Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 12 May 1932, p. 44

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*Sunday scbool, 9:45 a. nm. Iozrnhug wor.ohip, Il a. ni. Mrs. Ma-- Belle }iagenow-Jackson (Directôr of Music) Special Music Preiude-A Mdi'io es t Akthem-_Chrlstian,. the Morn Breaks Swveetly O're Thee 11.R.Salley Offertory Anthem-Grant Me. True Courage, Lord ...........Bach Postiude -Nlidel'aito..........Cappel.en One of the most beautiful and touch- ing services one'éan witness is that of young people, giving their hieart and *life to God. Next Sunday six fine boys and girls ivil kneel before God's Altarl and pledge their life to the Lord ln the . service of confirmation. Every mniber and'friend of the con- gregation il: invited to bo present to Wftness, this most imprie eservice and to show, their interesýt ln our young, peo- pie, and t» wish theni «od's richest blessings.ý On the',foilowing Sunday, May 22, the1 confirmation class will receive their first communion, The. memrbers of the congregation will be present to coin-t mufle wlth themi for they realize thuat if they want to receive the Lord's rich- est tbleing they mujst ho faithful in at-, tending Hlis flouse of Worshlp and cd*me' to His table. "This do ye" is Hie comi- miand. The early church recelved its power froni on hlgh w-hen "They ýwere ail with oné accord ln oneplc. On Thurszday rorning, May l9, ai 9:30 o,'cbock our..Women il1. go to the Maywood Children's Recelvlng home and- there spend the day se-Wing and mending garments foi' the eilidren. If you wish transportation cali Mrs. George Larson. Wlilmette 1234. "Inasmuelh as ye havé done it unto one of the leas ' of these iny brethren ye have cloné. it unto mie." To aIl who w~ould know J1esus-%%-e bid weicume. Kéniiwortk Union Kenilwol'th avenue and Wra"irwlck road Dr. Herberit L. W'iilett, minister- * Dr. Willett's subject foi' next Sunday, May là, wlll be "What is Christianityc?" q The Sunidav school will meet at 9 :45, On, the foloibng SundaY, May .22, the * two SundaNy schoo1s of the village wvil metat the Church of the Holy coni- forter. This 15 0one of the two exehange visits, made each 'year between t hese two -groups. The talk wIll be made by Dr. Wlllett. Clldrea,'s Day %,, ill b' q.bserved in the ChuchonSunny Jne 5, by a 'om- Friday, -.a.y 20, is the ornie1 when, our yoÔung Peole Will get. a "Campil Grav Satnlple" out at Oak Park for the 'e- union of ail cttmpers afid anly otherýis wvho are initerested in knowving ilon, about assembly life. Plan 110w to eorne. WVe should have our whole B. Y. Il.i U. ouît for this, meeting. Friday, May 13, there wili, be a mee't- ing of allyoung people. froin the -inany denominations in Chicago to hetr, Dan Poling at the Chicago Temple. Sunday, May 22, there Wi111 be a Union Young, Peopie's Meeting of the various churches iWilmette. Définite announcie- ment, of the place. and program w'yili be made, next veek. First Con gregational 1 John G. Hîndley, îîîse J. Clair Mead, dîrector of: religîous educatioîî Oua' Sunday mo ning orwhip service begins at il o'1clock. Next> Suniday Mr'. Hindley îlpireach on "-The Church and the World Situation."I Following is the musical prograin: Prelude--'."Introduction" and "Adagio', from "G" Minor Concerto" . Camijdge Soloô: "How L'ON-ê Are Thy' 1 Dwellings" ...............Little > Ethel Hleide Wishiover Offertory-"Echo Beils".....Brewer Solo-"Týhe GooÙ Sliepherd".ar S1"Mrs. Wishover Postlude -Prelude and Fuguae in D. Minor"....................Ba1Chi The Church school Witt meet accord- ilng to the folilowing sched'ulle:. Beginneî's depailtrent,(agis 4 and 5).: 11:00 to 12:00' Prlnaî'y deýpartmenjt (ages 6 7, and 8): 9:55 t o 12:00 JUnior departnient (ages 9, 10,'and. 11): 9:55 to 10:55 Interniediate departmient (ages 12 andi 13). 9~:55 te 10:,55 *High Scliool depiarîrnenit: 12:15 to -1:00, The activities- during the week foi' boys and girls are definiteiy includud ini our' program, and eftch group re- ûeives guidance from Oexperienced lead- ers. The. week-day schedule follows: Tuesday-3 :15 p. ni.-Bluebirds Tuesday-4,:00 p. m.-Celamp Fire Girls, Girl Scouts 1 Tuesday-7 :30. p. u.-Roosevelt Troop *No. 2, Boy.Scouts Thursday-7:30 p. nm.-Troop No. 1, Boy : Scouts Saturday-9 :30 a. m.-Cub Scouts The Womian's Guild la meeting Fni- day, May i3, for its regular rnonthty luncheon and meeting. Luncheon will be and plan to attei -ent of the year. ep the d thi's clos Metkodist Church Thé WTVoianis Foreign MNissionary so- uiéty, meets today, Thursday, at 2 ')'Ciock. DeVotions: IMrs. D>- A. Stoker; "Christ Cornes to' the. Village" - "Ifle Holds..Us Responsible": 'Mrs. A. J. Ny- stroin. .Nex.%t Sunday is known ýas "Pentecost*" or "Wliitqu.nday." Juniors wvho have been attending the church nîemnbership class will'be received' into the church. *The woî'ship service on Sunday morn- ings is now. going on- what someone cailed> "The Summer Schedule." This means that the service ill be shortened to approximately onie hour., While it inay be.a little less stately-and dfignified, it may be a littie more personal and vital. There is an added reason for mak- ing th15 change at this timé. The Higli School department of the Church achool is, planning te neet'at >a later. hour, -M o'clock, for a study period'and joiff the congregation ln the worshîp service. This, Is an experimenti in which we ln-- vite the cordial cooperation of ail mhem- bers of the church fa.milies. towihthey have been invlted. They establishnient by guides. Preparat ions are being made to entertain a large nuniber. Monday night, May 16, at 6 :,0, the *Ment's club invites ail the, -men of th.' parilsh to a steak dinner which wili be cooked dn the grounds at the ra of the Church House. After, the dinner thyare to have as their special guest th ê.George Graig Stewart, Bishop of Chicago, who will give ail informai talk to'the-men. The p furpose of the meeting- is entirely social, as Bishop Stewart. is. endeavoring to Ineet Per- Sonally ail, the men in the diocese. The men of the, church niay bring guests but it is essential that reiservations be madle promptly .býy ,telephoning tht' church office, Willnette 173, or rectory. Wilmette 9387, or Dr. Fuermnann, WVil- mette 2422.' We exPect a% large gather - inÉg Of our- men tol welcome our bishop. The Young nmen of the parish are e spe- cially invlte.d. Friday, May 13, there %v-ill be a Ruin- mage sale ini. the, Pari.sh buose from -ý A. 'M., throughout the dayý .ishionersý who can contribute clotbing, for M'-'n. WOm-en and childreni,,household utensils and the like are asked to leave th*'m - able t dlver,, please -ea1 Wiimette The following High School beague of- 173 and tbey ivlll be cailed fo4'. 1ficers were lnstalled by the pastor last Sunday evening. President-Foster GiI- A meeting' of representatives fî'oin gis; vice-president-Eieanor 1Moulding. som wnyfi ' rthryvillage o rg an- secretary-tesre iet ceman stions was held in. the Parish Hou.se ehairm an, socigl committee-Annarnarle NMonday night to "set afoot plans for a Booz; prograini chairmani-NirîatiiW est -1<ommunity village-wideosrac of tu,,ic chairman-Betty sinlth: girls iho W1'ashlngton Bicentenial July 3 and nembership chairman - Mary Ella', 4. Waidner; b)oys membership chairmnan-' Whitfieid Putnarn.I There will be eleibration ot'f the l' ' ommunion at St. Augustine. Wlihitsun The Woman's Hornie M-issioniary sa- 'M~ondayadWiiuia .n. riety will meet Thursday, May 19 , at 2 ayadWtunu'dyut8am. o'clock, at the 'home of Mrs. Il. W. mons, rinry Fowler, Junior warden of St. 157 Woodstock ivenue, Kenilworth. De- --uuustine's, -was eleutud to ilie bhourdn votions: Mrs, AIb)ert Vai'bey; Prograrn o!fcl«retors of the ("hur('h <lui) ot' tht. Leader: Mrs. Dr-e A. Stoker. This -iêI H<ee fCîago ai thý,'ann1u:1 mert 1be -"May D)ay" and "M\ite-Bo>x Oe-tii 'î0oMo4~ i service shouid, have a.regular place 11Wýilnieite and ]Park avýenues, Wilmeîrcot'. the progra-m.,of each church member. It Hrermian W_. 1Meye M.. as iý an hour,-of quiet, hipful meditatiôn, 40)6 Priýàrie, avenue Telephone, 139411 4eginning at S',an-closing -at 4 o'cioek. Churchl Telephonè 3111' Theit.o wieztu, tiim4rvcem The Wçeleyan Servlice Guild. will m .ept Tuesday evening, at 8 o'clock at th*. home of Adelaide, Jones, 1020q Centr'al avenue. The Queen Esther-Standaî'd Bearer-ts 'viii hold a Bake Sale at Van Deusepn'sý on Saturday, May 14. Servies 9 :30 a., m.--Sund.ay seliool und Bible- classes 11:10 a. m.-Service an-d exanuin ation o catcehumnens 5p. m.-Servihe and sro Meetings Monday 7 :45--Choir rehiearsal Tuesday at 8 p. mn.-,Adult Confi rma tionW class Saturday at 9 a.m- assfor ' cli- dren e11 :10 evc leck, director', has accompiished alilits iPigrimn Hall. ia ana new wedding W havehed 0aprcet .of ournhem- the Circle. Tickets for the luncheon and 'AS . A gustine's bershîp present at the B. Y. P. U. meet- entertainnient nia>' h secuî'ed from mrs. Sunlda>', -- May 15, wiil be Whitsunday, tngs durlng the year, George E. Walks, who le also In charge one ' of tI-e great Holy days of the o! transportation plans. Chum'ch, comm-eoîatlng the DeeScent o! Next Wednesday. May 18, Is the an- the Hol>' Spirit 'on the infant Church nuai dînner of the ic hurch! Ail our 'One o! the most lnteresting events o! ten days after Our Lord's Ascension memberm i and. friends W111 want te at- the year wlll be held.on the evenlng of.]into Heaven. There will be, Hol>' Coni- to naulo* tny name. W%ýhen do we halIow lt? The catechismi sýayS when the word of God lu taugh in it.s truth and punlty and we ilead a hoiy life accordlng to IL. Corne to St. JoIhns Sunday m;rorning at il1:10 and hear mnany of- these Inter- eRting questions ansv',ered In, the .exc- a"InntIon of this year catechumnens.. in1

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