Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 12 May 1932, p. 36

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en on Comnittees The Thirty-seventh Annual conven- tion of the Illinois Federation of Womnen's Clubs will, be held in the Hotel Sherman, Mayi 17, 19, and 19. The morning sessions bgna O'cIock. Notable speakersad singers wvilJ i be heard each daY.* The music wii] be under the direction of Mrs. Wil- *liam J. Pigott. Chorusès fromn differ- ent parts. of the state -wiIl sing. WVednesday af te r n.oon at 3:30 r oclock,' there will be open'bouse for delegates and visitors at the state headquarters, 30 WVest* Washington street, Chicago. Wednesdav nigbt. at 6:,30 o'clock, the banquet will, take, place.. Dr. Harry Woodburn Chase,. president of the University- of Illinois, willý speak on, "American Educational Ideals." Thursday, May 19, the third night of the convention,. will -be colonfial evening, vhen Dr. Charles Gilkey will sÉpeak, on "George Wasbington."' Those attending are asked* to "Bring> colonial costumes from grandmother's trousseau, and enter into the spirit. of the occasion." Mrs. Darius Tennet Phillips is chairman of luncheons and dinn1ers and Mrs. Wirt Humphrey is chairman of the banquet committee. Other Tenth district members serving on the committees during the convention are: Mrs. William' Barr,. banquet; Mrs. George E. Orr of Glencoe, bulletin; Mrs. Harry Gradle and Mrs. Bruce Scott, doorkeepers; Mrs. Ro- bert Elliott, hospitality; Mrs. Walter G. Mitchell of Wilmette, press; Mrs. W,., C. Mason, bouse; Mrs. Herbert Weecl, information; Mrs. O. F. Pais-, ley, lost and ýfoun1d; Mr.s. G. W4 Berthold, lunicheons. and dinners; Mrs. Arthur Tobey,, page, and Mrs. Park Wvray, registration. Women from the Tenth district who arte on the programi are Mrs. «IL "'ç: . .. .Cf irln, AVaS , , 4. and 19 , the Junior auxiliary of the Woman's Catholic club of Wilmetté is to be singularly honored, it states. Six of its members have been asked to.be ushers.. They are the misses Dorothy Brook, Mary Alice Shaugh- iiessy, Dorothy Beichi, and -Dorothy Pettinger of Wilmette, and' Mrs. John Craig and Miss Marion Ortseifen of kenilworth. The auxiliary announces that it also takes just pride thiat it shoul.d.be chosetilaiso to, represent the *junriors of theLTenth district through orie of its mexnbers, Miss Lorraine Moore, daughter of Mr. and, Mrs. Wallace G. Moore of: Winnetka. Miss Moore excels -in public and extemporaneous speaking:,at Ne* Trier High school, and bas therefore been chosen by lier club to -spea k on- the assigned sub- ject, *What My Club Means to Mle as a High School Gi 'rl." She will give ber, talk on Wedniesday, May 18,- at Il o .clock, in tbe' ballroom -of the 'Fote] Sherman.' . Things. aIw-ays go in threes,» the Juniors annouince, "and so to com- plt e a tree-som-e," the junior club presi(lcnt, Miss Marion, Ortseifeü, has, been asked to pour witIr Mrs. Arthur Tobev, junior chairman of, the .Tenth district. Women of Rotary Elect New Off icers 'lhle North Shore branch of, the WVoni.en of the' Rotary club of Chi- cago beld the last meeting of the year \Vedniesday, May 11, at the home. of the chairman, Mrs. Frank D. Fulton, 884 Hill road, Winnetka. Reports of the chairnian and sec- reétary-treasurer Were read, and the following nem, officers wefe electedj: Mrs. Clarence Terry' 1519. Hiiinman avenue, Evanston, chairman: I 'rs. Marcus Wallace, 49.7 Sheridan road, Evanstonl, secretary-trea surer. Luncheon was served, followed by bridge.- This group. of thirty-nine mIembers is one of. ten Rôtary groups sewing for the Cook County bospital. ,Mrs. Fulton, as welfare chairman of the wvomen of Chicago Rotary, bias charge of the ten groups. ivas by way of .elfg a louble-header. Mrs. K.C.* Long read the very popu- lar drama current on the Chicago stage, "The B arretts of Wimpole Street," giving a vivid picture of the time and love of Elizabeth Barrett and Robert. Browning.1 After an animated discussion o f the play. a one act farce, "Five Minutes Prom the Station"' 'was given in Nvalking re- hearsal by Ms .D Kinnear, Mrs. PJ. Cburch,: and Mrs. L . J. Van Deursen. A social haîf-bour. followed whîle refresbments were, served. The neèxt meetingof the group will be on June 8, at the home of Mrs. James Hi Devine, 2026, Keniilworth -avenue., ,Laundry, Tour Bene fit. for Episcopal Guild T 'he Woman's guild, of St. Augus- tine's Episcopal church is hiolig its regular meeting Fridav NMav 131, in the clubhousè and in t'he afternoon its members wiIll mike a tour of the .Nelson Laundry-, figuratively follow-. ing a bundie from the tinie it is taken into the office until it i wrapped and ready for dieliveryi There is no cliairge for 'the tour anid the guild %vill lieniefit bv. the number. of its memâbers at.- tend 1n. Those %%;ho cannot.- attend* the luncheon at noon, but who wish to, take the. to ur, are asked to be at the clubhouse at 2 o'clock, for the, first group will start tbrough the aun dry at 2:20. The trip lasts about forty or four- ty-five minutes. ti Annual Meeting Hostess for Kaskaskia D. A. R. XMrs. William C. 'I'.'initoni of ',0 lu-' dian Hill road, XViiietkawa'. hot- ess Tuesdayý to the members of. Kas- kaskiïa chapter of the D, A. R. at theiîr annual luncheonl.. There were reports of chapter officers, anl,,com- mittee chairmen, reportsof state and national conference. and election o1 officers for next yeàr. Miss Elajnp P12<kmnr l-,'.....jI Program I'Ianned The twelftb annual convention of the National society of the Daugbters of theBritish Empire will be held,"in the Steveni hotel, Chicago, May, 19 to 22. Mrs. Dudley. R. Welch of 'Chi- cago, state presidient of the Illinois. soçiety is general chairman. àMNrs. George Cooke-Adams, 0. B. E. of St. Joseph, M4ich., national president. will preside atal sessions of thecoen Delegates -from'.ail parts of -tle United -States and Canada will, be ini attendance. Mrs. Welch will give the address of welcome; Mrs. Williatn A. Goodaî, state president of New. York, the re- ply; ýthe Right Rev. George Craig Stewart, the Invocation. :Thé (lele- gates will be greeted by Mýfa3-oýr.A. j. Ce rma k. There will be addresses by Nrs. George Cooke-Adams ' Godfrey Hag- gard, British conisul general, and Mrs. Mary A * Wall, president of the Illinois State Federation of \Vomen's Luncheons 'and dinners' will bc licld each. day in., the. hotel un(ler the> auspices of,,the State 1sôcietN. «Thie lunicheon, of Saturday, May 21-, Will be the Aniual Victoria Day liuncheon and the speaker will be Dr. J.'\\,. G. Ward, 1). D. Lit.D). pastor of the First Presbvterian cliurch o f. Oak Park. Ou Sunday, May 22,' a program \%-Ill be given to celebrate the seventh an- niversary of the dedication o'f the British Old P opl 's home on the Homie grounds in Hollywood, 111. A cordial invitation is extende(l to ail members of the order to attend* ail busi'ness sessions, and social events. The National society of the Daughi- *ers o f the, British Empire ; Was founded in the east in 1910; the State society in Illinois .in ,1913, by - M rs. GL>orge .Cooke-Adams.' Duriiug the, World war the organization 'adyanced rapidly and its relief fund reached.the hiaif million mark. The objects of the society arc- social and intellectual intercourse, gôoodfel- Lnicago Normal col Chicago, and Illhnc college, DeKalb. Univergity of ýate Teachers' Mrs. Robert McNeil Burns, 614 Essex road, Kenilworth, éntertained a few friends at luncheon and bridge on Tuesday, Mfay 10. Mrs. H. E. Rogers, 927 -Main street, was hostess at luncheon last Satur- day for a few friends in honor of ber daughter,,Mrs, John Herbert Loveli of Vil.la Park, Il. Mrs. Walter D. Launder will be bostess at a luncheon at ber home, 230 Oxford road, Kenilworth, for the members of the program committee of the N.\eigbborg. club' Wednesday, May 1M. ioin-- -

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