the Teatro del Lago, again presents plbanth- as thbe old-fashioned mother a balanced program that- will enter. Here's news! Here's a combination i h film masterpiece, 'Over the tain and refresh the niany patrons of s0 good that it just can't be kept out the beautiful theater near the lake. of the movie columns! Hill." to be shown at Community But Mr. Meycrs isn't illing to let "Disorderly Conduct" and "The~ House Friday and Satuirdavý. May 13 it goi at that. lie lias aîi additional Big Timer" are the films that pro-, and 14. piece of good neNvs for*ot shore'duce a spicy double feature blend at James uuadSly les tr ivie fans. the Varsity theater on Thursday, Fni- B & *EàrIN- Bird' prices are Iîow lflday and Saturday of this %veek. oft-ad r agairi score in * Over effect! . The. aduit Who cornes eanly XVWilmette's own Ralph Bellaniy lite Hili» "James, Dunn is seen àas Io the îlîeater, may purchase biis, cIi- a star of "Disorderly Coniduct,." withj Johnny. Nwho c arries the family trouble tertainnient at 'a substantial savîngs. Spencer Tracy,ý Dickie Moore and Iohishudr.Btteare broa ,d. Under, the new pln h riCe- of, Sally Eilers in other featiired rnoies. and lie, riscs above obstacles. iCom- admission is rieduced for iliose Ivho Critics implore the publié flot to miss mumity House necomrnends "Over the cone before 6 o'clock on Saturdays, tîis storY ;of a policeman. and bis.,-Hi411" as a dlean. fine picture that the beèfone 3 oclock on SundaYs and houi- struggles to be honiest. Ben' Lvon. whole famîlv1 ma-. attend and enjoy. dav, o beore7 oclok o otienConstance Cummînigs and Tem (]v,,,,. Thfoe 7adniissiýý n prîce frTd lyi lî oeydaaThe a The preseination of "Over the Hili" eveing. Th. dmisin- ric fr Tdd la inth coedydrma, "hm- 1 considered thé, ful1fillîment' of the ubidreni remîains the sainie. Big Timier," which shows %vata hm- Here Are Those Films- burger. slinger' can do. inithe prize-ommunîityh oubs picy of tryig. to, Jutas as'the .*"1-arl\v Birdi, ùglitring. otinteetpctrs ilcws. %vill lie the antiotincemient of On Tuesdav and \Vedncsdav. May uIl sho\vs this week at tlie Teatro 16 and 17. the Varsitys double feature uabilx-Balaba Katz del Lago. lere art the icaturce at- programi includes two wivnners. '*But tractn'nis: "lupon 'îrdv h ls Is \Veak- and "The Broken day and Saturdàa,. Nay13am j1. Heaber Thatcher. the oll woman V A R SI "AcVnListeting?" and "Pe'ie, onocle-wearer in Hollywvood. will'be F.ýùn-ion-pIîone uni. s900 Snindav, \Ioiidà\-and Tuo.sdav, _Ma\. 5st 1 n i ithe delightfully sophisticated Tus.Fist,-%a *.31 1;-17: Thle Wiser Sex»Wcnky one* "But the Fleshi Is NVeak." ur.TifatM>11-1 andff, Thursdav. Mav 18. and 19. leanior Gregor., Robert Montgomeny, "DI8ORDK LY And don*t. forget ! 1The TeIatro del C. Aubrey Smith and Edwvard Everett C N U T Lago k sctting the pace in the Cjii-ý Horton do net wear monocles. but ODC C'ago 'areca by shoivîng tlle,, lwst of they give excellent characterizations,SENRTAC ý,clctC(ls hort 'subjects. nevertheless. fI ElersEBrendel the featuire. on imur- "Thc Broken M.iing'. offers love and, dav ()f îlýN.iis ek. lias apowerful story. adventure. below the Rio Grande. N% ith Barbara Staniw-vck as the ccIi-* Lupe Velez gives thé. runaround to BEN LYON tral lîrcr \\'hat a fine ýpirtraVal bad mani, Leo Carillo. weN \elvyn "if I ..î~~~~ ~~ Dolûglas, a hero she could really care 'î.,e(nmIg kc Riard 1 )ix bas. a rmît- worthy (-)i for, lands bis airpiane in lier- front i hliii "Thei1],(»t Sqc«ro * (à<f, yardl. He's ini the yard--on with the Attend Our Bargain MatInees I luillvwouid sutint tv nig. Dpp1)iug ami yarn at the Varsity! Wetk IIay,4 Salprday ý,I<e>ipping tlîronglî th(, air ni dar- From Xednesdav througlî Satur- h 5C 6! 11 p 1 îg - t o-w\v111g formiations, ani day. May 18-21, thcrell be big double 6:30 .0 (-rasbînig thecir îlancs li(ad ()nlinito thie feature "(I)'iings." The films are "The <Ilîteî19W üartl: fuir the mue sake u(4 tîril- Mani\'h Plaved God,- starring 3o. usMy1. iihýeeare soiiv liglîliglits of thie fliii Arliss. andl *Amateur IDaddv." w Nith -io.,Tu.. ay 1.1; %vbich, i ghe an inide stryof the\Vrr Baxter. ROETMN OMR "Cceenîng , pies cil the, air.. Fric von'Ann Harding Returns ""U U-LEN S;truhilî plays th' role of the di-,Ad T A sneN îHuaI bs is caer myecrd AferA-abetnce o Ase ealontcs."OUA GRE<;OR dlanger su la iscmr a rcr! fe nasnc fsvrlmnh.-ANDl- thie tlirills of their plu:îgeS. Ann Harding returns to delighit the b"TUE wBI01W "Are You Listenipg ?" p latrons of the Teatro del Lago on guI E The activîties of a national radio; Suinday, Monday and Tuesday. II G11 broadcsati:ig station form the back- Heralcled as a story of. the Il(Io-! LUPE VELEZ for,,i thec, nzoasinz storv told i na inLyles."Prest;--e" ik qid thi Iu.a riiIa......u ou in... A:z . y. W. eb<w (i p. . W , o. Box Ome Closes atets-W9 Novi PI.yingý-Thurs., . 2Hital "POLLY 0 F THE CIRCUS'0 Both days et 7:*.18; .ý10:05 ana O'Brien and MeLaglen in "GAY CABALLERO", Soth daVs 8:47-Oïnce onlyl. Sàt urçlay.May I 4-Returu of *Attend the, first meeting -of thoe MICKEY aMO USE CLUB Satuwday, May 14j, et 10:30 à. m. 816 PREE SHOWI This froc show is forthe firs* meeting only--oth.r-meetings of Me. Mickey Moine Club"wilI b. heldeveq y Saturday befor e. James ad una Ulie-Mru-we t vans inI "TH-EGREEKS HAD A WORD" Sterf bath deys 0:34--Once onlyl Fni., Set., May 20-21-2 Hitsi "Broken Lullby"-LioneI Barrymore end "Hound of the Baskerviles'. Sun., Mon., Tues., May 22-24-2 Hits Hotel Continental Steady Company Wed., Thurs., May 25-26-2 HiIil "Arsen. Lupin!' "Ch.. tors et Play" scrape"' for "Strangers ini Love." This new ýPararnount release, featur- jng Fredric March, Kay Francis, * Juliette Compton and Stuart Erviin wiIl be shown at the Wilmette -the- - ater Wednesday and Thursday, May 18 and 19. Ncws Cartoon Bced DoiioluP