SC van oiu. Mé ~morial Liay vvere per- fected this week by \Vilmette Post * of the American Legion Nwh:ichi each., year is assigned the task of arranig- ng- this community event. e rig. Cen. j ohn V. Clinnin of Gleti- coe, promînent World War veterayn and 'Chicago. civic -leader, will be the, speaker' of the day, it is- announced. and the NeW Trier High school band [las. been secured to participate ini the1 M emnoi-ial Day procession. josceph H. Heinzen is chiairrnai loi, the \Vilmette Legion Post .arranging *the- -Mémorial Day plans. Mr. Hein- Zen hopes to havýe every Wilmette organization participate. in the' street procession and is. asking the various groups :to communicate -%with him as., soon as, possible., Hait bande Retiara Th'le Sew Trier band takes part il * the Memorial Day activities after .an> absence of two. years.. Gencral Clinnin, a. native of 11hi- nois, îs a veteran of the Spanislh Ainerican war and of t he- World n-ar. He enlisted in the 'First Illinois In- fant.ry in 1894, and has served in ail grades f romn private to brigadier gen- eral. He wvas transferred to commna!nd the lO8th Trains and Military'Police ini 1917 from the l3lst ,Infantr:,,, Charge of Division. Prison. He W-a.sý tranisferred to the command ýof, the i l3Oth Infantry A. E. F. June 9, 1913 at 1-itppy. France., lu Ariny 25 Years He served in the Santiago de Cuba canîpaign during the Spanish-Amer- ican %var. and was engaged in the Somme defensive and Somme offeti.- siVe. St. Mihiel and Meuse Argonne offensives in the World war. He was wvouud'ed at Consenvoye, France, Oc- lob)er 17, 19118. His total active serv- ice ini the UntdStates arnly %vasI 23 v cars, ý3 month s, and 7 days. À General Clinnin received, man.y ýci- tations, including the Distinguislbed Service Medal., H.1e has bèe'i prominent in Anmer-j icaiî Légion circles' since the war, holding post commandersbips and of-t fices in the state organization. He was national commander of the Dis-i of the tax. warrant drive. The volunteer workers who are conducting a 'bouse- 'ShaiN to-house catnpaign to, disprose of the VistaÈ warrants are experiençing 'great diff- events culty, and the sales have been slow. The abouti warrants are being sold to provide f unds for, paying school 'teachers and meeting Thre other school expenses, and ta provide mette flor the continued fu.tictionitig of the nual .i va rioas Village services. May 1 buibs, shrubs, garde or whathaveyou. PT market are directed penfded to- beautify în the village. rigular park op- avenue 'station of lie! Bring your u're looking for fiowe ring 'plants, mf paraphiernalia, oceeds f rom lthe into. a tund ex- 'blcgrounids Poppy' Dav is set for Thursday. May 2.Legion. units have charge, of the sales of the little flowers ruade by disabled. veterans. Proceeds go to assist disabled and needy war vet- crans and theirefamilies. The Kenilworth, club holds its an-' nual meeting Tuesday evening,. May 17. There will be election oi ne%% dîrectors and reading of officers' reports. Wilmette's conmtteoitUneru- ployment. appointed a vear ago b Village President Dubbs, reports on obless situation ini the village. Mrs. Ruth Hurd S.nvder, formier Village trustee, was chairman of this. board committee. Brig. Geix. John V.. Cinniin of Gleu-' coe, veteran ofÉ the Spanish-Amnerican. and World wars and an outstaniding,, Chicago civic leader, will give the M emorial Dav address in Wilmette thý is year. The New Trier High school band will participate ini the street procession. 'American Legion in charge of the progratif. Mrs. J.' D. Kiinnear is' elected pres- ident of the Logani-Howard Parent- Teacher association. Mrs. Kinnear lias beený proininiently identified with the P. T. A. and other clv.ic organ- izations. for several years. Wilmette's own observance of the Washington Bicentennial 'is scheduled for July 3,and 4. An elaborate pro- grain is being worked out by commit-i tees' named at a commiunity meetingj Monday of this week. J. E. Worthen is general chairmnan 'of the Bicenteni- iniaI celebrat ion. " w'nee Country club and Club del Lago announce interesting for thre near future. Read ail it on the Social page! Woman's society af theý Wil- Baptist churcb. holds its an-ý meeting ,and mùusic.ale ' riday,' 13. whitmack ' the lhbr serves as secretary of the board. Other members of the Library boar-d are Mrs. D. J. Davis, who is$ chairman of the book committée, John F. Hoffmnan, Jr., chairman of the. building, committee, Mrs.- Leslie F. Gates, and, Luther W Benson. Miss Whitmack is now working on her annual report. Despiteý thé fact It hat the library was handicapped '.y lack of space. as well' as by'a scarcity of fuinds with: which.ta, buy new' Tbooks, last year was'a banner ycar,l Miss, Whitmack states,. More fiction is bcing bougbt than non-fiction, be- cause the fiction pays for itself. Name. Representatiýves on Local Safety Commission Trustee Arthur Lee was. reap- 'pointed one of the Village bôard's representatives on the Wilmette Cit- izens' Traffic and Safety commission Tuesday night at an adjourned meet- ing of the Village board. At the saine time Truistee Harry C ' Kinne was ap- pointed as another representative of the Village board on the traffic com- mission to take the place of Carl Renneckar, whose terni as a Village trustee expired this spring. The ap- pointruents were made by Village President C. P. Dubbs and confirmed hy the Village board. W. W. DeBe- rard, another trustee whose terni ex- pired this spring and who had been one of the board's representatives on the traffic commission, was' asked by Village Pregide*,t Dubbs ta continue to serve on the commission in anr un- officiaI capacity. Mr. DeBerard con- sented to do this. FRE . HEALTH SERVICE In. keeping with May, the> month, %vhich' ushers 'in NationalCbild Health day, the Village Health departument will. give its services for ciphtheria immun- ization, beginning about May 20. A defi- iite date' and place will be announced Cal! Wilmette 4300 ASK FOR ADI-TAKER musical organizations of New Trier High school Saturday night, May 14, the, Girls' club of the uthool hopes to replenish its schorlarshig> fund for this year. The concert, will be presented in the Leslie, F. Gates gy mnasium at the high' school. The New Trier Girls' club, which -is composed of all girls attending the highpschool, has spent hundreds of dollars this year for local. needs. The. club purchased, one thousand dollars Worth of, fax anticipation warrants..ii order to help keep the school open for the remainder of t his term. In doing this the club's schtoarship 'fund was materially reduced at a time when it is most needed. .Through the kindness of the New Trier music departmnent in offering to turn. the proceeds of the 'annual spring concert. into the, scholarship fund, the' Girls' club, hopes te be, able te add enough te the fund te provide scholarships for deserving New Trier girls just as it bas in'the past. Prmvid. FIfty Scolmahips During the past ten years scholar- ships of different amounts have been given to more than fifty girls. Many of these girls are now holding good. positions. Their let-ters always ex- press hearty appreciation of the of- forts of the New Trier Girls' club in providing scholarships, according te M iss Lulu Wright, faculty sponsor of the club. The members of the club, in turu, appreciate tl-p support and encouragement they'iaVe 'Nad from the coxmmunity, especially from tIhe motlrers, Miss Wright states. The various musical organizations at the high school, including the or- chestra, girls' and boys' gîce clubs, choruses, Madrigal club and, boys' octet have been practicing for weeks, (Continued'on Page 6) Howard J. Bleser Wins Walther Oratory Honors Howard J. Bleser, 1435 Central ave- nue, Wilmette. carried off ail honnrs 1. Thne club 15 ro serve a steak arn- ner on the grounds of thre Cbtrch Clubl'anse at 6:30. This is one af Bisbop Stewart's informai. visits to parishes ini bis diocese for the purm- pose,.of meeting, personally, the men, ini tIhe diocese, it-is explained.