Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 12 May 1932, p. 41

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Under the spell, of this naturalistic occas4iV1on o4 a uu percen.8t gteIiig craz, te ol fomai.garen mghtail the members of the association past be uiprooted andi the formai plantings and present. The president and the1 andartficalon'amets ,e relacçiboard mnembers are extermely anxiousr andartfical rraiens 1e, eplcedto have ail the mothers there. After by a man buiît imitation of a virgin lunchéoni thêre' will be an open forum forest,.right up to the front door. , .'alnd thie plans for, the coning year THE RECONSTRUCTION ilbeicued PERIOD Mrs. AlfredH. Rohol, chairmaii* of1 Outofthi caos ~as on athe. aluinni association, will gîve a de-1 geiu, grdneedcaedii ach-taiîned account of her work. Mrs.. genusangadehortidculte inboth Arthur Adamns ill .read .her report*, tecture ,ad.hriulue ohýtOtf 'the state coinvention at Rockford. wic ere lacking in previous ope1- Nrs. Russell Fiood wil give a tableau rators of the craze toward the nat- îersnigtewr fteps uralistic, Sir H-umphrey Repton,.the f our -presidents-Mrs P. L. Hein, Mrs. reformer, the gardener, the organizer. jaines Tarletoni, Mrs.XWalter Miller, How. Well. Sir Repton did his JOb MIrs. Russell Flood, and tle. present can 1 be judged by the fact that lié president. Mrs.. John J. Tracey. established- theý typical E ngiish Iawn. 1 The board. members and the differ- with its open sweep, free f rom speci- e nt chairinan of the several commit- men trees, ornainental freaks, geom-i tees will give short,, concise but, in- trical beds, andthe many other things clus ive reports of their vear's -work. which lad so generously cluttered ni) Ail the nxQthrswo.have children the lawn of other times. in 'the sehooi nowv or have had -chli- The- reconstructed landscape Nvas dren at any tiîne or :whether they thought of by this master as having are or have. been members of the as- foreground, middlegroun d and back,- sociationi, are requested to attend. ground, Corner and foundation plant- The price of the lunciîeon is very iiig %vere used and. the vista was, nominal, so the committee f ecIs tha deveioped as comprising, the grounçcis u' nOone can afford to miss it. So. let as a whole. ýail corne and participate in this very 1Th is reconstructed garden stili intinate and ýenjoyable aff air, and by gr eatly influences> our Chicagolanid so doing give-the association a great estaes. imp4usand inspiration for the work The,modern conception of. histor-ofteoigyar ical-.types usually ýincluides just the features which are outstanding. Spai- -Book Worms HoId Last ishi landscaping means formaI plani- Mleeting for This Year îngý and very littie of it, courtyard The Book Worns, reading club for floiver. pots. japanese gardering children at the MWilmette Public li- brings to mmnd their cherry. trees ini brary, held thleir last meeting of the blooini the reflective waters with a seasQfl last Tbursday. A feu, of the clear view to their historic mouintain inembers and Miss M a r y Winner pçak, French gardens we thiflk are1 Hughes, chiidren's librarian, went on quite. formai, whiie in reality, they a picnlic to 01ne of the forest preserves. are, quitelbrl nldn nni-1' of the group took along flences. i their..,suppers. ferspprthe y played basebail until' about 8 'clock. Air Rifle. Shooting. The BookWrshv enîétn en Taboo List Here ihougceeaChWekanthe nds*rng I)ctermnined that the evesight of Wil- 1:is, planned, to, reorgalnize the club Mette chiidren must: be safeguarded,'%-it shoopr ntefal Hceiîry Brautigarn, chief of police, again!we coloesi h ai issues a waring againtthsotigIGVS PLUNKETT LUNCHEON of aiîr rifles ý%-ithin the Village limits.' The Plunkett luncheon given Tues- Police are iistructedl to punish the first dlav of this week by the M-\othier's club offense hv taking away the air rifle. of St. Joseph's church. was a pro- Per fiiswo offend a second tinie will nouniced success. It was attended by be hielti at the police station. a large number of members and their gliests. The. success of the affair, a vide revenue for theVil nance appears in f ullin 1 \vhere in this issue of \' q n Sunday evening, 'May il, Mar- jorie Olescn, 240 Woodstock avenue, Keniiworth, entertained MIr.,and Iý'r.sý. F. «Xye of Denver as guests of honor at a tea. The Nyes were classniates of Miss Oleson in Colorado. Mrs. David R. DeCarnp, 615 Ab- bottsford r o ad, Kenilurorth, wvas, liostess, to lier bridge and lunicheon club on WVednesdav. May Il. n.and 'Mrs. Udwi Bluthardt and farn ily, 415 Essex road, . Kenilworth. receîîttv returned fron Fainhope, -Ala.. wlitee thev spent six monthis. the Centra various evi FLOIRA DIIN.DEE, ROAD PANSY PLANTS Plaits for Rock, Gardons Planting o f Waadaow '90x« We are, pleased to announce the 'appointment. of Mr. Charles. R. Norman .126:Central.1Avenue WILM-TTE., ILL. as our local representative. Mr. Norman is ready to help you in regard to your tax problems. See him at once without cost or obligation. Cook County Appraisal 139 ýN. Clark St. Co., Ie., Chicago, 111, P1601o p ttc Av*. mtte 214 Pai nting *Decorating 1412 Elmwood Avenue, WiImntte Wîhn.tte 2997 Winm.t1ka 1912 L, Wimotte PhoeM' Member Wilmet*te Charnber.,of -Commerce 'Menibers of CHICAGO REAL.ESTATE BOARD

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