For Today, SAVE SOAS to conserveé regularly, a portion o f your income and keep:it.produ- igfor you while it cont ributes> to 'the general welfare of business and .helps the, other fellow as well :as yourself- SAVE. ALL THE purposes of investment are served -by putting aside something, ' reguülarly in a savingsccut The yilssedy uninfluenced by seasons' or market tendencies- and your investment remains -constantly availabie. SAVE V ALUES are determined by "supply and demand today as always. Just ,now a savirigs account is one of, the few assets which consistently main- tains its par. And for that reason it is a premier investmeflt. SAVE ENHANCE. your.,future, prospects. by building up your present*savings - balance, or ýif you do not already possess a savings. account., accept our, unqualified recommendation to start one-HERE-TODAY*.ý TRUST RÊAL ESTATE SATURDAY 8i.m. until '12-30 p. ni. 7 until 9 p. i.