ess. The club is to suggest the Rue de la Paix with its Frenich shops devised by some of the smart shops J of the north shore and Chicago, wvhich are also donating prizes.1 Monday, May 2, was an idéal clay ffor a M av breakfast and.the host- esses were .Mrs. F. KI Benzinig and Mrs., F. SI Kingore. Many oi the. niembers entertained guests. Mrs. Ralph M. vas hostess to a party i honor of Mrs. Johin Nagle of Milwaukee. Othe r guests f roff Chicago and thé north shore suburbs were Ms Leon C. Pelott, Mrs. Xilliani Latte., Mrs. Alleix Boc- ki s, Mrs. IElnîerBecker, NMrs. Mac WVest, Mrs. J. Fider, M1rs. George Laubenheimer. and Mrs. R. Agee. M\rs.,A. B. N ilson eùitertainied Mrsi J. C. Steven, Mrs. C. F. Riîhv, and Mfrs. E. F.. Walz. Mrs. C. B. Shane.,Mrs. E. Atnder-. soand -Mrs.. Stan Hllo imte Mrs. Paul Cutier and, Mrs. Henry Platt of Evanston. Mrs. S. Sallett ofl Kenilworth. and MNrs. R. 'W. Hlebig of Chicago. were the .guests oi'\Ir. Henry E. Cutier. Mrs. Paul Lundnîark of Ciao Mr.R., T. Judson and Mrs. Foster McGaw. of Evanston were entertain-, ed by- Mfrs. Robert H. Nasoni. .Mrs. Thomas P. Grey ot vîso etertained two of lier friends. Among the gtiests at the mùenîhlers; table were- Mrs.. Josephi J. Kutten. Mrs. Frank Kutten, Mrs. Allali P.' Houston, Mrs. Arnold R. Baar, Myrs. Val A. Smiith. Mrs. Edythe Ames, r Mrs. Henry G. Dalton, Mrs. \V. Riley Harvey and lier guest Mrs. N'augli Bryant, Mrs, F. K. Benzing and bierN three guests. and MIrs. Knighit Blati- cl chard. Mrs..Clarenice Burpee wvas bgse~ to; a gr o4p of friends. 'Mrs. Ra'v- IH mno»d W.. Clark, .\,rs. Carroll Shaffer F and ,-Mrs. Ralph Zimmertniait ere G bher guesk's. .Mrs; Marion B. Stahi. entertained Mrs.' J. B. Cleaver and' Mrs. David gý Wý. Sband of Evanston and «Mrs.. Ar- o thur Olsen of Glencoe. O t Mrs. Albert E. Libhey, Mr.s. Errett t M. Grable and Mrs. D. T. Howard were the guests of Mrs. Ralph 1-fel- > .11.ç Mr'M' k of 707Cesa azciine. is the ,aeul -% elected preçsi- dent of the Jîitor auxiliary of thte 1,1oman.çi' club of Wilînet te., The i .ibr s gi vi ng ifs animual partiy for- flic littie children of thte M4rrtha lliisliiiifltoii Homie for Crippled the service. Ati reception foliowed. The bride is the daugbter of Dr. and Mrs. Cha rIes Brentano Wagner of Chicago, the bridegroom the son of NIr. and Mrs. Guy Sanders Os- born of 330. Cumnor' road, Kenil- Worth. The wedding party included the bride's ýsister, Mrs. Eric Foote of New York. the matron, of honior; ercousin, Marguerite 'Bruere -of St. Charles,, Mo., maie.,o f. honor'; Mrs.. illianî Cunningham, Mrs. Herbert. Paschen. -and .Mrs.Jolî.î Smnalley, the. bridesniaids; thé .bride- groom's father, who- served. as, best man, the ushers, J.ý Donald Scott, Frederick Cross, Dean HocI, .ild Eri-, est C. Wunsch. Dr, and Mrs. Wagner gave -the bridaI dinner for their dauglîter on Saturday evening at the Tavern and, the Osborns gave a -difnnee for lier, and for, their son the week before1 the - marriage. Among those who have entertained in the bride's honori are Mrs. H. W. Mount, Mrs. Ho- bart Price, Mrs. R. Paschen, of Chi- cago, anid Mrs. Frederick Little ofý KeiilNorth. on.itnda a frnon -Sarah M'inor's Engagement Welfr é uxiiaryHasto Californian Announced W'elare uxilary\[sr. and Mrs. M. LeRov Mlinor, Silver Tea Next Monda y 929 Sheidan road, Wilmette, hn TheJunor uxiiar ofthe iat daughter, Sarah Lydia, to Henry Welfare society iii holding itsý last Lawrence Walleck, -son of 'Mr.. alid -egular meeting for this season,. 's Mrs. C. R. Walleck of Van NXuvs, giving a silver téa to Nvhich ienibers Cal., formerly of Chicago. ;aN- .ivite guests. Mfondav afternooni, Miss Minor is a. graduate of Mrs. .N1av 16, at 2 o'clock, at thie \Xom)iianls Dow's school, Briarcliff Matior, N. Y., 0lb. and -attended Northwestern' univer- Hostesses for the afiernioon are to sity, where she was a' membler of >e Mrs. Naomni HanîiItoni, Mrs. RalPh 'Delta Delta sorority. Mr. '.WýalIleck -Iorween, Mrs. R. R. Jen.ness,, Mrs. 'graduated from the,' Univ'ersity ote Frank La -Boitte, Mrs., F.- L. MC- Michigan la member of t.hé Sigma Mrs. H. ýT. 'Reilitîg. Mrs. Chi fraternitv, comÙpleting. his law, bluro RssandMrs LeterE. ee.couse at the University. of.Southern1 Throughout the sunimer, iniformai Califc>rnia. .atherings wilI be held at the homeés Mr. and Mrs. Minior andtheir fauti- )f members to continue sew,%ing for ily have been living for the past year Aie Infant Welfare society. inithe beautiful home of M.Nr. and Mrs. Hlarry E. Hughes iii Van Ntiys, party on May 28. With Roland Felt. man as chairman, assisted by the Senior dance committee in working out the plans, and "Bus" Carman as chairman of the decorating commit- tee, the evening gives 1 promise of be- ing one of unusual entertainment and pleasure. The French cabaret parties of the' past1 and the "Night ini Mont- martre" and the gay features present- ed on those occasions are rememi- bered witb, great .delight. sP that the comng, event will have this added, support.. The spacious lounge of theý club will be made to look like a real co- tinental casino -and an especially fine timhestaWl play for dancing aIl the A istWorth while cl imax to, the evening is promnised but is to bc a complete secret and mystery.'Word is. sent out however that the "climax" is most desirable and, shôuld be eager.- ]y soughit. On Saturclay,, May 21, the art com- mittee of tie tclub is presenting the Aninual Exhibit of Applied Arts by members and their friends. This is featured by a special, luncheon and offers a splendid opportunity to en- tertain guests who are interested ini these domestic arts. Manynew and iînspirîng desigius in quilts Will be seen> and new ideas in, aIl sorts, of handi- craft wiil bc shown. Members are asked to communicate with :the c lub office or with MIrs. Charles Dennis, chairman of the art committee. if they have articles for display. Smaller events have been on the calendar of the club during the past week except for the large luncheon for 150 guests sponsored by Mrs. J.. Frank Grimes of Evanston for memn- bersý of the Evanston.'Women's Ath- Ietic-club on Wednesday of~ this week. On Sa:turdày. night. of this week th e club boldsý a Senior. dance which always - insures ;large attendance.. rhese dinner dances are ýone of the c I1ub's mnost popular ,features. This week the dinner tables will be in th.e ballroom. Mrs* Albert W. Dilling of Kenil- worth, who bas been writing and lec- uring on Russia of today, wilI pres- ent a lecture ilIustrated with motion pictures for members of the Shawnee club Tuesday evening, May 17, at 8 o'cock. Mrs. joseph Joyce ofKeni!- %vorth is sponsoring this lecture, me gusts i r. and Mrs. Leslie at dinner. Mi"s--Elaî-ne V L. Cooke, and Mrs. Mary B. Von Miss isabelle Eustice and( Pflugk was the guest of '.\r. and ris were bis guests. Mis Mrs. *M. J. P. Barrett. Beryl Winters visited- the Monday, May 9, there was a Pro-. the first timie since last fall gressive bridge and luncheon. Mrs. spent theWinter nîonths in *and- Mrs. Hubert Carleton is opelning lar- ber home at 1103 Forest avenue xîext, lia Monday for a luncheon and bridge for for sixteen guests given as a benefit lias for the St. Augustine's Woman's nia. guild circle of wbicb sbe is a niemter. tlo cail Bertha chairman, at Saturday. to attend are asked erscb, pbilantlirophy imette 3050, before il