versitY, Mav 20 and 21. 1SundayM ,'will be reprodued Seidoni inits 31 vears of existence has this track and field .classic of flie Five Mallinckrodt girls had the indwest ever presented suich a brul- pleasure and unique priv~ilege to join liant arrav ot talent. Out Offitle 300 the students from various Catbolic athietes Nvho will compete in file 1meet highschools on a tour to Washington, art a. dozer N-110 arc concede.d' a under the supervision of E. Corcoran, chance to miake flie Oîi mpic team'at touri st supervisor'of the Baltimore-.& flie tryout% in. July.. Amnong those Qhio railroad. The party.left Wed- w,,hose past records rank thieni as nesday, May 4, and retu'rnéd Sunday, ol ynip z prospects arc: morning. . The tour was ,anà excep- Henrv Brocksmnith, Indiania. onie- tionally interesting one, and. besides mile rmn; Noble Biddiîîger, lindiana, it offered, great educational oppor- hamniiier tlrow; Bryce, Beecher. In -,tutities., diana. pole vault; Jack .Keller, Ohiio S tate. hurdles; Donald Bennet, Ohlio Mi' ayMcut vsthe r- State, sprints; John WVonsowitz, Ollilo ileged senior of The Mallinckrodt. State. pole, vauît; Edw'inl Russell, who wvas given the honor of winning Michigan. quarter mile; D)onald Ren- a scholarship -at Mundelein college. wick. Michigan, sp)rints: George Sal- Several of, the seniors1 presented ing, Iowa; hurdles Elmo Nelson, themnselves forthe customary, exam- lONva. javelin: - John Brooks. Chicago,. ination. Miss McNulty will avail broad jnupi): Clarence \,unii. Nlie- herself of this wonderful privilege. sota. shot put; Ted Shav. Wisconsin. and will enter Mundelein: as college hig juip.freshiman next 'October. The facultv Ili tfl>28 gaines lheM( at Ainster- and students. of.the Mallinckrodt con- (lani. oilh' t%ýo Big l'en un(lergradll- gratulate Miss McNulty, and wishi her. atces nia4e, flic Anierican track teani. 'success for hier future career. Nr1thwe ,er . . Droegeînuehler of thwsten.pole vaulter, andi GUIDE-LECTURE. TOURS Altogh Bair olw ea qurter mofr. Guide-lecture tours for the general Altoug terewcr anunberOtpublie at. Field. Museum- of Natliral1 .former Big Ten athletes on tile teani. itrex ekwl bgn<Mn thee to en wee te olvundr-day, May 16, With Lôoms and Tex. * gadutes t wi aplae.tiles" at 3. o'clock. On other davs 3't Frotn flic crop of -thirteen O lvmnpic. the samne ho urs' subjects will :be' Candlidates isted above, it is vurual usdyy"satcAnimal Uie"; a fregn~ onluson ha th Bi Wednesday, 'Plants' of Economici Ten will have 'a much larger rep1'e1-'el 10ntaion1tan i1ddfor ersag alue;" Thursday, a genral tour ot Th.s omne s t l t i ' o r hes atîiîeteiantbropological, botanical, geologicali in thie relay and dual ineets this } and zoological exhibits; and -Friday. spring ranks them ou a par with ol- 1"Pewter, jade and Gems." Thiese1 legiate performiers in otîier sections' tours, conducted by staff lecturers. of tlic countrv.. are open to aIl museum visitors. Par- __________ties assemble* inside the north eu- Mr. and Ms.Lster M. Branch andtrc. ther wochidrn.whohae eensty-CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SERVICES ilig with Mrs. Bahsf ami ly, Mr., Mr. Brn-' Morfals and Immfortals" will bc, and Mrs George E. Shipman of 432th suecatheerisii rt Warwck oad Keil~vrth siicegiv Church of Christ, Scientist, in \Vil- ing tnp their home in Evànston. left Ofl mette, Sunday morning, May 15, at Sulnda, f or their .permanent home* in i 'lck udySc c on-ene Omaha. at 9 ý45 o'clock. %-,qlp»é, r F "Wj&FVWU Smooth, Pro tected Insià Passage Through thse Heart of Things Primtitve Y ou Sail from Vancouver aboard a big ý"Princess" liner. Up:you go. one. thousand miles, due North along the protected: inside passage- where the night-time sun sets the mirror waters afire1 with, -l color, and then, lingers on in those midnight twilights that -hold you spellbound. 1You are one of a gay "adventure-minded" party and your sbip is a great playground. You dance to inspired music, choose from many d eck gaines,: organize informai parties, and the sPirit of Play is king. *You stop at Skagway. for 36 hours of, inland exploring-caIl at six ports for first-hand contact. It's ad eturing- that you wilI cberish forever! The regular 9-day cruise begins at $90- (including meals and berth). A special de luxe cruise, 12 days, 0 U beginning at $125. Premnium accommodations are greatly $QIriiU reduced, for this season. Ask for, fuji .Alaska information . from TIQS * J. WALL, Gea.ral Aeani 71 &. Jackson DvdStraus UIdg., Chicago Tekphone Wab aib , ,o4 From Vancouver (every 'WedrieWay, Satuktlay> Victoria, Seattle, to Skagway and return. CANADIAN',PAýCUFUC Reduced Pares West. All-Ex~pense CondUcted Tours GO(ING: Grand Canyoni California--or Yellcnwstone. Columibia Higbway"-odr Glacier, and MtRaier - and Alaska. RETURNING: Lake Louise, Banif. Also Speial Feature Tour -6%~ Glorious Days in the Canadian Rockies from Banff or Field, only $6&. ,EVANSTON On. DaVis Street Wilmette I 100 OAK HALl-SOLES FREE LECTURE To be given by FIRST CHURCJI 0F CHRIST, SCIENTIST 0F GLENCOE, ILLINOIS THE PUBaLIC Is CORDIALLY I1NVITED TO ATTEND WoTk Done WhiIe You Wait or DeIirnred Free to Y. iar Home! Wieboldti's Bosnnent-I~vowton