Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 12 May 1932, p. 55

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= A~VIÂ ~ITHE AREA 0Fý YARDS, COURTS, ý AND OTH. ER ()PEN SPACES WITHIr AND.SURROUNDING .SUCH BUILDINGS AND: TO ESTAR. LISH THE BOUNDAIRIEc 0F DISTRICTS FOR THE SAID PURPOSES AND PRESCRIB.3 ING PENALTIES FOR THE VIOLATION. 0F ITS PROVI- SIONS." PASSED B3Y THE PRESIDEINT AND BOARD 0F TRUSTEES 0F THE VIL- L-AGE, 0F WILMETTE ON THE 23D DAY 0F FEBRUARY, A. D). 1922, AND APPROVED BY THE PRESIDiENT 0F TUE VILLAGE 0F WILMETTE ON THE 231) DAY 0F FMBRUARY, A. D. Iq22, BEING ORDIlNANCE. NO. 1281. AS AMENDED.ý BE IT ORD)AINED .BY THE PRES- IDENT AND BOARD 0OF TRUTSTEES. 'F, THE VILLAGE 0OF WILMETTE: -ECTION I.-That Section 4 0f -an Ordinance entitléd "An Ordinance to .lsfRegulate an~d Restrict the Lo- cation of I'rades and Industries and tue Location 0of Buildings designed for- Spceîifed Uses and to Regulate and Limit the Height and Bulk of Buildings heefe'erected, to Regulate and Limi- it the. lntensity of the use o-f Lot Areas and to .Regultte and Deterinine the Ayea of Yards, Courts, and other Open Space , wiihin an'd surrounding such BuildJingsý and to establish the Boui- dari > of Districts for the said Purposes anffilPireseribing Penalties for the Vlo- 1.iti'on of its Provisions," passed by 'the Pr.psident and Board of Trustees of the Village of 'Wilmette on the 23d day, cf FMbruary, A. D. 1922, and approved by the Presideyit of the Village of Wilmette on the 23(l dayr of February, A. D. 1922, beixig Ordinance No. 1281. as rtmended, be and th- saine is hereby anîended to i'ead as follows: :s)-CTIJN 4-"B" COMMERCIAL DISTRICT .!in the "B" Commercial District, al I uiinsand premises, except. as otherwise provided lu this Ordi- nance, mhay be used for any use per- niitted4 in' the "A" Residence. Dis-7 trict, or for any other use excePt the following: iBakery (employing more than five (5) persans); 2.. Blacksmjth or lihorse-sh.oeing shop: -.flttling works: 4. Carting, express, hauling. tir1 st.or- age yard; 5Ice plant or, storage; 6. Laupndry (empleYing mor0le tiani five (<5) persous) j 7. Livery stable; x. Milk distributing station: jj Gasoifle or oil fillng station; for the and the foliowing purpose s, namely. GENERAL FUND For salaries of Secretary, Treasuror, Attorney aind othçàr officersi f any.......$ 1,000.0( For lighting. of Parks......400.0( For water to ho' used lun Parks 500.0( For S pe cia1 Assessment against -the Park District Real Estate............ Moo For wages and expenses of the ,Police service ........ ........1,800.0 For wages et, laborers and, other labor expense . .... 12,730.04 For construction and mainte- nance of Parks, exclusive of labor .... 10,000.00 Fror expenses of collecting and. disbursing entire appropria- tion..................2,0000 Total General Fund' to. be raised by :Taxation*..-...... $28,580.00 For. maintenance, and other expenses of Bathing Beach,, including conduct, of -Beach House ...... ,000.0f) The laËt foregoing to be paid out of funds derived from Incomne of oper'a- tien of* Bathlnig Beach, and Beach liouse,. , Ail unexpended balances in items heretofore appropriated are hereby re- appropriated for the saine purposes. SINKCING FUND For' the payment of the prin- cipal of Bonds of the issue of, June 1, 1923, as follows: Bonds Nos. 132, 133, 134, 135, 1.36, 137, 138, 139, 140, and 14.1, due December 1, 1933 ... $10o,ôô00.00 For the payment of the prin-' cipal of Bonds' of the issue of July 1, 1926, as follows:- Bonds Nos. 186, 187, 188, 18,, and 190 due. July 1, 1933..1 .000 For thie payment of the in;- *cipal ýof Bonds of the issue of May. 1, 1928, as follows: Bonds Nos. 266, 267, 268, 261), 270. 271, 272, 273, 274, 275, *276, 277, 278, 279, 280O due 'Mav 1, 1934 ..15,000.00 Total Levy for' Pincipliof Bonds .................0000 INTEREST FUND For the.payment ef lnterest.on, bonds of the issue of June 1, 1923. Interest 'due December, 1, Interest due June lst, :1934..l For the paymient of interest on bonds of the issue of JuIy 1, 1926. Iuterest due January 1, 1933 ...................... 996.00 et sourëes,, duo . November C. - Pr'esident of the Village ATTEST- Léea J. On'. P. Dubbs,' of Wilmiette. ,I-ite Joýeph Metzger, baritone; gave a Song Ought' to do, or w'hat they miust crops out ilu the. family lite of ne recital at the Broadview college Sat- everyone. Why is it that someone urday evening, Ma-y 7. Mme. Ede Goed- ways wants to be the head ot the ho ecke of -Wilniette was his accompanist istead of l4ttlng God be the hoad?1 is i tht te mn o woianWho st and played three Chopin solos as weil. out te put the whole house lu oi Mr. Metzger,> a. senior at the North- iisually succoeds lu settIng tho w, western -Uiniversity School of Music, farnIfy lu disorder? We have ail hi the exprossion, "Oh, hoelibas a. will is, studying with Prof, Walter A. Stults. a nîInd of bis own." -That is exa ýhe tr~ouble. Wiiat la needed le the wIll Lfld mmnd ot God. Christian Science Ircs mou frorn the desire te Intertiore )btruslvoly In thie ives et othors. It Iestroya thie Impulse te manipulat. Ither cousclously or. unconscioualy, ;d rupela mon to loithe will of God govera tho ives of overce- The Martin H. Burns famnily, Who have been ýresiding at 111 Linden ave- nue, have înoved to River Forest. U 1 menion~J. h The- world as a whole, or at leàst To be on the honor roll at the rthe civilized part of it, is becoming Stolp school a pupil. must have an increasingly acquainted with the fact average of 3.25. In order to receive that the teachings of Christian Sci- honorable mention bis average must ence are healing.the physically sick. be between 3.00. and 3.25. In the «4 1n the lifting up of' theýdiseased and grading 'systein used at the school '0 leavy-laden, the truth of its teaching "c"- (excellent) counts foDur, points, is being . widely demonstrated. But "VG" (very good) three points, "G" it is important to emphasize this fact: two points -and "F' one point. ln 10 Christian, Science is nlot mnerely a. the minor subjects,. such. as, music, healing, cuit, a system of therapeutics art and science, the credit is divided to make men's bodies wel and there-. by two. o by'.enablethem to go along inthe, Fowng is a complete list of the saine old material way. The, funda- honorrol qupl. and of those who mental purps fCrsin. Sciencei received honorable mention: is theentire spiritual regeneration of'- human consciousness. It shows that SvnhGae thee i a ineprabe onncton e- Honor roli-Hel en Prescott, Mar- tween physical healing and the regen- ion Cox, Nancy Pickard, Lois Ann e çration of, character; the two are ab-ý Rosen;, Ruth Ebeling, Julia *Booz, solutely,. conjoine. d. Mrs., Eddy, the Jack ,Randall, Margaret Davis, Jeanne Discoverer and Founder, of Christian. O'Brîen, Jane So lomon, Lornïa Tide- Science, sayýs i e emnett nan, -Ashton Taylor, Geraldine Kemp- -TePopesinder sfrmon". 7): ednich, Doris M yherc.y, Philip. Rogerïs,' *"Scientific discovery and the inspir- ots echrGrgaBti- tion f rth hve tugh inirta- house, Van *McQuide and Imogene the- health and character of nîiti be- Kauf4fla4I come more or less perfect as his Honorable mention-Ruth Wetzel, inind-models are moreor less spirit- Jean Spanuth, James Lamib and Bar- ual." In other words, it is to spiritual bara Aun Thompson. thinking and 'true character building Eighth Grad.e that we must look if we are to have. Hoônor roll-Bill Hart, Betty Me- truc health and hpiss AnClm, Marliss SmithNtleYts thierefore, I amn going to speak to You Charlotte Anderson, R'alph Elson, on. the subject of. Christian Science: lanice Grossinan, Ruth Mensel, Helen Its Influence on Health and Charace- Peterson, Pain Ricks, Dorothy te.Strauss, Helen Stiles ' Betty Clenients, Hlurna,î Vili Jean éutler, Vera Schapiro, BiIly ln tie last fifteen or twenty years, Rosen, Nancy Durgin, Sue Thoma$, various. systems and books. have a>-1 Ellen Torrey, Margaret Barrows, peared purporting to develop man's hid- Helen' Shane, Ruth Durhamn, Sue deni powers, to give hlm personality and the ability té control or dominate situa- Spinney, Rosehelen Suckoff and tions in which he might happeu to be Joséphine Earlywine. interested. But Christian Science has Honorable mention-Rodger Ven- nothing lu common with any teaching- emphasizing the developint of 'the eklasen, Mathew Kritchner, Patty hua,wil. No more forceful character Wiley, Eleanor Herbon, Lucille ever mieade Jesus the Christ; no ?noeshDrsSuae:rnkR - ev.rý,adea more indelible impression FecDrsSuag;FakRn on the. life and thinking ofthtRe human dal. Alan Daily, Edward Hess and race, and yet ho said, *'I came . *fot Betty Ellis.: to do mine own W111, but the, wIl fi_____of___ hlmf that sent me." And at another'timo, anyoue couceive of the. Master toaching ie men and womnen hoW to dovoiop Hoor i B1IGa e personaiity and willin order to civ oos eB l a e success? On the coùtrary he ontreated Thgil'bsal emoteHih mnen to put. personai ambition and seif- Tegrs aealtao h i lnterest aside lu' order to serve others. crest school won one gaine last week

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