saturday Natimes ?rite *N409Pm.. Adulte, 8e; Chidren Mways lée Doon. open 1I:30 Show Starts at 2 P. M., Continuons. - TONIGHT-MAY 12. BARBARA SAWC-EGS'OMYand ZASU PITS starts 7:58s; 9:57 *"NIriekl c"Cbaritie ('basé. Couiedy . eiws .. arry Lauder 1«1 Love a LaMilte" . '"appy -D ayt4 & la irTyrol"' . . Maigie Carpet FfIDAY & SATURàDAY, MAY 13-14 RICH*ARD DIX andt MARY ASTOR Starts Fr1. 7.-b2; 10'09-S.tarts Sat. 2:00,* 4:21: 0:22, s:39: 10: 44' TGreat Pie Mystery'll Cofedy ...Rifpley's Beileve It or -Nt . . . a Carpet . . . Newis SUNDAY, MONDAY & TUESDAY, MAY 15416-17, ""ARE YOU LISEIO WILLAM HAINES and MADGE EVANS Mtarts Sun. 8:46; 0:40: 9:461-Starts Mon. & Tues. 7:10, 10:09 S I <wiýth ADOLPHE MENJOU Sun. 2:25; 6:25; 8.:26-Sta ris Mon. & Tue%. 8:48 Tee and Aspirin" . Strange As It Seems * . News .WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY. MAY 18-19, .Ls«rel Conduct" ....... - asiy Mcke-y Mouse, the toast of screien "TheoBigrlymeCon............ Varsity f ans îal over the world, 'provides the 'The Big imer" ... ....yasit inspiration for a club which holds its. LostFridy, My 1first meeting at the Wilmette theater "The Ls Squadron"-Teatro diel Lago this Saturday morning, May 14, at "Pollv of the Circus"...... Wulmette 10:3.0 o'clock, A* big free show that "The Gay Caballero" .. 1... Wihnette morning wiIl celebrate the initial ses- -Disorderly Conduct" ....... Varsity sion of ýthe Mickey .Mouse club. The "The ýBig Timer" .... Varsity following meetings wiIl be held-every "-Over the Hill" Community House Saturday just before the regular Sturday, May 14 matince. -The Lost Squadron". Teatro, del Lagoi Reniember,! The free show is f or Emma"....... ........ Wilmette. the first meeting only. "Disorderly Conduct"...... Varsity lifeuron atraMa14 "Tve he illme"...... ..Variy otsty is a return showing of "Emma" which "Ovr te lii! .. Cmninit Hosemany, regard as Marie Dressler' s Sunday, May 15 'greatest characterization, She. por- -Are You Listeing?", travs a servant who remains faithful .... ..Teatro del Lago through ail the. tribulations, that beset "Prestige"......... Teatro ciel, Lago a large family. "Th Cr~vdRors"....\ 1*ameès Cagney's .new picture.. "The Monday, May 16 Crowvd Roars," shows at the Xilmette "Are- You Listeniing?" theater on Sunday, Monday and .......Teatro ciel. Lago Tuesday. .NMay 15-17. This storv c: "Prestige- ..... Teatrociel Lago Iligfl-,pe auto racing. has manv "The Crowd Roars".-..... WTlihntte famious drivers, including William I But the Fleshi Is Weak .. Varsity 'Biily"1' Arnoldi anci Lou Schneider, -Thé Broken WNing" \'arsity Indianapolis, Speedway champîonsr for Tuesday, May 17 '1930 anci 1931 respecti1vely.* The racing "-Are You Listening" scenes are saici to- be the finest ever .Teatro cel Lago useci in.a film production. "Prestige" .......Teatro ciel LagoiOn Wednesday andi Thursday, M .aY "*The Crowd Roars ....Wilmette1 18 anci d 19ï the Wilmnette presents .'But, the Flesh Is Xeak. Varsity!I ýStrangers. in Love"1 and "The TheBrkenWig" .. \aritY i Greeks Hacd a Word for Them-." 'The "Te Wednesday, May 18 pictures are just as interestijg as TheViser Sex" . .Teatro ciel Lago their tities. VSragesIn Love" ...... .Wilmette: Fredric March, who' aiazed the ,-The Greeks Haci a Word for uorld with "Dr. Jekyll and -NMr. H3yde." 1Thiem" . Wilmnette'has another dual role in "Strangers The \fan Who Playeci God" .Varsity in Loý-e." Kay Francis, Stuart Erwin "Amateur Daddy" .. . VarsitY andi Juliette Compton also star in tis Thusr-day, May 19. . roinantic comiedy surprise. "l'he Xiser Sex". Teatro ciel Lago I 'reslh from its record run tio the "Strangers in Love"......ilmette Broadway stage, "Thei Greeks Haci 1-The Greeks Haci a Word for . a W ord for Themn" wilI be shown cn Theni . . . . .-Wilmette the \W:lmette ,screeni at 8 :34 o'clock 1-The Man Who Playeci Goci" . arsity-jW ednesday, andci Thursday 'evcnings. -Amateur Dad(IN".. ...... Varsity N \ 18 andi 19. Smartness and sophis- tication are the keynote, of this NewAuo-Rcig. il nev.featurïi ~Ina Claire, Joan. Is- Anxiously' Awaited "Polly o f the Circus," witlî Mariocn The niewtest James Cagney-Joan Davies andi Clark Gable, andi "The Blondeil starriing vehicle for Warner Gay Caballero," starring George Bros. Pictüres, *'The Crowd Roars," O'Brien, Victor McLaglen a nd Con- bas çreated an unusual amiotnt of chita Montenegro, will entertain. at ntrs'prior to its showing at the the Wilmette Thursclay andi Friday. Wilmnette théater on Sundav, Mvonlay! May 12 and 13. z ai. mal., II ,a.Z-Z. "CARNIVAL BOAT" . ........ý-,ý..Williamu Boyd "ÉACING YOUTH'. . .. Slli SuminerVIlie & L "COREFNS & KELJYS IN HOLLYWOOD~". Oo. Sidney & "F1LFAKS ..... . .. . . Waiftc4e Ford & "ONE MOUR WITJI YOU" .Mai UGIRL CRAZY1 .. . . ....Whe: "AJjATF7J DX IY"........ Waràer Baxter & 1 tg 1 knew when to .say "yes" andi "no" to ________ an underworld enthusiastic about railroading her lover to the bot spot PRODIGY MAKES GOOD for a murder he did nfot commit. It One 'of the few child prodigies wilo wiIl show at the Teatro ciel Lago on have made good on the screen as a Wednesclay andi Thursclay, May 18 grown-up' will appear on, the screen andi 19,- with Claudette Colbert ini of the Wilmette theater Wed:;esda" the -stella.r portrayal. andi Thutrsday, May 18 andi 19, 't Il . 'I I I 1~