FURNISI IINGS-4 RM ÂPARTMENT_ ruifs, céouch, dlning room set, soll< mahogany 4 poster bed, 'box sprlng and na ttress. Many other articles. $150 takes ail. J. C. Short, 2608 Lake- vlew «Ave.. Apt. .1-R, Dlversey 4400. 86Ll-ltp IVILL SACRIFICE* A' BEAUTIFUL ival chair, of hand carved solid inahogany. upholstered lin imported French tapestry. Cost $100, wlll sac- rifice for $25 cash. Ph. Greenleaf 5531. 86LTN1 -Itp OAK< COMBINATION LIBRARY AND dining room table wlth leaf. Con- v enient in emaili space. $10. Win- netka 1121. 8 6LTN1-ltp A SACRIFICE - SEVERAL MEDIUM sized, antique and mîodern oriental rugq. Reasonable.. Wilmiette 30. RIGHT-HAND- OVEN (JAS STOVE. Also >nîail ice box. Winnetka,1742., 67 WTrD. TO BuYi-NS6LD. 0O000__ NWANTED-OVEN REGULATED GAS stove , not over $25; stair carpet, 9 yds.; fire basket, fireplace equiiiment, carpenter tools, and porch' furniture. Call Uni: 30914 betWeen 6 and 9 P.' M. ____________________ tLT.Nl-Itc WANTED TO BUY-MIDGET PIANO. Write full description to 1B-44, Box 40, Willmette. 111. 8LN-t se FOR BALE-MiSCELLANEOUS GIRL'S AND BOY'S BICYCLE FOR ,sale, like new.' Reasonable. Phone Glencoe 111.. 88LTN-ltc ne WANTED TO BUY-M115C. used olothîng, ehoes. Need wonens I large eizes. B 0 IlA N N 0.N EMP.1 AGNU k, no charge to employer.1 Phone Wilirette 1170. S9LTýNl-ltp WA-NTED - USED POWEEt LAWN niower, mus-t be in tlrst class coudi- tion and priced low. Pli. Wilituette 4025. 9LTN1Ç-ltu %VILL.A.E -OF 'IMT TE U1IDlN AN CE2N 0.124 -An tjrdinance ainending ait oiniaieum entitled.: * AnOrdinance ro clas.4i(y. regulate and. restrict the -location ofZ trade;s'and' Industries and the, locationC of buildings designed for specified uses,.k and to regulate and limit the lieight, t and bulk of buildings hereafter erected.E to regulate and liniit the ilitensi.ty f 1i the use of lot areas, and to retgulateI <)DpOsite Rotrbll-Western Ave. entrance Tel. Longbeach 1161, Fret bookiet. M.oo opp. Oakwoode & Ub. Hope ent. Loop offie: 228 N. La Salle St. n SECTION 1. That the first paragraj of Section à of an Ordinance enttlk *An Ordînance to ciasslfy, reguilai and restrlct the location of trades ai industries and the location of buildini Sdesigned for specifted uses, and to rei ulate and limit the helght and bulkt buildings hereafter erecbed, to regulai and limît the lntenslty of the use. plob. areas, a:nd to regulabe and detel Lmine the area of yards, courts, an iother open spaces withln and surrounÈ ding such buildings, and to establsb. t! *boundarles. of districts for tbe said pu: poses, and prescrlbing penalties fo 1the violation.of Its provisi.ons." Passe by the President and Board'of Trustee of the Village of: Wllmetbe on the 23r day of February, 'A. D. 1922, and ai proved by the President 'of the Villag of Wllmetbe.on the,*23rd da.y of Febru ary, A. D. 1 922, being Ordinance N( 1281, as arnended byan1 Ordinance en tltled, "An Ordinance amending an Or dinance entibled, "An Offdinance t, clas slfy, regulate' anld resticb the loca tion of brades and Industries andbth, location. of buildings, designed for spe cified uses, and to regulate and liil the height and bulk of buildings here afber ereocted, to regulate and limit tht intensity of the use of lot areas, and ti -regulabe and debermine the area oi yjards, courts, and other open ,s pace %vithln and surroundlng sueh buildings, ,and prescriblng penalties for the viola. tiQn of its provisions." Passed by tht President and Board, of Trustees of the Village of Wllniette. on the 7th day (i Janiuary. A. D. 1930. and'approved by the President o! bbec'Village of. Wilrnette oný the, 7th- day of, JanuarY, A. D. 1930, BE AND TUE SAME_ 18 HERE3X AMENDED to rend as follows: Section 2. Use istict Regulations: ln order to classify. regu labe and re- strict the location of trades and ids tries and the location of buildings erected or altered for sp)eeitied uses, the Villagé of Wllmette is hereby divlded into "Use Districts," o! which there shall hé four (4), kno-%wn as * "A Residence District, " *'A2" UtilS'ty District,, .,BI" Commercial District, -C"C" Industilal Diqtic(t. The Village of Wilnmette Is. liereby- dividedI.nto foui- (4) Disticltsa'foresaid. The followinig is .a description of' the tracts, pleces, and, parcels' of land l1* the Village- of, Wilnicbte in the 'ýA-2" 'Utility District",' "'Ail that part o! Lots Thlirty-iiine (39)1 and Forty-one (41) .of the County Clerk's *Division of te West Haif 0f S.ectlo;n ,Thlrty-one (31), Township For- ty-two (42) North, Riange Thirteei (13) ýEast of the Third Principal M-Neridiani, lylng east of a line drawn parallel to, and One Hundred Eighty-five (185) Ll-1tc *"j*or o I.V y)LamerIFteksUIIwiLJIsuuiiauc- pli ,ftioneer's. knowledge, consent. or Coli- .de nivance. the license of sucit auctioneer te VILLAGE OF WILMETTE sh1all be revokied. nd. SECTION XI. Any auctioneer w' gsORDINANCE No. i 12shall procure any person to make a fic- g- -titius bld at any auction sale of real o! A ORDNANC ui*persnalproperty, or who shali Con - teREGULATING AUCTION8 IN THE sfire witli any: person or. persor.ï te. of VILLAGE 0F W1LMETTE AND PRO:- niaké a. fictltioùs bld at any such auc- ýr- VIDING PENALTIES FOR V%ýIOLAT- tion sale, or who, shall knowingly peV- id7 TION THEREOF. mnit any person to mnake> a flctltiou. d- bld at atny sncb auction sale, or any ie BE IT ORDAINEÎ3 13V TIE PRES- auriconeer who shâll isl fictitiouslY or 0F THE VILLAGE 0F WILM'%ETTE: shall b e fiued not less than Ten Dollars d SECTION I. The pur pose of this or, ($10.00) nor rore than Flf.ty Dollar>, es dînance is to prevent dishonlest busi- ($50.90), for the first offense, and, upon d :ness practices and unfair conmpetition oiiivictlon thereof for a.second or qui)- p- wibh esbablished inerchanits. to prot. ect, se(.uent offense, shah! be l1ned the suml -e tepbifon ad,:d )ViC fOne Huudred Dollars ($100.00 and i- revenue. tiue.licenqe of such auctioneer shah ble 0.. SECTION Il. No person. i oti ier thil ana rvoked. t-linsdatier shall1 seli at publo1- SECTION XII. Auy person vlolating ror prîvabe. auction. aliy of the provisions of thi Ordinance. to SETO where no other penalty Is provided. SECTIONI11. Any j'r.son niaS3 be- shalh be fined not les than Twenty- corne an auctioneer and.l>e licensed tE)ieDolas<300), ormor* ha le sel! real and pe rsuna property at auc- veDlas(2.0no mretn .al (-»eTilundreêd Dollars (3100.00) for eaeh tion, at a place to benamned in bis il- tcense, upQn approval by the Village ofne Manager o! his application there±>r, SECTION. XIII. If "any section1, pro- le the execution of a surety bond or otîteris "ion or part of thîs Ordinance shalh ýô bond atfcty to the, Village Man- he held xvol)d or>uncon$titutional i any )fager, ini bbc animant ofon îe Themsand(I ourt of com)petent iurlsdlcbion Ilu this L. >llars (140.>* andi the pa-yment of State, ai other provisions and seln license fees as follows: *()f- this Ordinance wblch are flot ex- - Twenty-Flve Dollars ($25.0u> fier. ptessly held ta be vold aor unconstiti-ý Oive (5) days,. payable upon thbc tional shall continue in fui! ,force. and e issuance .of the license; and effect. f Twenby-Fîve Dollars ($25.00) for ..SECTION XIV. Ail oîdinaiîces or each business dair thereafter, p ay- îats, o! ordî natices lu confiict hrwt able in adVànce. are hereby repealed. * SECTION IV. Licenses bo auctioneers SEýCTION XV.> This Ordinan ce shah1 shah! bc subJect to revocabion by thé e helu fui'! force -aud effect from àAnd illage Manager wheniever lb shall aP- after its passage, ippiroval andipbi pear to hIs satisfaction that te party cation. sohienedshal have voai dan i'. PASSED )y te President, and Boardi visiion of any ordinance of tbe Village, >Trsteîes- of the Village of! WNilmetttc relating 'ta auctions or auction sales, "T, , 3rd day of May','A. D. 1932. or any condition o!. the bond aforesald. a rd deposibed and Ouled lunthe Offic- SECTION V. Any persan who shall (f the Village Clerk o! said Village sdeI aor atternpb to) sei. at public auction this :Wrd day o! May. A. D. 19-12. lu' this Village any 'real or personal~ LEA J. ORR, property of any kind whabsoever (ex- Village Clerk. cpt under and by virtue of legal pr'oc1- AI> VDby the P'resident of the- e1ss or under 'and by' virtue o! a miort- Village o!f iletethis, 3rd day o!f gage) without Oirst having obtained a Nay. A. D. 1932. license therefor. as'herein requlrkid shail ..DIBS bie fined not less "than: Twenity-Five Prsdt >thVilgofVlmt. Dollars ($25.00) nor more than One:.. . Flundred Dollars.,. ($100.00. for, eaéh ATTEST:' offense. Lea J. .Orr, Village Clerk. SECTION VI1. No belilanor Crier,L1r~ nor iaiv 1ilusical instrument, for a ny show sýignal or means of àttra.ctling the 'NOTICE attention of bhe public, other than. aý signorfigshh e mpoytiorsu- Not reso)onsi.ble for any debts vcon- fered or perinjtted ta be used at'or near 'bracted by anyone other than. ntysel! any place of such auction 'sale. fter May lst. SECTION VII. Ib shaîl be the duby Lawrence J. Schaefer,' o! every auctioneer' who shall offer for 1730 Walnut Ave. sale mal or personal property 'of any L52-3te lind whatsoever to have affixed therebo a signe tag or label bearing a true statement o! the character, quahity and OPEN SERVICE STATION description o! the property offèi'ed for 1'dwi M. li and Victor W. 1-UII w'tn ui éno esbtittre() ewr ustitute any articele lu lien feet. 'of that of!ered te and purch'ased by tbe SECTION 3. This Ordinance shall 1e bldder, shall forfeît h'Is icense ind be ln force and effect froni :and afber its flned flot less titan, Twenty-F'lve Dol- passage and approval. 'lar.I's($25.00) and flot more than One PASSEP by the President.and ]oRfflx'H-uiidretd Dollars ($100.00). o! Trpustees o! the Village o! Willmette .SECTION X. Any auctioneer or per- on. the .5th day o!f pi. .D 1932, andi son belig présent whien' any real oar dePosfted and fled In tbe offie, f the perRonil proper-ty Is offered for sale, guests for refreshments. Mr. and Mrs. Harry V. Marsh, Miss Helen Ardeil Marshi, and Mrs. Harry Marsh, Sr., are occupying the home at 707 Greenwood avenue. The Marsbes mnoved to Wilmette. the last Of .Aprii from the northwe'st side o Chicago. t i j