*Rates--' cents a Uine in one paper. 26 cents a fine I any two papers. DOLAR.30 cents a line in ail three papers. MNIMUM CHARGE. ONE DOLLIR.Average of five words to the. line. No black face type uaed.a 10% dîseount où ail cash *îth order advextlseâgents wben 'brought te oi offlce at, 128 Central Ave., Wlmctto9e, r-.61 Jlmeoln Ave4, Wlnnetka.. Deadine for. Insertions_Cia:Ifed udterTi:esdts 9w. M. bo WILMETTE LIPE or ail three papers; Wednesday 9 P.'K for, WINNETKA TALK and Thursday 5 P., M. for GLENCOE NEWS. Telephonles: Wllmiette 4300. Winnetku 200, Greenleaf 4300 or Sheldrake 5687. 3.08 OTAND POUND LOST-TOY BULL DOGý WED., MAY 4, on 4th St.. between. Linden and. Greenleaf between 10, and if A. X . The man who.picked lier up ls known and had better phone Willnette 2113. Reward. 2LTN1ltp LOST -. WIRE HAIRED FOX TER- rier,' white with black spots. Reward. M., A Morrison. 111 Robsart Rd.., Kenlworth. 1498. 2LTNX-litc S UILWINS 1AND CONTrACTINSi CAR BBNOST014-N CARPENTER AND BtJIU>Ul REMODELING AN*D REPAIRING PH. WINNETFCA 2480 8LTN47-tfc FOR YOUR N serve Ange! Ï double Iln, l cake, 70e- Ph. $1 Sm El FRENCH LESSONS AT YOUR'HOMlE or my studio., Speclal rates., Win- lng in care of! infants. Some hospital training. Ist class north shore, ref. Connected wlth proinfent doctor sev- t-ai year.s. Tel. Wlnnetka 988 23LTN-itp 30 LOANS LO~ANS TUPiUPERTY QWNICRIS. Make and buy lot and Znd mortXages. EVANSTON BOND '& MTG. CO. 418 Grève St. Greeileaf 5600 381 .'PMt., 41 SITUATION WANTED-FECALE PAULI NE'S EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES NOW LOCATED IN SUITE 4 522 CEN1TER ST., WINNETKA PONE WINNETKA 2662 41LTN53-ttc EXPERIENCED WQMAN WANTS general housework, good cook, in~ ex- change for rm. and. board for ber- self, husband and smail child. Ref. Write B-39, box 40, Wilruiette, 111. 4.AMENN VERY NEAT, CAP. YOUNG WOMAN XPER. GARDENER WANTS IVORK with 4 people dependeut upon lier -by the hour or day. North Shore would like care of children, plain refreee'.Calil Willnette 3073. sewlng. or eau serve nlcely. Good 14LTX1;-ltP ref. Pli. Kenilworth 19,31 after 5 P. M. _________________41LTN1-ltc 4-A PLANTS AND U1LUS GOVERNESS - TUTOR. COLLEGE, [AKE YQIXR GARDEN A SULCCESS musical. and liter arv education. M- tht. year at lowest cost. The Green turc. 10 years experience teaching lit-. Mill Gardons offer this opportun lty to tie.folks. Winnetka 826. yo.We have now ready for plant- 41LT-ltp ing a fine anld healthy stock consist- COMPÎT-ENTIRL-LIAÇBLE WOMAN, inir ofa uate o a m.* ~#Oiion ner ,o414. hA-1l .,.*. uifffn---- niai plants, ail best varieties field gorwn ready to bud and bloom. Ten wic A- re. wi tke are of Your home and chidren during your va- cation. Ph. Wllmette !)62. I... 1 'b zuJnuuanumce 522 Center St. Wlnnetka 2662-3017 41LTN53-tfe EXP. COLORED GIRL, GOOD COOK, can do houseworjc. Desires good place. Ref. Ph. Unlversity 2684. 41LT1N1-1tp A W'OMAN WOUJLD LIKE LAUNDRY work and -care of chlldren. Good N. S. ref. Glencoe- 731. -4flTN-lie EXP. COLORED GIRL WISHES GEN-_ eral hswk . Steady or part timie. Ref. Ph. Wilmette. 911-j. 41LTN14ltp EXPER. GIRL' WISHES POSITION. plain oklng ror general work. N. S. yef. Glencoe 1113. 41LTN1-ltc 42 SITUAIOON WANTED-MALIC EXPER. MAN WANTS LAWN WORK. window washlng. and odd. jobs., Cali Wllniette..2088, ask for John. 42LTNl-Itp EXP. -AND RELIABLE WHITE MAN wishes gardening, housework and odd jobs of ail kinda. Ph. Wiimette 3166. 42LýTN1-ltp eXPER. GARDENER. AND,- HO USE- work. Good wvorker. with good refs. By hour or~ day.: Reas. Winn. 3704. 42L.TN1-ltp, 2, YOUNG MEN. 17, AND 18, WANTJ -43~ A 5-ttc EXPER. COLORFID COU eook, butier and cha references. Cail Kenwo 1 L I %.jJ4 -LI 1 JUa EMIPT.LOYlM 'I' AGENCIE NOW LOCATED IN, SUITE 4 522 CENTER ST., WINNETKA PHONE WINNETKA 2662. 44L.TN53-tfe WOIIAN OR ýGIRL TO0 DO HOUSEý- Work na rt or- wh'ole. time in exehange for. rooni, private'bath and board, ac- cording. to services. 1n Winnetka. Write. B-41., Box 40,, Wilmnette, Ili. 44LTNI-ltc WHITE MAID FOR GEN. HOUSE- work and lroning. Must be fond of chidren and. reliable. Good ref. $6 per week. 190 Fuller lane. Winn. 3602. per.eneu ge. *flut<CVPt5s, mo*8t'LsV Ihelpers. and couples. Apply ln person. ALL EMPLOYMENT SERVICE 663 Vernon Ave. Glencoe 25, 46LTN1-ltc EXPER. WHITE COUPLE FOR FAM- i ly of 4. Man must drive, serve, wlecook, A-1. Ref., reiQ, Wages $100m. Pauline's, 52Ë Center St., Wîfnn tka, Ili. .46LTN1-ltc 47A PROFESSIONAL SECRVICR GOOD DENTISTRY' ýDépression tees. FillIings (srnall). 50c. Treatments, 50c. Office 1209 Wllniette Ave.. Wllmette 391.. 47A-LTN1-tfc FOR SALE-LATE9 MODEL LASALLE sport. Phaeton, Tonneau deck and windshieid, aide mounts. Need cash. Telephone owner: at Kenilworth 2051. 48LTN1-t no AUTrO SUR vicE LOOK, WHAT A FEW DOLLARS WILL DO' for, your- car. Grlnd, reface, re-seat valves. dlean carbon, carburetor, gen- erator. starter, spark plugs and igni- tion points. The wholë operation. on' 4 cyl..cars $4.35. small 6 cyl. $6.35. lar~ge 6 cyl. $9.35, stra4ght 8 $10.50. %V type 8 cyl. $12. 50. Guaranteed. for 10,000 miles, Cali Mr. Kraut, IVil- mette 5346. Shop located in Spanish Court Bidg. 5sourNltp) AUTO REPAIRS DONE IN YOUR garage for, less. Repalrs guaranteed.- Cail Lee Br-owiî, Kenilworth 1146. SLI-iltp 51' FOR RfflT-ROONS ATTRACTIVE ROOM. EAST SIDE home, fttrnished orunfur-nished. Light. .airy. large grounds, porches. Bath- room f:ieilitie.s unusually good. Ac- cessible ail transp. Garage optionai. By appointnient. References. Ph. Wil- mette 204. 5ILI1ti) FURNISI{ED IIOOM SUITABLE FOE 1 or 2 or couple with daugliter. Prot. preferred. Hlome priviieges. Ou i i. Gar. available. Ph. Glençoe 976. 51LTN1-luý BEAUTIFUL ROOM IN REFINEI) private honte. Near beach. 4 blks. to "L"and N. S. iRf. req. Ph. WiI- irette 171. 51L4TN1-ltib L A R G E. QUIET, COMFORTABLÉ front Irooin, suitable for 1 or 2. Also smialler roorn Reasonable. Ph. Wilc mfette 3206. .:51LT2Nl-lti) FRONT'ROOM, SINGLE OR DOUBLE.' Also sleeping porcli. furnished. Cook- 'lng privileges. Win.netka 2669. 51LTNI-t R(OM, AT ý844 ýP1NE STREET. 2 vmhIdren are n cnarge of two experi- cianig. i >0r. re4.i enced young ladles. Memberehip - 0102. limto4 to twelve children. Rates EXPER. COL. GIRL W: reduced to $3 a , week. Ph. Nules lng or gonerai work. Conter 16. 15L1-ltp years N. S. ref. Univei 'RENCH LESSONS DY, NATIVE ________ French lady. at your home, or my. GOOD RELIABLE GE studlo. Special rates. Wlinnetkg 112L. wishés general housev 15LTN1-ltp Ph, Wllmetto. 2999. L<~5. _I1L1ltp g GIRL .A-i re.! LTT%1-litp WHITE GIRL TO housework. 2 ln Ph. Wilmette 220 WRITE MAID( gfeneral housewoi Winnetka 1939. Mu,-t have r Ibai 1APT. AT 909 lNl Voods., Tel. Wlnnotki g i S,