Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 12 May 1932, p. 49

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torturcry ouupicu U theLil'.,IivCVriLV Gjolf club of Chicago, annôounces e and lower playing rates advetid on this page. Ini addition tothe lower prices. spe- cial twilight rates have been ar- -ranged, and put into ëffect to attract the.larger number of players who de- Sire the opportunity',to play on a private course. *Northbrook Golf club for the past sýixvears lias:been'a private club, and this season for the first tune bai been opened to the. public, as a daily f ee course with rates tbat cannotý be bet- tered in the Chicago area. There is no1 charg e for reservations. A o ckerý or Nhowers, and; full facilities areé avilable 'for bothmn and wonxen. J ulianl Lambert, manager of the, club says: "If you want. to 'play a, course that b as truly wonderful greens-greens that will: hold your pitch' shot, then.drop out to-North- brook club on Dundee road. just wvest of Sky Harbor. A gaie,,will1 coniviince v outi hat r6ight here is the ielgolf * PICK WICK \VeIl. well, well, the first . foie in one- of. the season, and out on the 5;outh course at Pickwick. George Wright, proprietor of the' Reliance Heating company, and three in.e:bers ôi bis fouresome were on the 111-t vard l<tb tee. George, the tirst niman Aff the tee. drope il shot, for anl *ace,7 the first to 1e recorded ont the north shore tis springI.. Mr. 'Wright resides at 274,3 'Washi ington boulevard. Chicago. anid bas been playing tnost al bis golf at Pick- m ic k. Pickwick's popularity brinigs gol*ers regulariv £rorn as lar as <>500 oth in Cicago. Whlenvou con1-1 sider the distance these golf e.rs.travel. it i ust meani that ickwick lias .a real test of golf to. offer these play3ers. AS announced a few %veeks ago, Pickwick is still offering- a special rate to persons wbo play golf regular- lv. .ts, based on, the idea of turning' 'Ni yur,tickets atreach round of, ol.and, aiter a set amnount of golf. has been played. a free icket is is- suied for the remnainder of the season. Nla,~nv Rolfprshave already takei ad- FormerIy UNIVERSIT Y CLUB £1~3S 1Week Days 75e 0W Sat. P. M. $125 Sundays $1.50 Phone-Northbro,,ok 182 Reësërvtions-Lockers-FVree DudeRd. P4 mÎles W. Wauke4an, Rd. GLENCOE GOLF CLUB HOHLFELDER LANE . NORTH LIMITS 0.F GLENCOE PLAY ALL'DAY AT, THESE RATES> Mon. to Sat. Nooni, 75c-Sat., P.M., $1.-uWoukday ýTwilight, s1e Sun. A.M., $1-5-P.M., $i.25-Sat., Sun,, Twîlliiht, 75F Ladies! PlaY Free Golf at Glencoe on, Tuesdays PHONE GLENCOE 981 .. No Charge for Reservations ROB ROY, COUNTRY CLUB Fo<rmrl a Privat Clubtenmeeato mil1es south o DundeeRd on Elmhurst dte ml ato MeDoaldRd.to Club, or River Rd. te NeDokal Rd. fineutst c of..batflAtrit Seeded Grooma., The omly chah inChicago heving 18 geons of this grass. Coode Out and Eujoy Yourself ai Rob Roy, Mt. Prospsect, III; PRONES ARLTINGTON HEIGHTS 1493-1564 REASONABLE RATES PICKWICK GOLF Thée $850,000k Playgroand 36 HOLES 0F CHAMPIONSHIP GOLF Weelgdey Rates-18 Holes-Ineludiug Saturday Morming ..... 75e AUTO ROUTE: Waukegau Ri to Glenviv, ID. Tutu west 1 mile on Glenvecw Rd. to Sherme Ave, uorth % mile to Club outrance which is M4 mile south of Curties Airport. PHONE GLENVIEW 292 or 173 FOR RESI3RVATIONS <jolters Peimn, "What beautilul fairways L and gree." .Others say,' "1The lubbousehn ec nny wltb a trIendly atm ,osphere iverywhe re." eC. F ~Corne to Techny snd enjoy tbese pleasurës. Y .11 ilso yohir ffamily. u0Ir1 ~ WilloW E. nd uWaimkegai RdL.I andi just far enougn away to iuakeit selective and flot over-run. It is located on IMkDonaId road, east of Ehnhurst road, about thre miles south of the Dundee road. En- trance .ma y' also be gained frôm River road. 't is just *est of Dam No. 2 ini the .Forest Preserve. Rob Roy is a sporty, intriguing course- with "ýreal" fairways, excep- tional and outstanding greens which will not be excelled anywhere. Clever traps 'make it just the course yoôu have always wanted to play.. It iW one of the sportiest eighteen-hole courses in, the middle west, formerly a private club and now open to the public. Rob, Roy is a daily féee course wath ail the features of a private 'Club. popular priced meals, showers, lock- ers, clubrooms, golf shop and..profes- sional instruction by John ReuterJr.,ý two times open champion of North Dakota.' The greens fees are reason- able- with spécial réduction for sea- son tickets and tournaments. There's no watingat -Roh Royr. Drive out to Rob Roy and play one of the sportiest courses in the areal, broght GLENCOE, Warmer weather and red uced rates forth the largest golfing crowd of the season. Many compli- ments were paid the management on the wonderful condition of the course as a whole, and particularly thie greens. More and more womien are taking advantage of the free golf off ered each Tuesday. Rain or shine one can depeîîd upon the fairsex taking advantage of the opportunities offered at Glencoe. J un Gourlay, the pro, announces a new plan and extremely low rates for instruction. The plan is.to give one lesson eachweek throughout the sum- mer, if desircd.. A. sinal charge.is muade each, month. Jim tells, us that he lias already arrangements with no lessthan twenty-five applicants, and froin all reports, is going to put in a very busy season at correcting slices, hooks, and what-have-you, Ask him be a privrate clubu iasUL al - W 4 JF- - -- -- -....ise...t tensI-ak~ opetied as a daily fee course. It bas Lk----tH--_odenhsatial f h u te e a beautiful clubhouse, with lockers, LaeAe I am Ra uilan itiigothmseko showers, and dining rooni that, are _________________________________ out of golf because of the free in- open to the public. struction. The pro shop is in charge of Jock -i y bad at very lowv prices, it is of the Chicago daily. fee associato. Alde'cuisbngorean Chrsti. Jcdis n aleteaherof >~ It is located on Dundee road just op- entrantswill receive small group in-,. the, game, and bas a Well equipped ad tutos tecpinlylwrts shp ofn cesre falkns Sotmani Golf' club is a mnember posite Sky Harbor airport. -tutosa xe -l

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