FOUR DELIVERIEM I EVERY DAY I from the loin, lb.... veld iChopa, 9 from the loin, lb. Lard, Swift'sA a Prea, -b. i. 49C Lambh Stew, i sitlb23 quality spring launb,i.2 e FRUITS am*VOt. Orange, fine or uice. 3 da". 69c finm,2 unches ... 29C Green Beans, Crisp &. Str6ngIeu,qt. ý Rhubarb, Young, i9 Tender &stka, s Biseta. or Cirîrots, 'Young and 3 Les 259 Mv. and Sat. Rib Rorat, ichoice 7 cuta of beef, lb.-..2 e Sweet Brea mds, f ront. ~j reali killed calve 'selb. ]FrymgChilckema, V33 Park Roast, kior 1.if.,lb. Bacon, cariefUll 4 sliced, 2.lbs..... White FiaL,'finest 29c qç"lty, IL Trout, fresh frop the "lae,ILb. Helibut, .L4s. 'aud freau, lb. Fillet of Percb, selected quahty, lb. 29C 32e SPEwCIALS FOR AU. WEEK Plusep. e... ..................3 ans69e Apple, Sauce -. ..... s 290 Peas Brand 4 eau 49e cm .......... .........4 eau49é' Ovahaus Cwaekers Bh<uîfi>.' Pkg.l 7* Olives Oid !;Onk 4jaus$90 flot offly 18 that figure reduced to 32, Mickey and Miss Adelaide Jones. but Otur appeal bas brought response ý The prograin for the concert is as from 26 citizens and 22 more jobs haveý Prograan been supplied. 0f those offering the follows: jobs, ten have flot before been on oi*r f bv*, The 'Merry Wives of lit.Winldsor..... ............I4Ia and houd srve New Trier Symphony orchestra Thi, is encouraging (and.........Pery 1"etdc to inspire others to join the ranks. So Madrigal, club also are the figures which F. L. Streed 1'liree Negro Spirituals Village manager, b as just completed ,tàmebody's Knockîng? at Yo' Do'. ...... Sung by Arthur Katt zý From September ý18, 1931, to April li-en.a fListtnin'..;-...... 30, 1932, inclusive. 155 càlls were r ù- ..sulig byWila eI'dt, Ceived firon! 94 residents wvho su' plied ........ the unenhlloyed applicants witli 118 . Sung by Richau Iu Boys' Octet, jobs." , :'arit S<ongs.foi- Women's yVices. Air As most of these jobs have been giv,- bY Richar d ono ,van of Wellesley t4-.i en durin g the latter part of this period. lege rn1gtan eo. itis quite evident that the undertaking Danie Ce-t Up is gathering momentum and will* .vitli The Frog and the:gCrowv further serious,,effort,, serve to enable. There Was a Lady. The 'Ploughboy in Luck the village adequatelv to meet its 0Wi? Girls' Gîee club unemploivment problem. "i Blaek Joe.....Stephen otr Ta the Uneinployed Keeele in the- Middle of the If there are others residing in Ken- The leih ........eRchr<oiitza ilworth wishing employmen t, it is «urged Boys' Gîce club that they file. written applications. at <'neroii . A minor for once, at the Free Emnploymient desk iaî........ Robert, Schuîii.iian First nmoyemeýnt, Allegro AJ'ettuos<ý of the Village office. in order that {1otXTrLn~ ang they may avail them~selves of any ;etcnucoAtu GranquistL openings whichi may occur. . ntermission To Those Wmsihing ta Join Ha~-ti Wedding .'i Kealwoth' 94Feast.-. .....î- l - éTa lCenjworths 944bnibuined choral organizations acce.n- No Job too ssmal tfo bc serioîesli"Colt- panied, by orchestra sidered. .Tenor soi. '" awy Awàke Beloved,' CaîlKeniworh 160!-ung-lib William A. S$nyder of t. _________________Ne-w Tri-r faculty Patrons and . patronesses for ibe J. W. Behr,ý 1727 FiDrest a.ventie; re concert are: turnied. earlY, this week from abui ness trip i,1 Ne-%- ork City. DEAUTY SPEIýALS, Ths We ek niiy Eyebrow Arch 25e 'r adMrs. John 1. Barden, Oito- R. Barniett, Mr. and Mrs. Oliver1. B3arrett, Mr. 'and Mrs. Sidney F. Bartlett, Mr. and MIrs. William G. Ellis. Mr. and .i\rs. Matliw' P. Gaif- nev NIr. and Mrs. J. R. ahro, N ir. and Mrs. George W. Gordon, Mr. andl Mrs. J. R. Harper, Mr. and NIri. TIhonmas HL. Holton, Mr. and Mrs.florner F. Horton, Mr. and Mr. R. E.. Pattison Kfinc, Mr. and 1Mr. Frank 0. Looniis,' Mr. and, \!rs. Ber- nard: L. McNulty,, Mr. and Mrs, IHer- bert B. Mulford, E. L. Nygaard, 'Mr. iand Mrs. DÇvight C Orcutt, Mr. an(] Mrs. Edward J. Phelps, Dr. and M r.. Amuel B. Spachi, Mr. and Mrs. Car- leton WVashburne, Mr..and Mûrs. Rc- land 1V. Whitman. fleIus's 1167 Wilmefe Avenue IMember Wiirnette Chamber of -Commerce Alice Nord, 829 Park avenue., and Florence. and Elizabeth Clifford, 80() Park avenue, went to Louisville, Ky "' last wee k to attend the Derby. They. left last Thursday on the bus and re- tre n Suniday. I 4a