[IVitea, 1reJIp3tace USin lving mi. 1iuOu Walnut Ave. Ph. Wiliiettte 42 6 RM. FLAT. H. W. HELAT EE. refrig.. gas stove, gatrage. e, lin- iiediate poss. Ph. W'ilmette 4087. 561,TNT-Itip FOR RENT - 4-RM%. APT., 1N.R ni§hed. Also one furnished rorni, near transportation, reasýonAble. Tel. Gien- coe 331. 56LT-itp NEWLY, REEMODELED AeT. -ON quiet residential street ini Hubbard Woods. Phone Winnetka 1127. 56LTN48-tfc FOR RENT TWO ROOM KITCHEN- ette aprtmiit near transportation. steam heat. electricai 'refrigeration. Ca]! Wilmette 1800. 6LTN81-tfr 4 ROOM APARTMENT. CENTRALLY located, south and east' front Ph. Wil1mette. 2399 or 2427. 56LTN837-tfe .57 FOR.RNT-FURNISHE@ APTU. HINMAN AVE. AT DAVIS sT.- GREENLEAF 410t) Motel rooms.....$60 and Up Two rooma .ý... .$110 and up Three roomns ... '$150 and up Four rooms . . $215 and Up Ab.SO UNFURNISH-ED APARTME~NT>' Refrigeration, gas, deec- tricity. a nd equipmfent of. apartmexit .1nllidedi. Near lake and ail ,tranisportfttioni. .,LoIteR ONE 2 AND CONE 4 1l.FINS pt.15N88 Ok Ave. A\ttirac(ti\ve ient.il. S4e lanitor or E. E. ST UITS REALTY CO. 1 !8 D a vi s S t. Uni. S080 .,LTNI-t apdtmlit wth k1ijtqchenttk. private hath. $23 and $5e ~ilk.t rn» Ph.Kenlwoth 146. 57LTN 1-1LI) FURNTSHD AND\UFUýRNISHEL) 2 and 3 room modern apt:. Finé loca- tion in Winnetka. Reaso(nable. Win- netka 690. 1 71,1N53-"tfe FITNIH.E)1 AND) 4 ROOMN APTS., eonvnietlylocated. Ph. Wilaiette 2?.99 or -Wilnette _9427. S-7LTN3*O4tfé the most beaiitifui seasons' to en- joy a. home on the North 'Shore are still ahead. There are some- very attractive bouses' for sale and others for rent at prices that sbould Interest the moat exacting -Evanston to Highland Park. OfferAd for, rent is this brick Colonial in a section of fine homes in GiClencéoe. There are m rie., including .4 bedrns. Nvitlx 3 bathsa; h. w. oil lit., 2-car, attached garage-and atý $150 per month, *F. M. ORDRF UÀN!versity 0531 6OLTNI-1 t» UNUSUAL BARGAIN i-e an ideal.hoine- in Keniilwvorth. Beautiful, lot and trees. Best. location., Suitable for a large family. yet comfortable for' a s ail 'one. Three batbs. O11 heat. Garage.. Rentai $200 per inonth unfurnished. o $250 fur- nished. IVi1 consider àjenting for- suinimer. Quinlan &Tvson. c. 15-.1 Sherman Ave.. Evanston Uni. *2600 820 GREI&NLE AF AV7E. SGLENCOE NEW HOUSE, 5 BEDROOMýS, 3 BATHS. RENT. $210. PHO71NE OWNER. GLENCOE 49. 6OLTN1 -1Wc bard W\%ood(is %ith large front and back po _h',) bathsý. Nr. transp. 1110 MerriU st. Hubbard Woods. Ph. ýWinnetka 26. 6LTN1-lte HAVE A NUMBER 0F WELL LO0- cated-.6 to 8 rni. homles with 3 and 4 bedrrns., 22 baths. reiittng f roin $N0 to $100o. (ail Winnetka 180.. 5RMt. HoI3sE, NEWLY DEÇORATED. with garage. $45 pe r month, or sacri- fice for $5.000. Ph. WTlniette' 4036. 6QLTN1-ltc 6 RMN. BRICK BUNGALOW. TILE bath, 2-car gar., oil ht.. furn. or un- furn. 'Ready for-occupancy May 1 1StI' Wimnetka 3678. - OLTN1-ltP 466 ADA31S ST., GLENCOE, 5 RMS. fire place, 3 bedrmis.. furn. hit., wo oded lawn, garage. $0mo. PVh. Lake View 9027.. 6OLTN1-ltP 9 rm. house,,2 baths, ivei loeated, 1408 Asbury, Winnetka. Cal Winnetka 1163 or Buckingham 58*28 60LTN-lie rook The' niânen notnes (romn $150 per nlonth up. Quinlani & Tyson, Inc. 1571 Sherman Ave. Uni. 2600 60LTNI-Ite HOIMES ON NORTH.SHORE Very niodest homes, at 10w rentaI. or large estates up to $1,000 a month. ANN MORELAND Successor to bORPQTHY K., ROSS 6613 -Ve'1'n nve. GIencoe 305. 61LTN1-t FOR SUMNMER MONTHS,. 4 BEDRM. bouse In bea utiful, Lihecilnwood sec- tion. of :Evanston. Electrie refrigera- tion.* 2-car garage,:large -yard wlth abundance of fiowers. Rent very reasýona-ble. Ph. University 8043. 61LT.-%Y-ltp FOR SUIEMER, M2%ODetA TE BRICK. .4 rooms, 3 baths, *1/2 acre ground. fiowers, vegetables. 3112 blocks Hub- bard WVoods station. Ph. Glencoe 361. 62 WANTED TO RENT-HOUSES MODERN flOUSE, H. W. HEAT, 5 bedrmns. or 4 bedrmns and -sleeping porch;- for June lst occupaflcy, not to exceed $75 a month,. on, 1-or 2-year lease.. Write B436, BoXc 40, Wilrnette, Ili. 621-l4tP 64 FOR RENT-GARAGES G-'ARAGTE FOR RENT, 842 OAK ST.. clo.se to business district la Win- netka. Phione Winne(tka 1469,. 64LT1-ltp SPACE 14N PRIVATE GARAGE. 913 lSth St. Phi. Wilnette 3730. * 64LTN1-lte 66 FMOR ENT-STORES & OFFICES. OPENING FOR BARB-'ER in Hubbard Woods, store bas, been oc- cupied as barber shcop hy one tenant for 10 yearA. FRANK, A. 1REXD 9-54 Linden- Avt. Winnetka 1300 Hubbard. Woods FINE STORE ROOM. 501 CH4ESTNUT St.,.' Winnctka, acrosj street ffrom pub-71 lic sehool. Winnetka 690. 66LTN58-tfc to new nirst mortgage of $20,000, 5 yrs. Will conaider exohange. 1071 Siçokie Ridg Drive. Glen- coe l554, Hollycourt 1855. .BAIRD & WARNER 72LTN1-Itc ATTR. BRICK HM,.. LGE., LOT. ý4 bednîs. 2 baths, ohl ht., gar. $15.000,, for quick. sale. Lovely brick Col., neariy new, 4 bedrmo.. 3 baths, extra lav., brkfit. rm., 2-car gar., o011 ht., Frigidaire. Reduced to $19,000. Mrs. Lang, Winnetka 1,19. 72LTN-ltp Unusual Artistic,Home' On wooded r avine; ln beàt Ra- vinia section, -beaeh priiillegeo, attractive living rMj. and study.' 4: bedrMs.ý .3à,baths, ou heat, 2-car garage. 2, blks. east of Ravinia Operit entrance. TIrusteub must sel]. 2231 Lake Side,.Place. Ph. Rem-. ington, Glencoe, 1554. BAIRD & WARNE 72LTN1-ltc IBARGAEN AT? ONý-flAt1É 1ORlMÉT value. 10 rooms, 4 Waths, lav. lst floor. Ini most exclusive neighbor- hood. 1 acre ground. $45,000. WiI1 takeý part payment in mo;nthly pay- mients., No. brokers. Write B.-1, Box 4q, Wilmette, 111. 72Ll-tp> Attractive Colonial Rduced $18,500 to $13,500 7 rooms. 1 bath, sun parlor, large lot 60x150, ln cliolce Ev- anston location. Due to death ln family any reasonable offer or exchange cousldered. 522 Davis S;t. GÉéeneaf 1855. BAIRD & WARNER 72LTNl-lte 73 WANTED TO DU-HOUSES 7-8 ROOM HOUSE BETWEEN EV- anston and Winnetka.. WiIi pay $15,00Q to $18,000. Describe tUlly. No. brokers. Write B-37, Box 4 0*, Wil- mette. I11. 7L- 50-FT. LOT ON GLENDENNINO RD., Wilïiete.Bargain for iiiimediate ala $3.750. Write B-42. BoX 40, Wilmtte 111 . 4LTN1-ltpý te Your Classified Ad Be fore WJLMETTE LIFE Phione WJLMETTE 4300 iliI il "..FOR MORE THAN 20YEARS THE HOME PAPER 0F THE COMMUNIY -Emý -T EU