Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 12 May 1932, p. 46

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adapted to educatioflal purposes since it is an accepted principle of educa- tion that a child Iearnis onIy that which hie does with satisfaction to imiiself. Since the activities of the playground are voluiitarily and eni- thusiastically engagçd in 'i by the chil- dren. ".these ac tivities naturally make lastinig-impressionis on children'slvs Ouie'of the best prQofs of the educa- tional value ofplay is that more and more play methods have, been intro- duced inito the school curriculum., Play is inseparably bôund up, with bodily growth. Take away outdoor plav and -the child fails to develop as. he should physically and mentally. Outdoor .play and exercise lielp the child- to gain control over the large bodily movements. They stinxulate bis breathinig, biood circulation and proper elimination; they helpperfect the céell structureand blood forma- tion in bis body; they:promiote mus-- cular strength, skill, dexteri ty. and grace; they stimulate the, appetite;, pr 1omote sound sleep.. The- ultra-violet raYs of the suni stimul-t-e--4hp_ Lune- tions of the body. The~ throwing off of body wastes is stimulated bv the perspiration induced by exercise. The physical changes and growths are fostered by free play, comipeti- ive games, climbing, swimnîing. hîik- ing and other vigorousý activities promnoted by. the play' and recrea- tion programn. Games and other recreations are organized acrcording to the ages .and sex of the childreni. The o'ver-emphasis and strainis re- sultiiig in over-developmieît of 'Sonle muscles -and under-developinent of otiiers that frequentiy take place m-ben a child. is.Ieft tohils own devices in leisure are avoided. Spelis Mental Health Mlentally, play also spelîs lhealthi for the child. It is., a comimonplace tliat children find,,their greatest happiness -i i- play. This is true because play brings deep satisfactionis to the child's nature. These, satisfactions are0bio- logical. mental.. spiritual. Stop) tlh chîld*s play. and .you. aïres.t his- aIl- round developmient Take away the adventures of the play field and Nyou divert hiis poiverful urges to activity to unwhoiesonie chiannels wliere lie finds only a partial and distorted sat- isf action. The brain works better %vleii the body hias regular exercise. Outdloor play is an antidote to nielaîîclholy.I the~ blues. Evie~n -Iin isane as2vhui ', *ther interterence on thie part. of the wveather, according to annouticenent made by Daniel M. Davis, recreation director. An attendant bas been btisy on tbe courts. during the past fewv * weeks but, because tbe surface of the courts is dlay, it bas been a diffi- cuit task to get them sUfficientlv, drv to enaàbie, the wvork. to progress rapidly. No charge -is made f 'r. the tennis courts and as. soon as it is possible. tbey. wili: be ready for, use,. stbject onIv- to' the ruies and regulations. printed on a sign at the. north end of tbe courts. The nets will remaiti up aIl the time. ýHowever, players miust bring thei own equipment, Mr. Davis. announces. Thie mule appljeing to:appearing on the courts ini other than. tennis shies will be eniorcéd rigidly, players are warned, ;Ïnce it is hoped to keep the Courts himoothi thmoughout the summer. More than- one hundired iiquiries were phoned.into the recreation office last wVeek during th e warmu davis e- questing information as to the date wvhen the courts wvould lie readv for-, Lise. Give Final Tests for School PUPls, Me 'iibers of the physical education staff of,,the ýWîimette public scbools are giving the last of a series ouf tests ini athletic skills this week. The tests %vhich are given to the fourtb, ifth, sixtb, seventh and eightb grades are arranged to extend over tbe entire school year, the type of test and rela- tive skill required' varying witbi sex, age, grade and beigbit. The tests being given ini this series are running bmoad jump and 50-yard dash for both boys andgirls in. t he tlree upper g rades and in .baIl throw. 40-yard dash. and 30-yard hop in the fourtb and fiftb grades. The. tests are given by the phys ical instructor s of the, schools ý under tbe direction of Daniel M. Davis. Mrs. Lester F. Bail and Dudley C. Stone are instmuctors at Stolp scbool and Nirs. Gertrude Fanckbonem and Glen ---5-uuya P. mn.-Soccer foi- girls. \Vas Ston Park. p. ni.-Playgrounid 1ba i1I for Village green, mùet 1. Tuesdays 7 p. Ii.- -Pl ayground , b a 1l for girls., Vattman park. 7 p iu-~-Irseshoes for mnei. Village Wednesday 7 p. ni.-Playground b a Il Village green. f or mien. Thursday 7.1p. m.-Outdoor gais. NVomnen's gymlnasinni class. Vattmian park. 7 1). n.-Horse'sloes for nien. Village green. Fridays 7 ýp. ii.-Plagroun.d 1ba Il for imcmi Village greeni. Launch Sum mer Play Pro gram for Aduits Four playgmound bal gaitnes for mien and twvo soccer gamnes ,for. wom- cmi and girls will inaugurate the :sev- enthi yeam's activities of the Pla%- grouâd and Récréation board Mon- day evening. "l'e playgrounil baIl ganies are to i)e played at teVl lage green and the two soccer games will be piayed on the football dianîond at Wasbington park. Activities are scheduled for every inight throughout the suner niontbs Nvith the exception of Saturday and Sundav nights. Al .of tbe men's. activities will takeý place on the Village grecen, Ridge. roadantI Seventeenth, streetili.e the Womcnh's activities wiil be divided betwein Wash.ingtoni aitd, Vattnman parks. Monday, -Wednesday a nd Friday mights are to be 'used for playgro.und bail for men and Tues.day. and Tus Iay nights for borsesboes-. Tbe wom- ea's program 'will be ýconclucted on Mýonday, Tuesday and Tbursday eve- nings. Mondav evening the soccer out to the citizens of a New England citv voiced so accurately the senti- nients..of recreation %workers .every- wliere that Daniiel MI. Davis. director of recréation, is sending it. oi as au open letter to the cit izens .of Wîl- mette "Dear Citizen: .You cati pitch borseshoes with mnen of your own age andý interests, or with your. neighbors.- "Business isn't everytbing; we must live, tôo; and enjoy living. The more, natural a1nd the nearer home our fun, the better. The long twilight is a golden tirne now, for a he-man's fin. Recreation. for Recreation "ý'Recreation for Recreation., nuot to display skll, or to win, or develop, champions, is, the slogan of the grow- ing activities among adult folk, promoted under the Recreation commission, tbrougb wbichi the citv lias recently launched. a broader pro- grai. Leadership and suggestions, and 'play tools' are at your 4isposal. 'Twilight leagu gs for old-timiers, adfor not-so-good players are be- ing organized. WThy not flnd out more about tbem? Even 'looking on' is good.fun; and. conducive, to a better. soçial-civic spirit in, and knowing one's neighboms better., "I-ljave you ever tried 'playground. lhall?' It resembles basebaîl. But you'me not lameé afterwards.* Tbe bal is softer, and twice'.tbe sizel of a base- baIl. The bat is easy to swing. Not so xnuch runniing. No long thirowý%s. Plenty of kiddingand laughing. Smiall space is sufficient for play. Urg.d to Get Going "On some neighiborhood pla'%- ,,grounids, horseshoes, playgrounid bal I. etc., are already fetching the meni. Tourtnaments will be oganized,. Not far from your home, there's a chance for you. Will you get .ont and give ht a try? ,And. tell your friends?'Iif inot alre.ady a-going.. these activities, cati be set a-going ini the places of.your choice." Give Some Rules foi oppress bim throughout life and even activity and registration may be made Recause the eamiv part of the sum- lead to serious mental maladjustînent. at the fist ciass meeting whicb will nier outdoor season comes at a time Furtherniore, the fevemisbi nervous be beld next Tbursday evening, May wvhen' the daylight is at a premium, straimi of modern umban existence is 19, at Vattman Park. Futher infor- a~ll games scheduled for May. and relieved by regular recourse to .play. mation regàrding. the class may be eariy june wili be calied at 7 o'clock, especially outdoor ecreation ini close had fromn Miss Joe Skidmore,,recrea- ifteen minutes eamier than they will ýcontact, witb, the soothing infitience tion assistant, at thé Recreatioli of- lie scheduled later on in the s'eason of nature." fiée, 914 Cen'tral avenue. * hen the days are longer, to affoîrd a full seven-inning game in évery in- stance. Because of a delay in the payment of some entry fees, scbedules for next week's gaines could flot be arranged in time for publication tbis week, but, Director Davis announc.es tlîat aIl teami captains.will be notified when they are to play by the latter part. of the week.

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