Goes to New York With Her'Parents, Aniong the friends and neighbors ofLe Schineiders a, great deal of hustling bas been donc. Maxinie, 'bo belongs'toZD clais and ber parents, planned to move te Nkew York, 'May 1. Bridge parties, luncheons and din- niers of ail kifids sent the housebold bustling about. Al the people. who h ave: gene tbrough the process of~ packing, know'some.of iiow ene's at - tention must. be given over to it. . Maxine is a good student, and T boesbe will flot be put back a grade, in New York. Alilber friends ivili. try te remnember .tel write her about our scbool .activities, although they will he doing it for the JUNIOR LimE The f amily is transferring its WJiL- mETTE Lm subscription ,te tbe new, home, so she may, receive information from tbat source of communicatio.- Imogene Kaufmnan, Stopp2D. Northwestern TceIescope Yields View of Heavensî The Stolp seventh grade w~ent te the Northwestern observatory last Tbursday evening. It was rte cloudy ,and a great many of theý co n- stellations were nôt visible... The telescope bas a lens eighteen and one-baîf incbes in diameter. The, first object we saw through the telescope was Jupiter. We were able' to sec tbrce o-f ber moons. Jupiter was a blue-wbite color and ber cloud banks werc -slightly visible. Sorne of the children waited for another turn and thev saw, Gamma Leonus, .a double star in the mouth of Leo, tbe Lion. The astrenomer gave two short talks and we ail enjoyed the trip very mucb.- Helen Prescott, Stolp 2A.. .'PhilRogers Gives Talk. About Gen. U. S. Grant PI-ili Rogers -of Stolp 2B gave a. talk during our club 1,eriod on Cen.- Ulysses Simpson Grant, the eigli- teentb president of the United States. He was elected and served one terrni, I Sports News j There are three leagues ini basebal at Howvard school. l'le Amierican leagie lias tiircee teaîns-W\hitc Sox, 'figers and St. Louis Brewns. In the H-onie-Runi league the tl ea nis are uanied after big league players. T bey are Fcxx. Ruth, Klein and Gelbrig. ,in the National league, there ar e ýC h i c a g -o, e York, Reds and Braves. These teamüs are trying hard, for first place iÛ. their leagtues.--la vi& Haas. Howard 8A. We liad a basebali ane Mv3. There were six players on the %Vhitc So x t e'a m. and t he saine ou the Browns.. The game' was. heldl at filé Village green. Bob 'Specht was the umpire. He'is one of 'the hest uni- pires of: the Howard school. The White Sox won, 14 te 8.1 The Browis. wish te win tbe rest -of the' games se, thlev can play the White Sox for the championsbip. - Frank Bryclita, Hoeward 7C. Tbe fourtb grades of H o w a r d school are practicing throwing, broad jumping and basebaîl. We'are aise trying te run in a race.,I4ast Mon- day, some of the girls iný our roorn went eut at recess and tried beating) each other in racing. *We bad lots of fun and soon we biad te go te, gym.-Evangeline Oison, Hîoward 4A. The Stolp school has bad its testas for field day. About the best lean for Music Festival' The eighth grade children frein St'olp and Howard, in' tbe glee club, bave been very busy learning words and notes te songs for theNrt Shore Music Festival, ivbiclî is 'te tiake place* Saturday,. May 28. Thereare sixsongs we are goîîw to sing. They are "The Lord, Is My Shepherd," à two part song;. -Nom- Let My Tengue Adore Tbee" ;thrce Scotch songs, "Loch Lomiond," "Ye Banks, and Braes of, Ronnie Doccii" and "The Hundred Pipes", and an Englisb, song, "Tbe Hunter 'in' His Career.'" We-aie working vervliard se we will be able te be perfect in. due timie.-Doris Sauvage, Stolrp lM. Three Eighth Grades Make Several Graphs The three eighth grades of Howard sc-hool bave been rnak .ing a large as- sortment of bar and line graplis late- iv. Many of these graplis are made in our home room, and somne iin arithme- tic class. Some of the grapbs are for spelling, report-card gradés, matbe- matics tests, and many others. The purpose of these graphs is te give eàcb child an opportunity, to find-bis or lier standing, and for the corn- parisou of grades. Our -teaàcher chaose one child to make each graph. We find this interesting as weIl as very ulseful.- Kathrvn McConnohiie, H-oward 8A. for ru-nning broad jurnp was 15 feet, Orchestra Is Preparing 3 inches; and the best time for the 50-yard dash was abou t 6.31 seconds., o ocr hsSrn We hope that Stolp .Nill bave mnore 'The scbool orchestra under the di- points than H ow a rd. - Matthew rection of Kathenine Wagner is ýverv Kritcbever, Stolp, 2C. busy practicing for our spring, con- 1cert. One of the numbers we are On Tb'ursday, A-3 beat A-1inl base- going te play is an accempaiiment bail, 18 to 7. WNe- only had. time for.a noted singer. We are playing- for tbree innings after getting back aniother -number in whicb the' 1gie from bhearing sone Nem7 Trier nian- clubs sing. We bvbeen practicing talk. Each team lised two pitchers. every miorning except Friday cof the We al ila a finle time.--Bill Beeébe, week of May 12.1 We are aIl vervI Stolp IC. entbusiastic about the spring concert. -Bill Hart, Stolp 2C. Hugh Welter Iniured: opened at Stolp scliool lias conflicted The, scolorhsa s with the Stamp club 'Meetings. Stamp on a spree of playing out. Qi club is beld Eiriday afternoons after day, May 9, and on Tuesday, 1 school., Many boys bave games at. we played. On Mav 9 wepla the same- time. Stamp club had been Highland Park, and on. May « progressing.well te tiiis point.-Roger the P. T. A. atiStolp, scboL-1 Williamns, Stolp 1C. Strube, stolp 2C. Mdon-- y 10, VOLUNTARY PROJECTS ed at Seventh-grade pupils of Stolp are , 'for enjoying voluntary projects after the obert chapters in *social -science.-Bobby Anderson,, Stolp 2D. Howard Students Are Given Treat by Sehool Band The pupis of the fifth, sixth, and1 vekith grades of the Howard schrel enjoyed a treat on Tuesday, -May .3: Wç had the pleasure of liearing 'tht 'scbool band play a numnber of piecýes, th.ree of which wiere "March Idie," "dGopp Sticks" and "Drum Sticks,.*' the band. also played s everal other pretty pieces vrery well. There are four boys from our roni who play in the baud, and we hope Mr. Fair, the director, will arr ange anoth'ler program beforç schooF closqes.* Earlier in the year, wve were -enter-. tained by the school orchestra and wve think it is fine too.-MVarjorie Hi1ll, Howard 7C. PupIi!s-at-Sto1P sehool. I Have "'Proverbs" Game Inl Miss Perring's 'room vhe ~ are tlîrough with our gramniar. ývc pla 'rovrb,"a-gaine with whilch we hiave lotsý of fun. Miss Perril g giv. es us the firs.t proverb sc s ".Don't cout your chickens: before th-ey% are hatclied.", Then -Miss Pier- ring.,chooses as many *people as there are ivords, and ive go in the dressinîg room: and she gives. us1 each a> word. Then wben she gives the signal. We ail should give our word at once. he other members: of the class trv wt niake thepreb out of it. The one,, wvho guesses the proverb, tbinks of another one.-Elaine Buck, Stolp 2D. Class 8-A Has Most Mothers. at Meeting The 8A's are, quite prend 'te a that they won thé. $2.50 for, baving the most mothers present at the la'-zt P., T. A. meeting,' May 3. At iis meeting, the dresses the girls miade in domestic. science were displayed lun the an nual style 'show .. Several girls sat on the stage to, forîn the" back-' ground. They were Shirley'Gris Dorothy Massig, Ruth Sutherland, Mary Louise. Schaeffer, June Soi- sen and Louise Hickmi.--errinie F~romm, H{oward 8A. HAVE LOTSOF FUN SCHOOL..BAND PLAYS The scbool band. of Stolp played for the Byron C. Stolp Assemibly club. The band played ,many songs,, and the program was enjoy ed by ail, > am Sûre.-Mary June ,Peterbans, Stolp 2D.