v-,y% O F course ,yon don't like to have' your c ar tied up 'for repairs 1, So we don't *este any, tame when you briing t in, end do your job with the ùtmost Épeed consistenàt with good work. Trv us next time. Get a RAIN CHECK with each wash Trik OIL WELL. Bobý 'n' Mac Majo St. at Linden Ave.. Phone WiIn,tte 3334 Member TVlilmette Chamber of Commerce »i hCi IlilVfl ttc ('lèiim bEr o! Sixteenth street in orner to avoid thc extremeIy rougli streteli of paving on Main street from the Kenilwor th limlits south to Fiftcenthi street. Residents, owning propemtv abutting theý alley have objected 'to its use as a tmaffic artery because of the danger to their childmen. and it ,%Vas at their renues.t that the Village board order- ed, the barrier put up. - Repairs. are îîot heing made on the mouigh s tmetch of Maiàn' street. sothli of the Kenilwou th linîits, it wvas e-7 plained, because the Village, board expects to complete the widcning anid raving of, thé_ street fronm Elinwvood avenue to thne Kenilworth Iiiiits soi G. C. 0FI. BODAT Attention is called to the radio. brôadcasts for the monith of Mav' sponsored by tlie Garden Club of Illi- nois, Whichi occur -on Tuesday .after- néons, at i.:50, o'clock, over station11 XVN. On May 17, there Nviil be a paper on "Iris" written by '.frs. Doug- las M. Pattison, the weil known luizi fancier of Freeport, while on 'May 24, a Wiimette man will talk on the sill-1 j.ect of "Perennials."ý D..and Mrs. C4. M. Reese a hd their famiily, Who have been residing in, Evanston, lhave -retiin led to \Vilmètte ftran asec-ofseveral vears., ThievN are no1w living at 720 Lind1(en Commerce - Vice-UQmmander, Leach lias 1.)/ tlosC wilo mignit 11ke KO knova bit rnerbers paid for 1932, which is 89,o about the books liste.d. Lt is lioped of last year's final total. that boys and girls in the mniddle and Comr.ade and Bugler, A. 1). AI- tupper grades will find the suggestiOns bright bas moved fromn Des l'laines ulseful and will enjoy these books as to 1639 Elmwiood avenue., \Vilmnette. mutch, as the Book XVornîis lîaVe.1 The Posts of theS.eventh District -Arabian Nig-hts-Storier, about Per- wi111 be tlie guests of \Vilniette W ed- sians and. Arabians. AIl arc short nesday evening, May«18 i'c the and end happily. district mneeting will be lieldiî Odd . Blackt horn-Adamns . ccib Fellows -hall, 1217 Wý7ilnîiette avenue isearch. for lier long lost Father. Rea.d at 8:15 o'clock. j "Thistie Inn" by the same author., The outstanding feature of the By Dog Sled with Byrd-'O'Breî--- meeting will' be a talk. illustrated )y I:He (lrovt, Byrd'sý dogs on his trip to motion pictures, by Amr' Albert W. the Southî Pole. Dilli1g of NcîeiiWorth, wvbosci articles Circle of the Braves-T loinpsoni- and lectures on "The, Truth ab)out A good It(lian bâok. Russia" have stirrè'd the north shîore.i Courageous Girls-Retold froin St. Those wvbo did not hear Mrs. 1illing, Nicholas. BErave deeds dlonce bv girls. at the Logan-Howard P. T. -A. %vill, Em-nmeiiie-Sinigmste--A g-irl w~ho be wvell repaJd for their -attendance at livcd during the Civil \Var.- this meeting. .J ûnîp 1irig-off Place-MNcNeely - A The district meetings ini tlîenselves -modern pioneer story of brothiers and are interesting affairs. This NN-111 bé sisters who take up a daim in D)akota. our last opportunity. to coine ont in Lanîd Spel-Carroîl - A mîodern support of .our oiyn commander of the story centcri.ng -around tlhe mystciu district, LDoc. 1Uawkins, and y%,n can, app>earanice of a strange girl at a farrn sec lîow effiiently the district busi- in New England. ness is handled, iLittie Pear-Lattiniore-Thc life of Réfreshmcnts will he I e ada Chiniese boy. Amusing. the colors wilI be presented and me- L1ong Kie-glso-in& tired by the Drum Corps color.guiardl.' in_1 the id-et -AgeÉd Insurance Man to an Indian warior ; a yak . whoc Reside in KeniIworth~ goe' off tfntea~pkiai Kossuch Marks lias nîoved from 1bov and bIîs*,'crippled frienid blpl re- Evànston to Kenilworth wvhere he ,,, tumu a prince.to the throtie;. renting the Stanley H. Knigbt hnii \Ier.vlps-Dix-It proves gimhIs cari at 51 Kenilworth avenue. -NIr. Mark.,b1)'ë s ltull as boys Ii u'ar tîm ne. who is 80 years old, is one'of the oIt \Niss jiiiny Deanie-Ku1-ox - A est insurance men in Chicago. Ic SottllQri plantation stomy al)out a lit- fore bis retiremient ab)ot t ix\-.,* tic girl and lier comipainini )ru. ago lie mwasý a senior imeiier of t-n a \Letr.Sts o .fBrJotbe- iiOid-Nlus firmn of Critchell, Miller, \Vhitiw" adveontes f"' b lr'au i and Barber.mok.. \adia-Nlon -A.\lit le SI xicanv Withli im are residling b is coin g11,irl îlier friend, bier d og anîd a tre7a"- Mrs. Grace P.ý Whittier, and bierso William A. Whittier. The, latter utalIvrBrciesovc a junior at the University of Wiscon a 1nian who' gYes b the Soiltb Scas sinwhere he is studying cbiemical vi tO îo for peë1arlis. gineeming. Mrs. XVittier is a sistû. ix cdro of tl e flack l)e;ttlî Bîîet of W. G. Peacock. of WVilmctte. -Pirates -anîd, treasure. Rea<d also "Tim Kane's Treasume" - * Mutiîyý Is Dance .Director in Isad"-"The> Buccaiieer's Log01 9 University Production Prani of Albania-Mlil1cr--How a. M iss Georgiana \\eedlon. d(aughterI girl hielped* save bier tribe in the Al- of Mr. and _Mrs. John F. Wcedon of banian mountains. 204 Fiftl. street, i-as.(dance i*r:ectom I RaqUel -of the Ranch Counry- of the production of -Goodl Newy1s,"ý Malkus-A Western girl goes East gîven recently by. the *"Strollers," the to school1. draniatic organization of the L'niver-ý Royal. Road to Romiatice-Halhibur- Ulottsvile and %Vvaynesboro. I'rônm Wiliette.iE. H-. tHamilton, 1138 Oakc- there they went to Baltimiore where wood avenue, was starting up h is Mrs. Drake drove home witli Miss car west on Forest avenue when the Mabel Carter, who is iîow lier bouse train came along and took the bunip- guest for several days. Miss :Rear- cm. Lt was the first time that MIr. don'contintued 'on to ber s u m -ni e'r Hamilton, who lias been driving for home in Mainie, making a f ew stopsý more than ýtWente.years, li ad ever en-, on, tlie way. j countered sud 'a situation. MOTORS SERVICE NEVEIR CLOSED CITIES SER9VICE, 721NMAIN ST. j. C. Slown WILMETTE I A. B. Phone Wil. 2600-2601 Van Deusen