J.uncheoai tables enhanced wi,%th low bowls of spicily fragrant spring flo\- ers filled the blalroom and the sp)eak-- ers' tale at the stage-end of tlic rooni. M rs.. Frank Thale, retiring pres- i(lent,. introduced . the cluh's guests. aniong wvhom were Mrs. Maurice H. t.ieber of Xinntka,« who gave te: club members a. gracious, appropriatte -message; and M iss Marion ()rtseifeiî. president of. Junior auxiliarv. Mùsic by the Chicag o trio anid,, character sketches', b Jessie, Rae, Taylor provided a.nîost diverting and ai)pealinig prograni. Trrio Plays WI In selecting the- numbersllaye(l. the trio, whose îàîembers are NLa- deli,îe-.Coffman, violinist ; Jenny Sic- bos, cellist; Beatrice Royt, piaiîist., showed versatility,* sincere anîd earî -' est musicianship in understanding ef enisemble.*bIalanice, ini techniqjue, iii-, terpretationii,. tone. and expressiol . TIhe prograni given included Wat1irPrize Sanig from *"Die Méistersinger~ by XWagner.: "Gastille. .MNinueC lhy Paradis-- "The Golliwog's Cakewalk7ý bv Debussy '*The Swan". by Saiilt- Sàeils; and the s'pirited *'1-ungarianý Dance in D1 Major- bv Brahms. Corne to tifée on ýstage Old Peep (YDav and Judge Priest -himlself. heloved characters cratedl, 1,v rv in -S. Cobbl ivto "Ame rica1î ini the Making,". the Italiati fruit: %vendor with bis first Amnericaxi friend.,- bis dog and the young miai froin th.e streets of the Bowery; and the anlus- ing,. yet pathetic "Old Lady f rin Oklahoma" peopled the stage vîv-ily- throiigh the artistiec character depic-' tion of Jessie Rae Taylor... She gavel to her audien.ce reai n lvn per- s0ons. She initerpreted characters (lear ta her. sa conirinciniglvN.. se Uu!- (lerstan(linglv,.;a q%,l.npatheticall:y. sci humanly, that ber audienîce knexv.i theni and imniediately, h ved t hein., *With such consuimmate art did1 sue merge hérself into these pcueqt persons,,that lier ,eiiergetice frein ie-ý hind her mnake-up screen as heérseif.' each tinie lrought a tlistiuct shocký of surprise The unutsuial timbre ofý her voice with wicle range niakes, her impersonation of tien so) strik--ý ing, so realistic, that aie forgets shel is a wvoman. Ili lier adeptniess fori 1" . fs-11(j * dbbU it4CLJi..a 0. " piulk Stock, and Mrs. A. \V' BoYiston tol>e in CChicago.- Mrs. Lest preenehh~ h,'sbeautiftil gift te the widow of the late Freder M rs. l'hale. l,e,,ter, and the mnottier of .\r.. hale atnd Nrs. Beaudini were Gavlor 1Lester and \William 'I Ceii II W wiLti dilana>411i' s liad a numnber of stories 1magazines. Mrs. Everett mnont hiotel ini Chicago. FIVE MI[NUTE,, BUS IN ESS,>TRIýF' 6~teepuon .it takes but a few minutes to reach a c.ustomer chairman of sanu'aiy uveparimei rMrs. Frank J. Oelerich, civics; and Mrs. Paul Fieberg, Mrs. F. D. Wil- son, Mrs. George Schilbachi, .Mrs. fi Roy Ilackett, Mrs. J. P. .Budinger, Mrs. George F. Lundy,-Mrs. Edwaril F. Cummiskey, -Mrs. Tbomas M. Mitdirectors; Mrs. ,John J.t teIephone . Z ý-ý ý 1 '