetka conducted an im- munjization program* at, the Avoca school, district 37. Thé school liaS a.n enrollment of forty four pupiI& and thirty of these. were immunized. Three pre-school children were given the tocide, twenty eight weré vacci- nated against small Pox, 'and many of the chldren of the communiltv* were referre4j to. thelir' family physi- cians. "The splendid cooperation on thé part of the general' public and thet médical profession," states Mrs. Bliss, "is indeed mos-t gratifying in these tryifng timess- And due to this fine Mrs. Bliss announces lier 'office hours'as follows: 1901 Schiller street; teleplione, Wiimette 2402; hours:1 o'cloc:k until 2 in the afterm -oon, dlai:, except Saturday and Sundav. Mrs- Robert Osgood, 423Essex road, Kenilwortli, entertained. her sewîing club at luncheon on .Wednes- day-, May 18. On Friday,. May 13,~ Mr. and Mrs. Osgood entertained Poet Simmions from Maryland at dinner , Itaiv. t The former Miss Bracewell at- tended thle Cedarcrest school in AI- lantowvn, Pa.., and later the National College, of, Eduçation. M4r. ýPage was borni in Winmette and has lived here ail of his Iife. He is a graduate of New Trier Highi sci3ool and of Dartmouth college, where lie ,was àa member of ,Alpha Tau Omega fraternity. Dr. -Horace G. Smith, pastor of *the church- performed the, cerenîony. Sarahi Elizabeth Page, si.ster of the bridegroorn, and James, Reinhold', a l.ife-long 'friend, atte.nded the bride and bridegroom.ý Decorations> of fresh 'and sprinig flowers' were ve ry> beautiful.. The wedding dinner %vas served in the Prin'ce of Walés dining rooni of the Sovereign hotel, Chicago, where the bride lias ived with -bler mother' the past two years.. .Mr. and Mrs. Page will reside 2at the Wintlirop Towers, (1151 Xithrop) avenue, Chicago. Philathea Class Gives .Luncheon.,for Office rs, The Philathea, class of the First Metliodist church, entertained Mrs. ,Grace Spiegelha-uer and Mr. RO 'MacMorran, president1 and secretai-v". respe-ctively, -of the class for the 0,4~ two years, at a surprise luncheon at the homne of Nkrs. Dorothy- Sith. 1520 Highland avenue T ù e, ja V, May 17, * n@rween te ue incueon and the ts sert, Mrs. Helen Fellers and Mrïs. Beatrice Geppert, gave a imusic -.pro- gram, the former singing a solo wt the latter buer accompanist, and both singfig a duet. Mrs. Smithliis, the, incondng. pres- ident. GARDEN CLUB MAKES TOUR *After a business meeting on Wed-ý nesday, M'ay 18,, at Mrs. Wendel] Clark's, 711 Kent road, Kenilwortli, the Kenilwor.th Junior Garden club drove to Lombard, 111. to see. the yearly. display of lilacs and tulips, and. then proceeded to the Morton Ar- 'E E oea- The Bible and Works of Mary Baker Eddy and all other authorized Christian Science Literature may bc read, borrowed or purchased at te Reading Rooau. THE PUBLIC IS CÔRDIALLY INVITIED TO ATTEND THE *CHURCH SERVICES AND VISIT THE READING ROOM I 4h i

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