Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 12 May 1932, p. 32

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Outstanding music groups of Win- netka took part in a programn at Cormnunity House Sunday afternoon, Mav 1, as Winnetka's share in the National-Music Week Festival, wbicIl% pronîinent. organizations throughoutl the country celebrated. Leading tbe various local. groups were: Mrs., Marian Cotton, ini charge oi New Trier High school music; Lawrence Yingling, music director at Skokiescol George Howerton, director of the Winnetka, Conigrega- tional Church choir;, and Ivor Cole- man,.director of 'Christ Church choir. There 'was community singing of old' favorite songs and spirituals. Polk and.church music were f ound on the progzrani. TImé Program Chorale and Variations- Cruger-Bacli Cherubim Song..... .....,Techalkowsky llth Century. Motet ..... -Carissimi The Faculty Singers, Winnetka Public schools Adorernus Te ý.ý...... . Palestrinla Jesu Dulcis Menioria .-........Vittoria Cherry Ripe . . . ...... Roberton The Madrigal Club, Skokie achool- Pralse ye the Naine of the, ;Lord............ ..... '.......I v'anoif Go,,notfar from me. 0 God ......-1............ . Zingarelli Spanlsh Easter Carolý of the Lamba .. arranged. by Harveyt Gaul Choir of the WlinetIca Comgregaionalý church Five Part Songý for Wonien's Voice- araged by Richard Dnvn(e *lesley college) Oranges and Lenions. Dame Get Up Frog and the Crow There was a Lady Plow Boy in Luck Girls Glee club, New Trier lligh l ho Negro Spirituals Nobody Knows the Trouble 've Seent Somebody Knockihg, at Your -Door- I've, Been. Listenlng Go Down Mosnes Boys Octette. New Trieriligh s secol. Round about the Starry *Throne .-........ ......ýtiipsoii Ave Maria . Arcade But the Lord la Mtndful of ilis Own...........Eia ..HlleluIah Chorus esil Choir of.Chr-is-t Episcopal ehutroclu Mugir, criti,'s offer ffl-naall two ta] cSwigart, viol and Florence Mlrs. Reginald H. A. Green, 707 Li,,depn avenue, Wilipiette, u4i give a vzocal recital at the Georg ion ho tel, H ,ediiesdayaf ternooit, May 25. Mrs, Greenî is a national as wvell as an international singer, and lier inez- zo-soprano voice is outstanding for its fine, true qualities. She was for-, nmerly a miember of the choir of St. Luke's church, Evanstoii, and has appeared in many private recitals bth in America and abroad. Aside from hler recognition as a singer NIrs. Green is an artist of nOý si nall note. Her work bas been great- Iv nraised and admired by promninent painters. Miss Calarica Greig of Evanston wil be .Mnsr. 'Gneen's ' accompanist on 1fav 25, end actiingas hostess for the afteirnoti will be Mrs. E. Challinor. %vli will lue assisted by Miss Edith Green and Miss Janet Rawlev ail of, 1 arti5ts- 1of Wil- nus, mlezzo Those wh >o lad neyer beard Mr. Swigart nh.ust bave been agreeabl>' surprised by bis' very fine technique and mode of expressio'n., Mr. ,Sw- garet consciously endeavors to ôlbtain a superior tone quality and a prefect technique witboitlosing, at the sanie timne,. that depth of color and. feeling ini music that is so* necessary to its real beauty. He plays intelligently, and is. unusually iînindful of the littie daisof execution that indicate bis perseverance and thorough muisical training. .Hi sbowing. is, flexible .ai)d dlean cut,.and' poise and digiity.gr ace his stage presenice. Mr., Swigart i1s a student of Richard Czerwonky- of Chicago. His programi included the.dificuilt concerto in E m1inor by Nardini and the introduction anid "Ronido Capric- cioso" by Saint-Saens. He also played ,coemposition by bis teaclier, "Sioux FInte Serenade." Miss Gullans, whose mezizo sopranoi voice is flot strong but of wide range and beautiful quality, sang Germai and French songs.by Braàhms, Franz. Strauss, and Deb ussy. She coniplete-1 ly won lier audience with ber charniu and gracions manner as iVell as, by lier excellent voice. Mliss Hadassah McGiffin proved to be an able accompanist to the two artists. Ainong the patrons and patronesses for the recital were Mr. and Mrs. 1 Herbert L. Zipf of Winîietka, Mr. and Mn,. Hjarold R. Sherman of. Wi!- Anette, Mrs. Enios M. Bar-ton, former- ly of Winnetka, Mns. Dwighit C. Or- cutt of Glencoe, and M rs. A. B. Spach of Kenilwonth. TO BENEFIT MUSICIANS The Fricnds' of Music of Chicago will present. an Qpenatic, concert in « the l)allroom of the Hôtel Sherman S.aturdav.-% nighit. Mav 14, for thie ben- efit of struggling and teinporarily des- tituite musicians of the city.- Excenpt!s An anniounicemieiit that Hans Hess, cclebrated cellist, will hold special summer classes two days a week at lis studio in Highland Park will un- doubtedly 'be of great interest to the north shore music students particu- larly interestedj ithe cello. At a recent contest for'strings lield *by the Chicago Woman's Musical club, three Young cellists were, en- tlered in the finals, al; from the flans' Hess studios. The ultimate ivinner was Edgar Lustgarten, of w boini er- man Devries says ïn reviewing. Ed- gar's. recent recital: "Edgar Lustgar- ten* is, indeed a distinct 'flnd' in the musical1 life of Chicago" and Mr. De- vries- in endinig bis %entlîusiastic. re- vieww-"so must jean Gerardv have l)een at the-saine age." Under tbe auspic.es of tle Societi. .,O Atreric an Musicians, AnthmOn% Guererra, another Young cellist f ronm MVr. Hess' studio, appeared iiirecital at Kimba-hl hall,'May,3, bavî,ng. earied this distinguishedsponsorship by win- ning the contest conducted by the Society. Anthony Guererra' proved himself an accomplished Young artist. the critics being unanimous in their, l)raise. Karleton. Hackett,,noted cit- ic of.tbeý Chicago Evening Post say- inig-."Mr. G uererra played deliglit - fully, * grasp >o,'f ' music, i nterpretative force, tone of,,warmÈth and cdean tech- nic, eclntYoung artist." Festival A rtist (D. C.)kPost, and now writes for a na- tional radio periodical. He is just be- ginning bis career, and will learn what to expect in the future f rofi .Mr. Devries' relation. of, bis ow'n ex- .perienice. ,'jicnstra d 1411 iauruav n'gnr, .MJaV men" compan.y, sung with many of 14. Prizes of tbree grand pianos. one The choir of Christ churcb, Wi n- the, Ieading opera companies n the v lolin. and shlrhp wiil be netka, will hold its annual concert United States, and bas appeared i awarde<l to the six piano. four vocal Friday. evening. *May 20, in-the Par- numerous festival and choral con- and three violin students ini the con- ish house. An interesting evening of certs. Mr Molitore will be one of the test. TIhe jndges will be . Karletomu rmusic is fflanned, and the program soloists in the presentation of- the T-ackett, lames Francis Cooke. and will be followed byý dancing and oratorio,. "The Seasons". by Haydn, Felix Borowski. bridge. by the festival chorus of 600O singers. a~i

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