Eaby Stuart 59cU and far miore healthfuL And with'our quality you also get five f ree deliveris a day, a conveniept charge accotant if you wush, smiling personal service and a guarantee that everything you buy wiII Le satisfactory. MA Y 1Oth to MA Y l4th, 1 The Jumbo, bart ROUND -STEAK Ouroilnes.,t >bef Tasty. aid tender lb. 29C LAMB'PATTIES Fe rdesacr l.24e COOKED MEATS reidcc to re ILb. 39c ýB CSHOULDER bnuine %prlg lainbl.23 HAM' SHANKS or'BUTTS:IL:' ;-llOc Finest large whole Jtonduras Plyntouth ]Rock. $-oz. ls lbs. 13c: ~2 1IL St.rawbérry r3 tred carrant AV40 Velverta or Brick, 'k-1b. pqizf 2 for 29c Jlest wet packý lui No. 1 tins ea. 15c 'N. B. C. 40e quanlity <fiboolate morshmallow~ l 25~c N. Il. C. English style 40e dainty tissortuient lb. 33C RëdpIted or ies. ea. 19c sle* lb. 1 9é liaby Stuart Hawaiien No. 1, 5sc tins ea. 10c PRESERVES ,ma Briewn âiéntt pare fruit Strnbery-Bg 4lb.jars ma. 59C PINEAPPLE>S'a,2.c SAUERKRAUT lDuby Stuart qs 5 GRAPEFRUIT LrBiine -e No.ts 3for2c SALTED NU TS 4To dhe% BIS Bru l b.98& BAUD BEANS Mn akoiw:h ot~ato3 for 25C BLUE BERRIES No 2tis ca. 21c CINNAMON ROLLS Ilikoeo pkg. 1koc ~JI~UIPDWHWAT The regrularlO $ 55W1 viaaaEu a14e carton ea. o SALAD DRESSINGqars qt. 29c MACAkRONI-SPrAGHuETTI Bit zb> S latuaret for 23c PARR BOUSE ROLLS restdoz. lOc, ROLLEDOATSchelieu, qulck or regular ROLLE OAT . 'ý :ýNothlng finer packed 20-oz. carton ...8c 55-Oz.- carton... 19c ORANGES Callfomnta's blggest Navels - - FRIDA Y AND SA TURDA Y ONL Y tOUT . . . . . .lb.. . . .. . . . . . . L 2 à.LIBUT .. . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . .l.2 tu'" uWv ga vl l - % LMONS: Fanry Sun-KIused Thin sklnned GROCERY and MAI NE 510 TRAL and TWELFTH i .4- I 4. + I