Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 12 May 1932, p. 38

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111H "*The (,ood 1Lartît." bwl'cariS Buck, ýýva>saNvarded the $l,0() pi for thîe, bedtiovel publisied duriîîg tlic ý,ear I1w asi Anîcrican autiior. Chiarles G. lRO-ss *of- the St. ýLolins Posi-Dispatcii anîd Xlber .Dtrantv, ofthe New York Tinies wcre cadi awardcd $500 for tlicl>est exanîplle tof Thruere vas itoawar(I for'-fthe best editorial articles Nvritten <luring t l;c year and tire $1,000 prize for ie be-st exanîple of a rcporter's .work(IrI< the vear -,vas anuîiotiiced. as *"çle- Oliier aw\\ardls inchude TwNo tlousand dollars for tlic be st INVESTIGATE SOCIAL STUDIES. Charles Scribiîeér's Sonis'have heen selecteri by the Amç-rican- 1Historica! 1association1 as the pul-)isiiers of its fo)rthconîing report, on,"An Investiga- tion of the: Social Studies in the qcbooils." A. committee of 16 rollege professors bas been al)iointc(l to make, theinvestigatioit. The cffect oif the investigation is expcctcd tao.lie smmiliar'to the effect of thé ASsocia- tioni's itquirv into the istil of bis- torv in the natiouî's schools saIe years ago. The report oui tlat in' qury compfletely changeçi the metbod oif teaching history. -A v, .. i-c-->,n - - u i naUi i ii. I i re -mr ,ct author. The poet was We turn to other channels and George Dillon and bis prize-wiinilg Again we yearn for what we lack. book was -The Flowering Stone?' Will shrewd .perception tell us whcere 1\r. Dillon is a young writer who TO find the balanccd good 1etweecn iii Marchi of this year was awvardcd Desire and fulfllment? No .... one of the fellowships of the John For Aspiration ever biegs, Sinoli Guggenheim Mern.orial F'oun- Achievement; yearning.secks its go.al. dation for -Literature. Last ye ar lie Man's auiin ieW is happiness, recîve on oftwoawads f. 300And yet lie is incapable eaàch in poctry and fiction respective- 0f knowing wben to conitravenc. iy awardied by the Chicago Founda- Thie culmination of blis dreains. tion for. iteraturc. lit 1927, %wiiile lieSaetbrnsnnistl was associatc editor of Poetrv aWcever long for what wc Ilscek, Magaineof Verse, bis :first book, Not knowing thaï the hîappy tuit Maganz hWie "aperd c Is hie whomcircunistance lbas forced. tainiing poemns writtcn hefore the au-T olwo h.lct ftis, thorwas 0 yars ld.Achieving fancy seldoni. Vet, Moooy can neyer reach tilat man. le is, also the, author. in collabo)- Desire must, lie within his hecart. ration witlh Marion Strothel MIfitchel!, DrtyDna.Whet of a thrce-act comiedy, *'The Cad7 ooh uca.Wiet produced, twoc years ago by tlle Lit- tic Bookshiop Players, a littie-tîtea- REPORT0 CL EECOURSlE ter gronp in Clilcago. RBotli is hîaoks A confiplete report (if Alexander of - oeins recéive(l etihusiastic tri- Meikeljabnt's, Experinicittai College at b)tt frotît revîelNers. the Univcrsitv of Wisconîsint %vi!1 1w Anoitlher Cîticagoan. Jouît T. Mc- publislîed 1w Harî>cr & Býrotiiers titis Cutchecon of tbe Chicago .'ribu*îe, spring. Tht e xperinicttal Co(llcýge was amnong the seventeeni recipient s astre i y.asg b M. of Pulitzer awards ini journalisin. dra-wastreifeyarao M. nma; art, niusic - and Iliterature,. Mr. Meikeljohu an(l Glenn iFrank. the MWCutclieon wvon $500 for, the best President of tlht Unliersitv of is- cartoon uhisediin. ain Anerican consini, nder te auspices of the2uni- îlewsp)ap)er. versity. - t .was, founded for the pur- l'le hook -( )f Thëe ISing," a nuws-pose, of iberalizing and 1hUaniîzing. ical conîiedv nowv appearinigo Broad- educatiotial îiethods anîd for revita1iZ w1ay. written by George S. Kauifînani ing liberal education. I)rastic change,ý and 'Mornie Ryskind,' las heewre mnade i1) the course of stt(Ndy and awarded the 1932 Pulitzer 1rize ý, the mellhod of teaching. l'he IReport * "the original . Amnerican play per.- wilI. tell the wvhole stor\v of,- the ex- forîîîed ini New Yoik best r-epreset- perimient wbicli crcated violéint co1l- ing the educational valnc and powevr nient froni the day it was started. of the stat e. :zsi 2 TOMMY*AIRTH,frInc. 1627 Sherman Ave. Day. 2400 Opposite Poetofirce EVANSTQN ican, in prose, and lis btography o* ,aud were works noteworthy iin dis.ý simlar fields. His poems are now in four volumes, of which The Voke of Thundler is the latest. Almost ail of thee poernîs have apptarcd already in a variety of magazines both En- glish ai American. Tnglis Fletcher' author of The 'hite Leopard, JuniQr Literary 'îîiid selection of last faîl, bas been -ected chaiman of the Juvenile %on-ks cornmittee of the League of' ,\merican Penwomen. rs. Fletcher's liewv novel, RED JASMINE, is an, aduit> story. of the Colonial Service in' Aziziland. .300 A* .fifiL 4, t. i %.,C .q.. NV. I..4- t.n. Ain1 ricani Library association hid its inîîual meeting the weck before. Iast. cornes the announicemrent that .tli( Newberry medal has becen awarded to Laura Adamis Armier ,for lier 1)001<c WatelcssMountain.". Each yea-,, irofi .sýuggestions .of .librarians ,at, large, a special comnittee of Chl- clren's librarianls selects the Jmiost outstanding contribption to ýthe fiel<1 o(f cilidren's literature. and , auards to the autiior the Newbcrry Medal-- a- inieinoriai t.o that early Ibookmiaker. wto. fiad mîore to*do pcrhaps tlîau .an%, other siitîgle inan. %vitiî the focuis- .iof public attention on the makinpz of*better books foi' childre'n. ",\Vaterle*ss Mouiitain" is indeed vorthv of snicb an award . and thc *~icinof it.as the niost outstatuding ch1ildren's book of theI)ast vear is a happy one. Lt is a story of Navajo iife b,,ut.Navajo lifeas it is todav. wherc the reser'vation*isýý homie,-thé 'Hig 'Man at thc Trading Post is as imipo-rtant as aChief.- and thé air- plane anTd imov ,ies vie with tht anicient gods in mnaking mnagic. Througb the eves, of littie.Brother.anid his dailv lie ecatch a glimnpse of that ad-, j.ustmneît of oid to nhewý that, is.the lot of. ail Indian tribes, and' we vision. for a few ,min'utes the beautv of, rites and customs that -is every In- eliani'sinheritanc.e. Beaitv an.d nvsticis.m are the kev- notes of this uinusual Indlan s tory- betautv of content, of thought, of <iction-a beauty that cari oniy be caught -by one mwho' bas Iived with these Inidians, and whose sympathyN i.ithi theinihas gi.ven an in-sight intçt thecir1 ijves sekiom, accorded a -white neirson., Perhaps> one of thé loveliest Ibits of th-e whIole book is the open'ing ;e,îtnce-"In the' month of Short. Corn'- whenl drooping clouids floated wvhite ag.4ine tebitte, and fringed Iius rt rose frorn the washes. Voutiger Pîrother f ended theshe.ep." Illustrations for the book. Wliichi arc lovelv and-quite inî keepiiîg -with, tf. vverc done 1w the authonr and Sid- 1.CV Armer. "Watedless Mlounttaini" wiii indeed he a forttinate addition to a zrowin g liht'ary-a book that one xvtl grow towa'rd and %vth. but neyer ChAnd1e'r' Fountein. Square Evan son, Our Big: Spring Book sale* fis now ont! iction and Non*Flctlon Regular Price from $2.00 to $*5.00 2 for $1 .40 4 for $1.001 (U7sd coptes) Boy them Jy lte dozèn at thits low prfre 1724 ORRINGTON AVENUE OrrIngton Hotel BIdg. Evanston

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